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THE TABLET A W eek ly New spaper a n d Review DUM V O B I S GRATULAMUR A N IM O S E T I A M AD D IM U S UT I N IN C C EPTIS V E S T R I S C O N ST AN TER M A N E A T IS From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4, 1870. V o l . 156. No. 4,720. L o n d o n , O c t o b e r 25, 1930. S i x p e n c e . .Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper Page New s and Notes . . . . . . 533 Palestine Again ................. 537 Slavery Under the Flag . . . 538 R e v ie w s : A Poisoned W e l l ................. 540 Cromwell In t im e ................. 540 Christina Rossetti . . . 540 The Heather Field . . . 541 Mr. Belloc at His Best . . . 542 New Books and Music . . . 542 Books Received ................. 543 Cardinal Bourne and the Archbishop of Canterbury 544 Coming E vents ................... 5-14 C O N T Page Catholic Education Notes . . . 544 “ O.S.B.” . . . . . . . . . 545 Guild of Catholic Artists and Craftsmen ................. 545 The Faith in Staffordshire under the Penal Laws . . . 546 From The Tablet of Eighty Years A g o ............................ 546 Correspondence : Rome (Our Own Corre­ spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 549 Guild of SS. Luke, Cosmas, and Damian ................. 550 E N T S Page C.T.S. The New Premises 551 The Douay Martyrs . . . 551 E t Ch e t e r à ...................... 552 Ob it u ary .............................. 553 Dr. G. G. C ou lt on .........554 Or b is T errarum : England, Scotland, and Wales . . . 554 Ireland . . . 555 Austria . . . 555 Chile ... . . . 556 China . . . 556 Page Orbis Terrarum ( Contd.) : East Africa ............. 556 France .............. ' 556 Germany ........................ 557 Greece ........................ 557 India ....................... 557 Norway 558 P e r u .................................. 558 Russia ........................ 558 Spain ........................ 558 At Spanish P l a c e ............. 560 So c ia l and P ersonal .. 560 Ci-i e s s ...................................... 560 NOTANDA The British Legation to the H oly See. A mischievous insinuation (p. 533). Education. A forthcoming Bill with no reference to the Voluntary Schools. Good news from Colwyn Bay (p. 533). Palestine. Some frank and friendly words for our Jewish fellow-citizens (p. 537). India. A pharisaical “ Message ” from the “ Fellowship o f Reconciliation ” (p. 534). Orthodoxy and the Catholic Church. H ow the Bishops o f both communions have worked together in Yugoslavia (p. 535). Herr Hitler’s doings and sayings. The truth about the Nazis and the Bishop o f Berlin (p. 534). Catholic life in Staffordshire in the Penal Times. Interesting facts and figures in a lecture to the Lingard Society by Professor Hewins (p. 546). The new home o f the Catholic Truth Society. An inaugural ceremony in Eccleston Square (p. 551). Wardley Hall. The future o f a famous Lancashire mansion (p. 552). must allude to the insinuation made in the concluding words of the above paragraph. The Tablet is in closer and more frequent touch than is the Saturday Review with personages “ in high authority among English Catholics ” ; and we do not know one of those personages who would be otherwise than deeply grieved at a breaking-off of diplomatic relations between His Holiness Pope Pius X I and His Majesty King George V. By such a rupture, Great Britain would be the heavier loser. As this question has been forced forward by a journalist notoriously bitter against the Church, we will add a brief statement. Among English Catholics, both high and low, the prevailing sentiment is one of resentment that Mr. Arthur Henderson, who is a Wesleyan local preacher as well as Foreign Secretary, should speak publicly about this vacancy as if Ambassadors are Mr. Henderson’s and not the King’s. To this resentment is added disgust, because the Mr. Henderson who thinks the Sovereign Pontiff not good enough to have a Minister has welcomed Anti-God Russia’s Ambassador with open arms. We have said this before ; and we shall go on saying it until the disgrace to Britain’s name is ended. NEWS AND NOTES A NOTE-WRITER in the Saturday Review has been discussing the British Legation to the Holy See. After mentioning the'lease of the Legation building, he says : Although the Government is right not to appoint a fresh Minister in the circumstances, it should make up its mind to house the country’s representative worthily, or to abolish the post altogether. The latter course, indeed, has much to recommend it, and I understand that it would not displease some in high authority among English Catholics. While the Saturday’s pontifical declaration that “ the Government is right ” in not filling up this diplomatic vacancy is wholly without importance, we N ew S er ie s . Voi. CXXIV. No. 4,119. On another page will be found a brief but important statement by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, rebutting some recent remarks of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s which were not only ungenerous but inaccurate. For some weeks, an attempt has been on foot to saddle Catholics with the blame for the withdrawal of a Bill which is pictured by those who have never read it as a genuine and masterly Education Measure which we ought to be ashamed of ourselves for opposing. His Eminence truly said that the Trevelyan Bill was not primarily to promote education ; and he showed that it suffered shipwreck on the obstinacy of a certain section o f the teaching profession, and not on ours. The measure was as bad as doomed from the moment when the Government decided

THE TABLET A W eek ly New spaper a n d Review


From the Brief of His Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4, 1870.

V o l . 156. No. 4,720. L o n d o n , O c t o b e r 25, 1930.

S i x p e n c e .

.Registered at the General P ost Office as a Newspaper


New s and Notes . . . . . . 533 Palestine Again ................. 537 Slavery Under the Flag . . . 538 R e v ie w s :

A Poisoned W e l l ................. 540 Cromwell In t im e ................. 540 Christina Rossetti . . . 540 The Heather Field . . . 541 Mr. Belloc at His Best . . . 542 New Books and Music . . . 542 Books Received ................. 543 Cardinal Bourne and the

Archbishop of Canterbury 544 Coming E vents ................... 5-14



Catholic Education Notes . . . 544 “ O.S.B.” . . . . . . . . . 545 Guild of Catholic Artists and Craftsmen ................. 545 The Faith in Staffordshire under the Penal Laws . . . 546 From The Tablet of Eighty

Years A g o ............................ 546 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 549 Guild of SS. Luke, Cosmas,

and Damian ................. 550



C.T.S. The New Premises 551 The Douay Martyrs . . . 551 E t Ch e t e r à ...................... 552 Ob it u ary .............................. 553 Dr. G. G. C ou lt on .........554 Or b is T errarum :

England, Scotland, and Wales . . . 554 Ireland . . . 555 Austria . . . 555 Chile ... . . . 556 China . . . 556


Orbis Terrarum ( Contd.) :

East Africa ............. 556 France .............. ' 556 Germany ........................ 557 Greece ........................ 557 India ....................... 557 Norway 558 P e r u .................................. 558 Russia ........................ 558 Spain ........................ 558 At Spanish P l a c e ............. 560 So c ia l and P ersonal .. 560 Ci-i e s s ...................................... 560


The British Legation to the H oly See. A mischievous insinuation (p. 533).

Education. A forthcoming Bill with no reference to the Voluntary Schools. Good news from Colwyn Bay (p. 533).

Palestine. Some frank and friendly words for our Jewish fellow-citizens (p. 537).

India. A pharisaical “ Message ” from the “ Fellowship o f Reconciliation ” (p. 534).

Orthodoxy and the Catholic Church. H ow the Bishops o f both communions have worked together in Yugoslavia (p. 535).

Herr Hitler’s doings and sayings. The truth about the Nazis and the Bishop o f Berlin (p. 534).

Catholic life in Staffordshire in the Penal Times. Interesting facts and figures in a lecture to the Lingard Society by Professor Hewins (p. 546).

The new home o f the Catholic Truth Society. An inaugural ceremony in Eccleston Square (p. 551).

Wardley Hall. The future o f a famous Lancashire mansion (p. 552).

must allude to the insinuation made in the concluding words of the above paragraph. The Tablet is in closer and more frequent touch than is the Saturday Review with personages “ in high authority among English Catholics ” ; and we do not know one of those personages who would be otherwise than deeply grieved at a breaking-off of diplomatic relations between His Holiness Pope Pius X I and His Majesty King George V. By such a rupture, Great Britain would be the heavier loser.

As this question has been forced forward by a journalist notoriously bitter against the Church, we will add a brief statement. Among English Catholics, both high and low, the prevailing sentiment is one of resentment that Mr. Arthur Henderson, who is a Wesleyan local preacher as well as Foreign Secretary, should speak publicly about this vacancy as if Ambassadors are Mr. Henderson’s and not the King’s. To this resentment is added disgust, because the Mr. Henderson who thinks the Sovereign Pontiff not good enough to have a Minister has welcomed Anti-God Russia’s Ambassador with open arms. We have said this before ; and we shall go on saying it until the disgrace to Britain’s name is ended.

NEWS AND NOTES A NOTE-WRITER in the Saturday Review has been discussing the British Legation to the Holy See. After mentioning the'lease of the Legation building, he says :

Although the Government is right not to appoint a fresh Minister in the circumstances, it should make up its mind to house the country’s representative worthily, or to abolish the post altogether. The latter course, indeed, has much to recommend it, and I understand that it would not displease some in high authority among English Catholics. While the Saturday’s pontifical declaration that “ the Government is right ” in not filling up this diplomatic vacancy is wholly without importance, we

N ew S er ie s . Voi. CXXIV. No. 4,119.

On another page will be found a brief but important statement by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, rebutting some recent remarks of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s which were not only ungenerous but inaccurate. For some weeks, an attempt has been on foot to saddle Catholics with the blame for the withdrawal of a Bill which is pictured by those who have never read it as a genuine and masterly Education Measure which we ought to be ashamed of ourselves for opposing. His Eminence truly said that the Trevelyan Bill was not primarily to promote education ; and he showed that it suffered shipwreck on the obstinacy of a certain section o f the teaching profession, and not on ours. The measure was as bad as doomed from the moment when the Government decided

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