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The Philosophers’ Magazine 98 Mulgrave Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 6LZ United Kingdom Tel: 020 8643 1504 Fax: 0709 237 6412 Editors Julian Baggini (print edition) Jeremy Stangroom (new media) News Editor Natasha Gilbert Reviews Editor Jonathan Derbyshire Contributing Editors Susan Dwyer, Simon Eassom, Peter Fosl, Michael LaBossiere, Jeff Mason, Christian Perring Subscriptions UK: 01442 879097 North America: 1 800 444 2419 See page 10 for full details Contributors Alison Ainley, Kirsteen Anderson, Paola Cavalieri, Joseph Chandler, Steve Deery, Simon Eassom, Natasha Gilbert, Wendy Grossman, Mitch Hodge, Andrew Hussey, Mathew Iredale, Keith Jenkins, Sue Johnson, Joachim Jung, Michael LaBossiere, Tim LeBon, Lois McNay, Jeff Mason, Christopher Norris, Rick O’Neill, Scott O’Reilly, Lewis Owens, Jaroslav Peregrin, Alex Voorhoeve, Jonathan Webber. Illustrations Felix Bennett (cover), Shaun Williams Philosophers’ The Magazine issue twenty • autumn 2002 contents ws and Features 6 NEWS HOUND Murdoch memorial, Derrida movie, Queens's crises and more 9 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media Essays 19 RETHINKING ANIMALS Paola Cavalieri Does the logic of human rights require us to extend their protection to animals? 11 2002 SURVEY Julian Baggini How to tell philosophiles from philosophobes 14 BOOK BATTLES Natasha Gilbert The ongoing war between one author and a publishing giant Graphics Jerry Bird, Pipo di Bressana With Thanks to Susannah Gill, Lori Fells, Kathryn Knisley, The Rainnies, Pam Swope Distribution by (UK) Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020 8986 4854 (North America) Ingram Periodicals Inc., 1240 Heil Quaker Blvd., La Vergne, TN 37086-7000 Tel: (615) 793 5522 (North America) Ubiquity Distributors Inc., 607 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: (718) 875 5491 Printed by Warwick Printing, Theatre Street, Warwick Contributors Notes Contact the editor for further information or to submit ideas. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts. 16 BRIGHT YOUNG THINGS Joseph Chandler Bringing philosophy to gifted and talented youth © 2002, The Philosophers’ Magazine All views expressed in ThePhilosophers’ Magazinerepresent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers. Youngandgifted,p16 ISSN 1354-814X ThePhilosophers'Magazine/autumn 2002 Mary Warnock, p25 21 POSTHUMOUS HARM Rick O'Neill How can the dead be harmed if they no longer exist? 23 STRUCTURALISM Jaroslav peregrin Making the connection between Quine and Saussure Discussion 25 INTERVIEW: MARY WARNOCK Julian Baggini Is talk of reproductive rights nonsense on stilts? 29
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contents /5 OPEN DABATE: SLAVERY AND SELF DEFENCE Joachim jung Jung replies to readers' objections to his article Primers Short articles on the basics 52 SNAPSHOTS NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS Lewis Owens BERNARD MANDEVILLE Alex Voorhoeve 54 EXPLAINING ETHICS Simon Eassom Part eight of the series introducing moral philosophy looks at emotion The Philosophers' Review 56 NEW BOOKS Animalwrongs,p19 A HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY IN AMERICA by Bruce Kuklick Michael LaBossiere WARRIOR POLITICS by Robert Kaplan Scott O'Reilly COVER STORY: FORUM AFTER POSTMODERNISM Full details on page 34 POSTMODERNISM R.I.P TPM comment INTRODUCTION Jonathan Webber IDENTITY AND POWER Lois McNay DEFENDING DERRIDA Christopher Norris SPECTACULAR VIOLENCE Andrew Hussey THE END OF HISTORY Keith Jenkins THE CREATIVE WILL Kirsteen Anderson WISE THERAPY By Tim LeBon Jeff Mason HAPPINESS, DEATH AND THE REMAINDER OF LIFE by Jonathan Lear Simon Eassom PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE various authors Matthew Iredale Regulars 18 SCI-PHI Matthew Iredale Bringing the logic back to physics 61 BIBLIOPHILE Books reconciling science and ethics 62 BERTRANDS BREAK Pondweed, Stamp, quizes, plus the crossword 64 LETTERS Corrections, comments, praise and protestations 66 THE SKEPTIC Wendy Grossman I hate Big Brother - is there something wrong with me? 28 PHILOSOPHY@THE INTERNET Mitch Hodge Resources for writing better DON’T FORGET... 33 OUT & ABOUT Tim LeBon Philosophy for prisoners 51 THE DIRECTORY The essential listings 10 SUBSCRIBE 32 TPM SHOP ThePhilosophers'Magazine/autumn 2002

The Philosophers’


98 Mulgrave Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 6LZ

United Kingdom Tel: 020 8643 1504 Fax: 0709 237 6412

Editors Julian Baggini (print edition) Jeremy Stangroom (new media)

News Editor Natasha Gilbert Reviews Editor Jonathan Derbyshire

Contributing Editors Susan Dwyer, Simon Eassom, Peter Fosl, Michael LaBossiere, Jeff Mason, Christian Perring

Subscriptions UK: 01442 879097 North America: 1 800 444 2419

See page 10 for full details

Contributors Alison Ainley, Kirsteen Anderson, Paola Cavalieri, Joseph Chandler, Steve Deery, Simon Eassom, Natasha Gilbert, Wendy Grossman, Mitch Hodge, Andrew Hussey, Mathew Iredale, Keith Jenkins, Sue Johnson, Joachim Jung, Michael LaBossiere, Tim LeBon, Lois McNay, Jeff Mason, Christopher Norris, Rick O’Neill, Scott O’Reilly, Lewis Owens, Jaroslav Peregrin, Alex Voorhoeve, Jonathan Webber.

Illustrations Felix Bennett (cover), Shaun Williams

Philosophers’ The

Magazine issue twenty • autumn 2002

contents ws and Features 6 NEWS HOUND Murdoch memorial, Derrida movie, Queens's crises and more

9 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media

Essays 19 RETHINKING ANIMALS Paola Cavalieri Does the logic of human rights require us to extend their protection to animals?

11 2002 SURVEY Julian Baggini How to tell philosophiles from philosophobes

14 BOOK BATTLES Natasha Gilbert The ongoing war between one author and a publishing giant

Graphics Jerry Bird, Pipo di Bressana

With Thanks to Susannah Gill, Lori Fells, Kathryn Knisley, The Rainnies, Pam Swope

Distribution by (UK) Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020 8986 4854 (North America) Ingram Periodicals Inc., 1240 Heil Quaker Blvd., La Vergne, TN 37086-7000 Tel: (615) 793 5522 (North America) Ubiquity Distributors Inc., 607 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: (718) 875 5491

Printed by Warwick Printing, Theatre Street, Warwick

Contributors Notes Contact the editor for further information or to submit ideas. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts.

16 BRIGHT YOUNG THINGS Joseph Chandler Bringing philosophy to gifted and talented youth

© 2002, The Philosophers’ Magazine

All views expressed in ThePhilosophers’ Magazinerepresent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers.


ISSN 1354-814X

ThePhilosophers'Magazine/autumn 2002

Mary Warnock, p25

21 POSTHUMOUS HARM Rick O'Neill How can the dead be harmed if they no longer exist?

23 STRUCTURALISM Jaroslav peregrin Making the connection between Quine and Saussure

Discussion 25 INTERVIEW: MARY WARNOCK Julian Baggini Is talk of reproductive rights nonsense on stilts? 29

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