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THE TABLET A W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r a n d R e v i e w DUM VOBIS GRATULAMUR ANIMOS ETIAM ADDIMUS UT IN INCCEPTIS V E S TR IS CONSTANTER MANEATIS From, the Brief o f Fits Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870. V o l . 15 6 . No. 4 ,7 2 1 . L ondon, N o v em b er i , 19 30 . S ix p e n c e . .Reg is tered a t the General P ost Off ic e as a New s pape r Page New s and No t e s ...... 565 “ Two Sentences Only ” 569 From The Tablet of Eighty Years A g o .................574 A 11 Eastern Rosary . . . 575 R e v ie w s : The Law and the Pro­ fiteers ............................ 576 Some Ladies of France 576 “ Messianism ” 577 Lourdes to D a t e ......578 The Decline of the West 578 Philosophy without Tears? 578 CONTENTS Page Books Received .............. 579 The Island of Dominica 579 New Books and Music . . . 580 Correspondence : Rome (Our Own Corre­ spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 588 Coming E ve n t s .................. 584 Holy Cross Church, Lei­ cester Et Ce t e r a ............................ 586 585 Page Catholic Education Notes 587 M arriage 588 Obitu ary 589 Three Plays 589 E p is c o p a l E ngagements 590 Ob b i s T ebrabum: England, Scotland and Wales 590 Ireland 592 Belgium 592 Borneo 592 Brazil 592 Page Or b is T errarum ( Gontd.) : Ceylon ........................592 China ........................592 Czechoslovakia ................. 593 Dutch Guiana ................. 593 France ........................593 Italy ..................... 594 Spain ........................594 U.S.A....................................... 596 Ordination at St. Edmund’s College ........................596 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 596 Ch e s s ...........................................5 96 NOTANDA “ The Pope’s Day.” A good start with a new enterprise in England (p. 565). H ow and why a British naval squadron hoisted the Red Flag while a battleship’s band played the “ Internationale.” Mr. Henderson’s duty (p. 567). “ D octor von Coultonburg.” A paper “ written by office-boys fo r office-boys ” examines a long letter from Dr. David’s chosen historian and theologian (p. 569). President H oover’s letter to the Lutherans o f the U .S .A . M ore about it (p. 568). Tests fo r Teachers in North Wales. A Caenarvon Editor’s well-placed sarcasms (p. 567). The rosary o f the Starovyeri. An interesting description, by Countess Bennigsen, o f a Russian “ ladder o f prayer ” ; together with a picture o f the rosary (p. 575). 1746-1930. A survey o f Dominican work in Leicester since the days o f Father Clarkson, O .P . Some particulars, with a drawing, o f the new Priory Church o f H o ly Cross (p. 585). The “ Frock-coated Saints o f Lille.” An account o f their jo in t labours (p. 594). NEWS AND NOTES T) R IT ISH politics are confused and barren as we L write. Parliament has been opened with a programme which savours more o f electioneering strategy than o f practical and patriotic statesmanship. Meanwhile His Majesty’s Opposition, on whom lies an exceptionally weighty responsibility just now, is at sixes and sevens. Our brethren from the Sister Nations o f the British Commonwealth, who are in I.ondon for the Imperial Conference, cannot be blamed for yielding to the infectious defeatism which is in the air. But we must take heart. B y a coincidence, the day of the K ing’s N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXIV. No. 4,120. Speech was the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude, whom Catholic piety trusts as “ the Patrons of Hopeless Causes.” Although we Catholics are under-represented in Parliament and in municipal life, we can begin this very day to be over-represented in prayer by exceeding all other Christians in our earnest supplications f r o Ecclesia Dei, pro Rege et patria. A good start was made last Sunday in many an English parish towards the keeping o f an annual Day on behalf of our Holy Father. So short was the time for preparation this year that parish priests in the dioceses which had taken up the scheme were not all able to make the necessary arrangements. W e learn, however, that there was great enthusiasm wherever the little white-and-yellow Papal flags were available and that much larger quantities could have been disposed of. B y the autumn of 1 9 3 1 , we hope to announce plans for the observance o f this Day on a much larger scale. Without waiting for 1 9 3 1 , it is our duty and privilege to make every day of the year “ Pope’s Day,” if only to the extent of saying one short prayer or making one pious ejaculation for the Sovereign Pontiff’s intentions. Every morning, and not only on the morning of October’s last Sunday, our H oly Father bids us pray for Russia, which is so near to his paternal heart. I f we are not able to hear Mass on week-days, we can at least join with the Pope in a brief daily intercession for Russia. And let nobody be misled into believing that the persecution of Christians in the land of the Soviets has ceased or slackened. Last week carried. 10 the Vatican sad news. Mgr. Roth, .Administrator Apostolic and Dean of the Kouban, has been shot on Moscow’s orders at Krasnodar. Father Wolff was shot at the same time. Both these martyrs were highly esteemed for their zeal and charily. May their faithful souls rest in peace ; and may those o f us who live in England give ourselves no rest and no peace at all until our consciences assure us that we have done our utmost, as Christians and as Britons to end this hideous wrong.



From, the Brief o f Fits Holiness Pius IX to The Tablet, June 4,1870.

V o l . 15 6 . No. 4 ,7 2 1 . L ondon, N o v em b er i , 19 30 .

S ix p e n c e .

.Reg is tered a t the General P ost Off ic e as a New s pape r


New s and No t e s ...... 565 “ Two Sentences Only ” 569 From The Tablet of Eighty

Years A g o .................574 A 11 Eastern Rosary . . . 575 R e v ie w s :

The Law and the Pro­

fiteers ............................ 576 Some Ladies of France 576 “ Messianism ” 577 Lourdes to D a t e ......578 The Decline of the West 578 Philosophy without Tears? 578



Books Received .............. 579 The Island of Dominica 579 New Books and Music . . . 580 Correspondence :

Rome (Our Own Corre­

spondent’s Weekly Letter from) ............................ 588 Coming E ve n t s .................. 584 Holy Cross Church, Lei­


Et Ce t e r a ............................ 586



Catholic Education Notes 587 M arriage 588 Obitu ary 589 Three Plays 589 E p is c o p a l E ngagements 590 Ob b i s T ebrabum:

England, Scotland and Wales 590 Ireland 592 Belgium 592 Borneo 592 Brazil 592


Or b is T errarum ( Gontd.) :

Ceylon ........................592 China ........................592 Czechoslovakia ................. 593 Dutch Guiana ................. 593 France ........................593 Italy ..................... 594 Spain ........................594 U.S.A....................................... 596 Ordination at St. Edmund’s

College ........................596 So c ia l and P ersonal . . . 596 Ch e s s ...........................................5 96


“ The Pope’s Day.” A good start with a new enterprise in England (p. 565).

H ow and why a British naval squadron hoisted the Red Flag while a battleship’s band played the “ Internationale.” Mr. Henderson’s duty (p. 567).

“ D octor von Coultonburg.” A paper “ written by office-boys fo r office-boys ” examines a long letter from Dr. David’s chosen historian and theologian (p. 569).

President H oover’s letter to the Lutherans o f the U .S .A . M ore about it (p. 568).

Tests fo r Teachers in North Wales. A Caenarvon Editor’s well-placed sarcasms (p. 567).

The rosary o f the Starovyeri. An interesting description, by Countess Bennigsen, o f a Russian “ ladder o f prayer ” ; together with a picture o f the rosary (p. 575).

1746-1930. A survey o f Dominican work in Leicester since the days o f Father Clarkson, O .P . Some particulars, with a drawing, o f the new Priory Church o f H o ly Cross (p. 585).

The “ Frock-coated Saints o f Lille.” An account o f their jo in t labours (p. 594).


T) R IT ISH politics are confused and barren as we L write. Parliament has been opened with a programme which savours more o f electioneering strategy than o f practical and patriotic statesmanship. Meanwhile His Majesty’s Opposition, on whom lies an exceptionally weighty responsibility just now, is at sixes and sevens. Our brethren from the Sister Nations o f the British Commonwealth, who are in I.ondon for the Imperial Conference, cannot be blamed for yielding to the infectious defeatism which is in the air. But we must take heart. B y a coincidence, the day of the K ing’s

N ew S e r ie s . Vol. CXXIV. No. 4,120.

Speech was the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude, whom Catholic piety trusts as “ the Patrons of Hopeless Causes.” Although we Catholics are under-represented in Parliament and in municipal life, we can begin this very day to be over-represented in prayer by exceeding all other Christians in our earnest supplications f r o Ecclesia Dei, pro Rege et patria.

A good start was made last Sunday in many an English parish towards the keeping o f an annual Day on behalf of our Holy Father. So short was the time for preparation this year that parish priests in the dioceses which had taken up the scheme were not all able to make the necessary arrangements. W e learn, however, that there was great enthusiasm wherever the little white-and-yellow Papal flags were available and that much larger quantities could have been disposed of. B y the autumn of 1 9 3 1 , we hope to announce plans for the observance o f this Day on a much larger scale.

Without waiting for 1 9 3 1 , it is our duty and privilege to make every day of the year “ Pope’s Day,” if only to the extent of saying one short prayer or making one pious ejaculation for the Sovereign Pontiff’s intentions. Every morning, and not only on the morning of October’s last Sunday, our H oly Father bids us pray for Russia, which is so near to his paternal heart. I f we are not able to hear Mass on week-days, we can at least join with the Pope in a brief daily intercession for Russia. And let nobody be misled into believing that the persecution of Christians in the land of the Soviets has ceased or slackened. Last week carried. 10 the Vatican sad news. Mgr. Roth, .Administrator Apostolic and Dean of the Kouban, has been shot on Moscow’s orders at Krasnodar. Father Wolff was shot at the same time. Both these martyrs were highly esteemed for their zeal and charily. May their faithful souls rest in peace ; and may those o f us who live in England give ourselves no rest and no peace at all until our consciences assure us that we have done our utmost, as Christians and as Britons to end this hideous wrong.

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