HOME-GROWN Grow Heathrow is an eco-village set up in 2010 on nearby derelict land as a direct protest against the proposed expansion of Heathrow Airport. The community of 25 people live entirely off-grid, grow- ing vegetables and collecting food from skips. Plans for a third runway were backed by parliament in June 2018. Photographer Jonathan Goldberg has been vis- iting the site for the last seven years. “The site that Grow Heathrow inhabits is not itself threatened by demolition if a third runway is built. However, the land around an expanded airport would increase in value to an extent that it would be deemed worthwhile to evict residents in favour of development,” he told Resurgence & Ecologist. “In this scenario the eco- squatters would put on a loud show of defiance – not just to protest against the loss of their home and other homes around them, but to highlight the far wider ramifications of air pollution and climate change.” www.jongoldberg.co.uk
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