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THE TABLET N W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w DUM VOBIS GRATULAMUR ANIMOS ETIAM ADDIMUS UT IN INCCEPTIS V E S T R IS CONSTANTER MAN EAT IS From the Brief of Hit Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870. V o l . 160. No. 4,808. L o n d o n , J u l y 2, 1932. S i x p e n c e . Reqibtirrd at the General Post Office as a Nkftspafbb CONT Page Page New s and Notes ... Well Done, Dublin ! A Saint of the Eucharist 6 Tulerunt Lapides . .. 1 R e v ie w s ( Contd.) : 5 St. Philip’s Life and Times ......................... 16 6 “ Baby, Don’t 1 ” The Thirty-First Eucharistie Congress .............. Books Received .............. 16 7 New Books and Music ... 17 The Congress and Wireless ” .............. “ The 13 Correspondence: R e v ie w s : “ Sans Peur et Sans Reproche” Rome (Our Own Correspondent’s Weekly Letter from) ......................... 19 14 Catholic Education Notes ... 20 “ The Ahhot of England ” 14 St. Edmund’s College 21 16 ENTS E t Oæ t e r a ........................... Page 22 Or b is T errarum ( Oontd.) Page Congress Texts and Docu29 ments ......................... 23 Denmark 29 A Letter from Chile 26 France 29 Ob it u a r y ............................ 27 Germany 30 E p is c o p a l E ngagements 28 Madagascar 30 La Fête de Dorn Perignon 28 Spain 30 Or b i s Terrarum : England, Scotland, and Wales ......................... 28 West Africa Com in g E vents W i l l s ................ Ireland ......................... 29 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 32 Austria ......................... 29 Ch e s s ................ 32 30 32 32 NOTANDA An enlarged Tablet includes more than twenty columns o f reports, comments, texts and documents concerning the Dublin Congress (pp. 5, 7-13, 23-25). “ Well done, Dublin ! ” A tribute to a remarkable display o f business efficiency (p. 5). Saint Norbert. A paper respectfully dedicated, by an Irish Præmonstratensian, to an illustrious Bishop in the ranks o f the White Canons (p. 6). St. Edmund’s College. Monsignor Myers’ successor in the Presidency (p. 21). Messrs. Limbrick and Kensit again. A disgraceful omission at their Kingsway Hall “ demonstration ” (p. 6). The sterilization o f mental defectives. Notes on a recent report (p. 4). “ A New and Critical Phase ” in the Establishment. Lord H a lifa x on the Anglican Bishops (p. 3). Learning to walk. The Kindness o f Dr. G. G. Coulton (p. 16). St. Aelred o f Rievaulx. A new L ife o f England’s Abbot (p. 14). NEWS AND NOTES T ONDON, the city where we write these lines, ' lodges just now hundreds o f pilgrims who are making their way homeward from the Eucharistic Congress. So far, we have not heard a single suggestion that the Congress was marred by the slightest disunity on the religious side. All the first-hand witnesses confirm our reiterated statement that the few jarring notes all came from politicians. It would be ungenerous on our part if we did not record what some o f the pilgrims have said to us about Mr. de Valera. They believe that the President o f the Free State Executive, like many other politicians in this afflicted world, is dominated by influences behind the scenes, and it is their opinion that he honestly tried to protect the Congress by not giving the extremists any excuse for outbursts which would have been painful, despite their small scale. Unhappily the information before us does not justify so charitable a view ; but we are putting it into black-andwhite as the opinion o f intelligent men and women who spent the whole o f last week in Dublin. Listeners-in last Monday evening heard a B.B.C. announcer say that Dublin’s guests spent about £5,000,000 in the City during their short visit. We are at a loss to know how such figures are arrived at. Unfortunately they have bolstered up certain unhandsome interpretations o f the Congress as a mere holiday jaunt in the name of religion. Therefore it will not be out o f place for us to mention a fact upon which all the returning pilgrims are agreed. There was happiness and even gaiety in Ireland’s capital during the Congress, because Catholics, unlike certain other folk, do not take their religion sadly. It is, however, completely false to suggest that the proceedings were a jo y ride. On the contrary, hundreds o f thousands o f the participants endured hardships for the good of their own souls in particular and fo r the success o f the Congress in general such as they do not bear in their ordinary work and pleasure. Men and women who hate discomfort knelt upon hard floors or even upon bare stones. Accustomed to regular and plentiful meals, they cheerfully accepted the prolonged fasts before the great Holy Communion in the small hours of the morning, after Midnight Mass. Although they have the modem habit o f going on wheels for even short distances, half a million o f them walked the miles to Phoenix Park and back again. People who are usually discontented without comfortable chairs stood for hours at Masses and Benedictions. When the vast processions reached the heart o f Dublin last Sunday afternoon, thousands o f the processionists, including N ew Series. Vol. CXXVIII. No. 4,207.


N W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of Hit Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 160. No. 4,808.

L o n d o n , J u l y 2, 1932.

S i x p e n c e .

Reqibtirrd at the General Post Office as a Nkftspafbb




New s and Notes ...

Well Done, Dublin !

A Saint of the Eucharist 6

Tulerunt Lapides . ..

1 R e v ie w s ( Contd.) :

5 St. Philip’s Life and

Times ......................... 16

6 “ Baby, Don’t 1 ”

The Thirty-First Eucharistie

Congress ..............

Books Received .............. 16

7 New Books and Music ... 17

The Congress and Wireless ” .............. “ The 13 Correspondence:

R e v ie w s :

“ Sans Peur et Sans


Rome (Our Own Correspondent’s Weekly Letter from) ......................... 19

14 Catholic Education Notes ... 20

“ The Ahhot of England ” 14 St. Edmund’s College 21



E t Oæ t e r a ........................... Page 22 Or b is T errarum ( Oontd.) Page Congress Texts and Docu29 ments ......................... 23 Denmark 29 A Letter from Chile 26 France 29 Ob it u a r y ............................ 27 Germany 30 E p is c o p a l E ngagements 28 Madagascar 30 La Fête de Dorn Perignon 28 Spain 30 Or b i s Terrarum :

England, Scotland, and Wales ......................... 28

West Africa Com in g E vents W i l l s ................

Ireland ......................... 29 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 32 Austria ......................... 29 Ch e s s ................ 32

30 32 32

NOTANDA An enlarged Tablet includes more than twenty columns o f reports, comments, texts and documents concerning the Dublin Congress (pp. 5, 7-13, 23-25).

“ Well done, Dublin ! ” A tribute to a remarkable display o f business efficiency (p. 5).

Saint Norbert. A paper respectfully dedicated, by an Irish Præmonstratensian, to an illustrious Bishop in the ranks o f the White Canons (p. 6).

St. Edmund’s College. Monsignor Myers’ successor in the Presidency (p. 21).

Messrs. Limbrick and Kensit again. A disgraceful omission at their Kingsway Hall “ demonstration ” (p. 6).

The sterilization o f mental defectives. Notes on a recent report (p. 4).

“ A New and Critical Phase ” in the Establishment. Lord H a lifa x on the Anglican Bishops (p. 3).

Learning to walk. The Kindness o f Dr. G. G. Coulton (p. 16).

St. Aelred o f Rievaulx. A new L ife o f England’s Abbot (p. 14).

NEWS AND NOTES T ONDON, the city where we write these lines,

' lodges just now hundreds o f pilgrims who are making their way homeward from the Eucharistic Congress. So far, we have not heard a single suggestion that the Congress was marred by the slightest disunity on the religious side. All the first-hand witnesses confirm our reiterated statement that the few jarring notes all came from politicians. It would be ungenerous on our part if we did not record what some o f the pilgrims have said to us about Mr. de Valera. They believe that the President o f the Free State Executive,

like many other politicians in this afflicted world, is dominated by influences behind the scenes, and it is their opinion that he honestly tried to protect the Congress by not giving the extremists any excuse for outbursts which would have been painful, despite their small scale. Unhappily the information before us does not justify so charitable a view ; but we are putting it into black-andwhite as the opinion o f intelligent men and women who spent the whole o f last week in Dublin.

Listeners-in last Monday evening heard a B.B.C. announcer say that Dublin’s guests spent about £5,000,000 in the City during their short visit. We are at a loss to know how such figures are arrived at. Unfortunately they have bolstered up certain unhandsome interpretations o f the Congress as a mere holiday jaunt in the name of religion. Therefore it will not be out o f place for us to mention a fact upon which all the returning pilgrims are agreed. There was happiness and even gaiety in Ireland’s capital during the Congress, because Catholics, unlike certain other folk, do not take their religion sadly. It is, however, completely false to suggest that the proceedings were a jo y ride. On the contrary, hundreds o f thousands o f the participants endured hardships for the good of their own souls in particular and fo r the success o f the Congress in general such as they do not bear in their ordinary work and pleasure. Men and women who hate discomfort knelt upon hard floors or even upon bare stones. Accustomed to regular and plentiful meals, they cheerfully accepted the prolonged fasts before the great Holy Communion in the small hours of the morning, after Midnight Mass. Although they have the modem habit o f going on wheels for even short distances, half a million o f them walked the miles to Phoenix Park and back again. People who are usually discontented without comfortable chairs stood for hours at Masses and Benedictions. When the vast processions reached the heart o f Dublin last Sunday afternoon, thousands o f the processionists, including

N ew Series. Vol. CXXVIII. No. 4,207.

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