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December 23, 1933. THE TABLET s i W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w DUM VOBIS GRATULAMUR ANIMOS ETI AM ADDIMUS UT IN IN CŒ PT IS V E S T R IS CONSTANTER MANEATIS From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870. V o l . 1 6 2 . No. 4885. L o n d o n , D e c e m b e r 23, 1933. S i x p e n c e . Keqistersd at the General Post Office as a Newspaper. Page New s and No t e s ...................8 33 “ Home, Shut H om e” . . . 837 The Three Songs : A Christmas Message from Bald­ win Del lie, Solitary . . . 838 A Soviet Anti-Religious Text-Book ............................ 840 Two Christmas Poems . . . 841 R e v ie w s : Saint Bernadette................. 842 Philo-Philosophy................. 842 A Book for Wayfarers . . . 843 A Twelve-Year-Old Horse Mistress ............................ 844 Books Received .................844 New Books and Music . . . 845 CONTENTS “ Move On There, Please ” 846 From The Tablet of Ninety Page Years A g o ............................ 847 Ch e s s ...........................................8 47 Correspondence: Rome (Our Own Corre­ spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................849 Coming Events ................. 850 Ob it u ary ...............................8 50 E t Ce t e r a ...............................851 A dvent P a s t o r a l s : Shrewsbury ................. 852 Nottingham 852 Leeds ............................ 853 Northampton ................. 853 The Cardinal’s Golden Page Jubilee ............................ 854 “ The Grail ” 854 C.C.I.R. The Annual Meeting ............................ 854 Catholic Education Notes 855 The Downside Dinner . . . 855 L etters to the Ed it o r : Cardinal Newman and Scripture 856 “ A Church in Rom e” . . . 856 Or b is T errarum : England ............................ 856 Scotland ............................ 856 Orbis Terrarum Ireland Australia Brazil Canada China France Germany Honduras . . . Hungary Norway Salvador South Africa U.S.A. W i l l s ............... Page (Contd.) : . . . 857 . . . 858 . . . 858 . . . 858 . . . 858 . . . 858 . . . 860 . . . 860 . . . 860 . . . 860 . . . 860 . . . 860 . . . 860 . . . 860 Social and Personal . . . 860 NOTANDA A Christmas Number in Christmas week. The Tablet persists in an unconventional policy. A Christmas article, some Christmas verse, a Christmas fantasy and a Christmas satire (pp. 837, 838, 841, 846). Spain's new Ministry. Catholics and the Republic’s near future (p. 835). More Advent Pastorals. The Bishop o f Shrewsbury on the Christmas Feast; the Bishop o f Leeds on the H o ly Y ear; and diocesan interests in the pastorals from Nottingham and Northampton (pp. 852-3). Cardinal Bourne’s Golden Jubilee. Honours for some associates o f His Eminence (p. 854). “ Heil, Gomez.” Greetings to Venezuela’s Catholic President and Strong Man (p. 835). The “ Loch Ness Monster.” A remonstrance against a Barnum-spirited proposal (p. 836). “ The Grail.” A false report concerning a remarkable movement (p. 854). NEWS AND NOTES O T forgetting those workless millions for whom we have long pleaded and fo r whom we shall often plead again, The Tablet wishes all its readers and all other men, women, and children a hallowed and happy Christmas. In our own country, despite those dismal prophets o f two years ago who foretold very dear fo od and many desperate bread-riots, the price o f staple commodities remains low and the standard o f living, except among the old land-owning nobility and squirearchy, is higher than it was before the War. For saying this we shall be pounced upon and trounced by censors who grow wrathful whenever they are bidden to look cheerfully at the patches o f blue in N ew S er ie s . Vol. CXXX. No. 4284. the sky instead o f gazing woefully at the clouds. There is, however, no callousness towards the poor and wretched when we rejoice in the knowledge that abject poverty and utter wretchedness are the sad lot o f only a few. Except where family discord or fecklessness or improvidence or envy or some other demon o f mischief spoils the feast, most o f the families in these Isles are so circumstanced that they can have a happy Christmas i f they try. The thought o f so many well-supplied tables and merry parties, instead o f deadening us to the privations o f the minority, ought to spur us on to renewed and extended efforts until the minority also is brought into the warm zone o f happiness. Some cuts adorn this Yule-tide Tablet. As his familiar monogram is in the top left-hand corner, there is no need to explain that the H o ly Family with SS. Joachim and Anne is by Albert Dürer. The naïve composition with the cattle on the right and with a walled city in the background was made by the Master “ E. S.,” who worked about sixty years before the Protestant Reformation. “ E. S.” cut also the small round “ Madonna and Child amid Flowers.” For anybody to be fighting at Christmas-tide is so dismaying to Christian men that the news o f a Bolivian-Paraguayan truce is good news indeed. T o say, as the British Broadcasting Company’s announcer said last Tuesday night, that the Gran Chaco W ar may be considered as at an end is premature, because other truces between these two belligerents have more than once been follow ed by renewed hostilities. Equally incorrect was the B.B.C. statement that the truce is the work o f the Pan-American Congress, now sitting at Montevideo, the capital o f Uruguay. There is a kind o f Armistice, mainly because Paraguay, the weaker nation in men and money, has lately gained a big victory over Bolivia in the field. Moreover, although The Tablet is not entitled to make a precise statement

December 23, 1933.

THE TABLET s i W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 1 6 2 . No. 4885. L o n d o n , D e c e m b e r 23, 1933.

S i x p e n c e .

Keqistersd at the General Post Office as a Newspaper.


New s and No t e s ...................8 33 “ Home, Shut H om e” . . . 837 The Three Songs : A Christmas Message from Bald­

win Del lie, Solitary . . . 838 A Soviet Anti-Religious

Text-Book ............................ 840 Two Christmas Poems . . . 841 R e v ie w s :

Saint Bernadette................. 842 Philo-Philosophy................. 842 A Book for Wayfarers . . . 843 A Twelve-Year-Old Horse

Mistress ............................ 844 Books Received .................844 New Books and Music . . . 845


“ Move On There, Please ” 846 From The Tablet of Ninety


Years A g o ............................ 847 Ch e s s ...........................................8 47 Correspondence:

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................849 Coming Events ................. 850 Ob it u ary ...............................8 50 E t Ce t e r a ...............................851 A dvent P a s t o r a l s :

Shrewsbury ................. 852 Nottingham 852 Leeds ............................ 853 Northampton ................. 853

The Cardinal’s Golden


Jubilee ............................ 854 “ The Grail ” 854 C.C.I.R. The Annual Meeting ............................ 854 Catholic Education Notes 855 The Downside Dinner . . . 855 L etters to the Ed it o r :

Cardinal Newman and

Scripture 856 “ A Church in Rom e” . . . 856 Or b is T errarum :

England ............................ 856 Scotland ............................ 856

Orbis Terrarum








Honduras . . .




South Africa


W i l l s ...............

Page (Contd.) :

. . . 857

. . . 858

. . . 858

. . . 858

. . . 858

. . . 858

. . . 860

. . . 860

. . . 860

. . . 860

. . . 860

. . . 860

. . . 860

. . . 860

Social and Personal . . . 860

NOTANDA A Christmas Number in Christmas week. The Tablet persists in an unconventional policy. A Christmas article, some Christmas verse, a Christmas fantasy and a Christmas satire (pp. 837, 838, 841, 846).

Spain's new Ministry. Catholics and the Republic’s near future (p. 835).

More Advent Pastorals. The Bishop o f Shrewsbury on the Christmas Feast; the Bishop o f Leeds on the H o ly Y ear; and diocesan interests in the pastorals from Nottingham and Northampton (pp. 852-3).

Cardinal Bourne’s Golden Jubilee. Honours for some associates o f His Eminence (p. 854).

“ Heil, Gomez.” Greetings to Venezuela’s Catholic President and Strong Man (p. 835).

The “ Loch Ness Monster.” A remonstrance against a Barnum-spirited proposal (p. 836).

“ The Grail.” A false report concerning a remarkable movement (p. 854).


O T forgetting those workless millions for whom we have long pleaded and fo r whom we shall often plead again, The Tablet wishes all its readers and all other men, women, and children a hallowed and happy Christmas. In our own country, despite those dismal prophets o f two years ago who foretold very dear fo od and many desperate bread-riots, the price o f staple commodities remains low and the standard o f living, except among the old land-owning nobility and squirearchy, is higher than it was before the War. For saying this we shall be pounced upon and trounced by censors who grow wrathful whenever they are bidden to look cheerfully at the patches o f blue in N ew S er ie s . Vol. CXXX. No. 4284.

the sky instead o f gazing woefully at the clouds. There is, however, no callousness towards the poor and wretched when we rejoice in the knowledge that abject poverty and utter wretchedness are the sad lot o f only a few. Except where family discord or fecklessness or improvidence or envy or some other demon o f mischief spoils the feast, most o f the families in these Isles are so circumstanced that they can have a happy Christmas i f they try. The thought o f so many well-supplied tables and merry parties, instead o f deadening us to the privations o f the minority, ought to spur us on to renewed and extended efforts until the minority also is brought into the warm zone o f happiness.

Some cuts adorn this Yule-tide Tablet. As his familiar monogram is in the top left-hand corner, there is no need to explain that the H o ly Family with SS. Joachim and Anne is by Albert Dürer. The naïve composition with the cattle on the right and with a walled city in the background was made by the Master “ E. S.,” who worked about sixty years before the Protestant Reformation. “ E. S.” cut also the small round “ Madonna and Child amid Flowers.”

For anybody to be fighting at Christmas-tide is so dismaying to Christian men that the news o f a Bolivian-Paraguayan truce is good news indeed. T o say, as the British Broadcasting Company’s announcer said last Tuesday night, that the Gran Chaco W ar may be considered as at an end is premature, because other truces between these two belligerents have more than once been follow ed by renewed hostilities. Equally incorrect was the B.B.C. statement that the truce is the work o f the Pan-American Congress, now sitting at Montevideo, the capital o f Uruguay. There is a kind o f Armistice, mainly because Paraguay, the weaker nation in men and money, has lately gained a big victory over Bolivia in the field. Moreover, although The Tablet is not entitled to make a precise statement

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