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June 30,1984 THE TABLET A W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w DUM VOBIS GRATULAMUR ANIMOS ETI AM ADDIMUS UT IN INCCEPTIS VESTRIS CONSTANTER MANEATIS From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870. V ol. 163. No. 4912. L ondon, J une 30, 1934. S i x p e n c e . R eg is tered at the Generad P ost Off ic e as a N ew spaper Pape New s and No t e s ...................8 09 A Ring and a Chalice . .. 813 Nordic Honour ................. 813 “ Roman Catholic False­ hood ” Moscow’s Atheist Theatre Comes to L o n d o n ................. 815 From The Tablet of Ninety 814 Years A g o ............................ 815 R eview ’ s : More Fashions in Shirt­ ings ............................ 816 The Sea-Dogs of Old P o r t u g a l ............................ 816 CONT R e v i e w s ( Oontd.). Page The Lateran Decrees in Thirteenth-Century England ............................ 817 Ober-Ammer gau, 1634 1934 818 New Books and Music . . . 818 Precursors of Catholic Action ............................ 819 A “ Crossing-Over ” in Maiden Lane ................. 819 Catholic Education Notes . . . 820 L etters to th e E d i t o r : “ A Great Lone Land ” 821 Blackshirt Morality . . . 821 ENTS L etters (Oontd.) Religious Liberty in Ger­ many ............................ 822 “ The Bible for Every D a y ” ............................ 822 Altars “ Versus Populum ” Our Ladye of Walsingham 823 Correspondence : Rome (Our Own Corre­ Page 823 spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 825 Rescue Work in the South 826 The Bethlehem Weaving School ............................ 826 Design for a Church Tower 827 Page E t Ca s t e r a .............................. 828 Books Received ................. 829 Coming Events ................. 830 Or b is T errarum : England ........................ 830 Scotland ........................ 831 Wales ........................ 832 Ireland ........................ 832 China ........................ 833 France ........................ 834 Germany ........................ 834 Poland ........................ 834 Spain ........................ 834 W i l l s .......................... 836 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 836 Ch e s s ....................................... 836 NOTANDA Cardinal Bourne’s resumed activity, public as well as private (pp. 809, 819). “ A Ring and a Chalice.” The Editor o f The Tablet briefly acknowledges a communication from the Dean o f Y ork (p. 813). Catholic Ireland’s great days at Belfast. H ow Beechmount produced, last Sunday, scenes reminiscent o f the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin. The Pope’s letter to Cardinal MacRory (pp. 832-3). German finance after the Exodus o f her Jews. Some remarks on Nordic honour (p. 813). Dr. Barnes on one-sided Disarmament. The strange logic o f his Lordship (p. 810). Mr. Prescott Upton once more. A practical offer and a simple challenge (p. 814). More about North Australia. The possibilities o f the Barkly Tableland (p. 811). Atheism on the London stage. An anti-God play fo r Sunday evenings! The Lord Chamberlain intervenes (p. 815). A Canadian fourth centenary. What Jacques Cartier saw on St. John’s Day (p. 828). Canon John Gray. An obituary tribute by the Dominican Provincial (p. 831). NEWS AND NOTES ' I 'H E fatigues o f his Golden Jubilee celebrations ■4 have been so well sustained b y the Cardinal Archbishop o f Westminster that His Eminence not only transacts multiform business in private but is making appearances in public. He looked remarkably well at a gathering where we had the privilege o f hearing his voice a few days ago. To-morrow (Sunday) afternoon the Cardinal will witness, at the Cambridge Theatre, “ Ecce Sacerdos,” a spectacle arranged by “ The Grail ” in honour o f his sacerdotal jubilee. N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXI. No. 4311. Here is a summary, more full than any yet published in the English Press, of the touching Pastoral Letter written b y Mgr. Rieder, Prince Archbishop of Salzburg, in Austria. It is dated from a sick bed ; indeed, the venerable prelate says that he is waiting at the very gates of Eternity while he recalls the German-speaking peoples to brotherhood and peace. He reminds his readers that he is “ a German Bishop bearing the title of Primate of Germany ” ; and he adds that his heart bleeds at the sight of civil war and hatred between different sections o f the German race. The glories of German culture are paling in the eyes of other peoples while this hatred lasts. The Prince-Bishop is most deeply grieved at the efforts which some Germans are making to detach Austrians from the Catholic Church for political reasons. He calls it a crime to attempt this at the very moment when the New Austria is being rebuilt upon a definitely Catholic basis ; and he sternly rebukes those German-speaking terrorists who try to justify their bomb-outrages and other acts o f violence by saying that they are trying to free Austria from “ an illegal Government.” It wounds him to know that the men and women who used to come from far-off countries as visitors to Austria in general and Salzburg in particular now stay away from scenes o f outrage which dishonour the German name. W ith his last breath, he demands that the fratricidal conflict shall cease. Whether any competent historian in the Englishspeaking countries will think it worth his while to write a detailed history of the strife in or concerning the Gran Chaco we do not know. The task, if he should set about it, would be intricate. Not even the most experienced publicist is able to hold the thread o f this affair firmly in his hand as he tries to find his way through the labyrinth. Only a few weeks ago the dispute seemed to have gone back to Geneva for settlem ent; and most of us hoped that at the very least there would be a long truce, during which passions might subside and neighbourly

June 30,1984


A W e ek ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w


From the Brief o f His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V ol. 163. No. 4912.

L ondon, J une 30, 1934.

S i x p e n c e .

R eg is tered at the Generad P ost Off ic e as a N ew spaper


New s and No t e s ...................8 09 A Ring and a Chalice . .. 813 Nordic Honour ................. 813 “ Roman Catholic False­

hood ”

Moscow’s Atheist Theatre

Comes to L o n d o n ................. 815 From The Tablet of Ninety


Years A g o ............................ 815 R eview ’ s : More Fashions in Shirt­

ings ............................ 816 The Sea-Dogs of Old

P o r t u g a l ............................ 816


R e v i e w s ( Oontd.).


The Lateran Decrees in

Thirteenth-Century England ............................ 817 Ober-Ammer gau, 1634

1934 818 New Books and Music . . . 818 Precursors of Catholic

Action ............................ 819 A “ Crossing-Over ” in

Maiden Lane ................. 819 Catholic Education Notes . . . 820 L etters to th e E d i t o r :

“ A Great Lone Land ” 821 Blackshirt Morality . . . 821


L etters (Oontd.)

Religious Liberty in Ger­

many ............................ 822 “ The Bible for Every

D a y ” ............................ 822 Altars “ Versus Populum ”

Our Ladye of Walsingham 823 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­



spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 825 Rescue Work in the South 826 The Bethlehem Weaving

School ............................ 826 Design for a Church Tower 827


E t Ca s t e r a .............................. 828 Books Received ................. 829 Coming Events ................. 830 Or b is T errarum :

England ........................ 830 Scotland ........................ 831 Wales ........................ 832 Ireland ........................ 832 China ........................ 833 France ........................ 834 Germany ........................ 834 Poland ........................ 834 Spain ........................ 834 W i l l s .......................... 836 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 836 Ch e s s ....................................... 836

NOTANDA Cardinal Bourne’s resumed activity, public as well as private (pp. 809, 819).

“ A Ring and a Chalice.” The Editor o f The Tablet briefly acknowledges a communication from the Dean o f Y ork (p. 813).

Catholic Ireland’s great days at Belfast. H ow Beechmount produced, last Sunday, scenes reminiscent o f the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin. The Pope’s letter to Cardinal MacRory (pp. 832-3).

German finance after the Exodus o f her Jews. Some remarks on Nordic honour (p. 813).

Dr. Barnes on one-sided Disarmament. The strange logic o f his Lordship (p. 810).

Mr. Prescott Upton once more. A practical offer and a simple challenge (p. 814).

More about North Australia. The possibilities o f the Barkly Tableland (p. 811).

Atheism on the London stage. An anti-God play fo r Sunday evenings! The Lord Chamberlain intervenes (p. 815).

A Canadian fourth centenary. What Jacques Cartier saw on St. John’s Day (p. 828).

Canon John Gray. An obituary tribute by the Dominican Provincial (p. 831).

NEWS AND NOTES ' I 'H E fatigues o f his Golden Jubilee celebrations

■4 have been so well sustained b y the Cardinal Archbishop o f Westminster that His Eminence not only transacts multiform business in private but is making appearances in public. He looked remarkably well at a gathering where we had the privilege o f hearing his voice a few days ago. To-morrow (Sunday) afternoon the Cardinal will witness, at the Cambridge Theatre, “ Ecce Sacerdos,” a spectacle arranged by “ The Grail ” in honour o f his sacerdotal jubilee.

N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXXI. No. 4311.

Here is a summary, more full than any yet published in the English Press, of the touching Pastoral Letter written b y Mgr. Rieder, Prince Archbishop of Salzburg, in Austria. It is dated from a sick bed ; indeed, the venerable prelate says that he is waiting at the very gates of Eternity while he recalls the German-speaking peoples to brotherhood and peace. He reminds his readers that he is “ a German Bishop bearing the title of Primate of Germany ” ; and he adds that his heart bleeds at the sight of civil war and hatred between different sections o f the German race. The glories of German culture are paling in the eyes of other peoples while this hatred lasts. The Prince-Bishop is most deeply grieved at the efforts which some Germans are making to detach Austrians from the Catholic Church for political reasons. He calls it a crime to attempt this at the very moment when the New Austria is being rebuilt upon a definitely Catholic basis ; and he sternly rebukes those German-speaking terrorists who try to justify their bomb-outrages and other acts o f violence by saying that they are trying to free Austria from “ an illegal Government.” It wounds him to know that the men and women who used to come from far-off countries as visitors to Austria in general and Salzburg in particular now stay away from scenes o f outrage which dishonour the German name. W ith his last breath, he demands that the fratricidal conflict shall cease.

Whether any competent historian in the Englishspeaking countries will think it worth his while to write a detailed history of the strife in or concerning the Gran Chaco we do not know. The task, if he should set about it, would be intricate. Not even the most experienced publicist is able to hold the thread o f this affair firmly in his hand as he tries to find his way through the labyrinth. Only a few weeks ago the dispute seemed to have gone back to Geneva for settlem ent; and most of us hoped that at the very least there would be a long truce, during which passions might subside and neighbourly

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