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onference Briefing 30 FREE WILL AND DETERMINISM Ron Wilburn et al A report, interview and highlight from the INPC conference in Idaho Primers Short articles on the basics 52 SNAPSHOTS SPINOZA Margaret Gullan-Whur WITTGENSTEIN Rupert Read 54 EXPLAINING ETHICS Simon Eassom Part three of the series introducing moral philosophy The Philosophers’ Review 56 New publications including VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS Various Francis Moorcroft TWO BOOKS ON GOODNESS Blackburn and Foot Gerald Lang Idaho ahoy, p30 contents /5 FORUM LANGUAGE AND MEANING More than just words. Full details on page 34 INTERVIEWS Simon Blackburn Michael Dummett Hilary Putnam Julian Baggini ARTICLES Introduction Joseph Chandler Interpretation Robert Stainton Object Words Matter Emma Borg The New Wittgenstein Thomas Wallgren WRITINGS ON AN ETHICAL LIFE Peter Singer Simon Eassom KANT DOUBLE BILL Rescher and Morgan Stephen Palmquist Regulars 8 THE GOURMET Brian Leiter Who’s in, out, up or down 10 MITCH’S DIARY & DIRECTORY Now with organisational as well as events listings 21 PHILOSOPHY@THE. INTERNET Mitch Hodge Updates from the world wide web 22 OUT & ABOUT Tim Le Bon Philosophy beyond academia 29 SCI-PHI Mathew Iredale Why wars start 61 BIBLIOPHILE Building a home library 62 BERTRAND’S BREAK Pondweed, Stamp, quizes plus the concise or cryptic crossword 64 LETTERS Corrections, comments, praise and protestations 66 THE SKEPTIC Wendy Grossman Religion and the census PLUS 25 SUBSCRIBE 26 TPMSHOP ThePhilosophers’Magazine/Summer 2001

onference Briefing 30 FREE WILL AND DETERMINISM Ron Wilburn et al A report, interview and highlight from the INPC conference in Idaho

Primers Short articles on the basics

52 SNAPSHOTS SPINOZA Margaret Gullan-Whur WITTGENSTEIN Rupert Read 54 EXPLAINING ETHICS Simon Eassom Part three of the series introducing moral philosophy The Philosophers’ Review 56 New publications including

VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS Various Francis Moorcroft

TWO BOOKS ON GOODNESS Blackburn and Foot Gerald Lang

Idaho ahoy, p30





More than just words. Full details on page 34

INTERVIEWS Simon Blackburn Michael Dummett Hilary Putnam Julian Baggini

ARTICLES Introduction Joseph Chandler Interpretation Robert Stainton Object Words Matter Emma Borg The New Wittgenstein Thomas Wallgren


KANT DOUBLE BILL Rescher and Morgan Stephen Palmquist Regulars

8 THE GOURMET Brian Leiter Who’s in, out, up or down

10 MITCH’S DIARY & DIRECTORY Now with organisational as well as events listings

21 PHILOSOPHY@THE. INTERNET Mitch Hodge Updates from the world wide web

22 OUT & ABOUT Tim Le Bon Philosophy beyond academia

29 SCI-PHI Mathew Iredale Why wars start

61 BIBLIOPHILE Building a home library

62 BERTRAND’S BREAK Pondweed, Stamp, quizes plus the concise or cryptic crossword

64 LETTERS Corrections, comments, praise and protestations

66 THE SKEPTIC Wendy Grossman Religion and the census




ThePhilosophers’Magazine/Summer 2001

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