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ThPhilosoJ!hers' Magazine issue ten • spring 2000 contents NEWS AND FEATURES 6 NEWS HOUND Stories you may have missed, including withdrawn books, euthanasia and bestsellers 8 OPINION Brian Leiter's regular column plus guest comment from Martin Cohen 9 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media 11 TEACHING THINKING Joseph Chandler How critical thinking has found its way into class rooms - but with philosophers left outside 13 IN AT THE DEEP END Jeremy Hayward and Gerald Jones Is activity-centred teaching the way ahead? ESSAYS 15 DEGRADATION Jim McManus A front-line view of the issues of prisons and degradation raised in TPMB Emotions, p19 17 JE DEFENDS BERGSON John Mullarkey Why the French thinker does not deserve ridicule 19 THE EMOTIONS Paul Harkin Reason's old enemy is being taken seriously again DISCUSSION 23 OPEN DEBATE: WHY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE MORAL Steve Schwartz Your responses are invited to this challenging essay
page 5
28 DISCOURSE: EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATIONS John Dupre and Dylan Evans lock horns in debate CONFER.ENCE BIfUEFING 30 STYLE IN PHILOSOPHY Two days of style and substance? THE Pt·m..OSOPHERS' REvmeW 54 New publications reviewed including DEPENDENT RATIONAL ANIMALS Alasdair Macintyre Peg Tittle HUME ON KNOWLEDGE Harold Noonan Dale Jacquette ENVIRONMENT AND PHILOSOPHY Vernon Pratt Simon Eassom CRITICAL THINKING IN ETHICS Anne Thomson lyn May Style conference, p30 contents /5 COVER STORY: FORUM NANDRELI J N , .1\ Wid~-tanging look at the s(lmetimes uneasy relationship . between faith and rationaUty.<FuU details. on page 34 INTERVIEWS DON.CUPITT JuJianBaggini RUSSEll STANNARO Jeremy Stangroom ALVINPLANTINGA Peter Fosl PETE.R VARDY Julian 8aggini ARTICLES INTRODUCTION Roy Ja.ckson THE IRRATIONALITY OF BELIEF Anthony Flew ISLAM AND PHILOSOPHY Sa.jjad Rizvi Picture: Penitents,Easterprocession, Balmaseda, Basque Country IN BRIEF Richard Paul Hamilton, Elizabeth Hodge, Sajjad Rizvi PRIMER.S Short articles on the basics 60 SNAPSHOTS THOMAS AQUINAS Jon Phelan KARL MARX Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay REGULARS 21 PHILOSOPHY@1HE.lNTERNET Jeremy Stangroom The best of the web 22 SCi-PH! Mathew Iredaie Should we listen to common sense? 27 THE CUN~C Tim Lebon Philosophical counselling 59 DARRYL'S DIARY Darryl Staflund Philosophy events 62 BERTRAND'S BREAK Pondweed, Stamp, Q&A plus the concise or cryptic prize crossword 64 LETTERS 66 THE SKEPTIC Wendy Grossman Millennial yawns The Philosophers' Magazine/Spring 2000


Magazine issue ten • spring 2000



6 NEWS HOUND Stories you may have missed, including withdrawn books, euthanasia and bestsellers

8 OPINION Brian Leiter's regular column plus guest comment from Martin Cohen

9 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy and philosophers in the mass media

11 TEACHING THINKING Joseph Chandler How critical thinking has found its way into class rooms - but with philosophers left outside

13 IN AT THE DEEP END Jeremy Hayward and Gerald Jones Is activity-centred teaching the way ahead?


15 DEGRADATION Jim McManus A front-line view of the issues of prisons and degradation raised in TPMB

Emotions, p19

17 JE DEFENDS BERGSON John Mullarkey Why the French thinker does not deserve ridicule

19 THE EMOTIONS Paul Harkin Reason's old enemy is being taken seriously again


23 OPEN DEBATE: WHY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE MORAL Steve Schwartz Your responses are invited to this challenging essay

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