EDITORs Michael Calderbank, James O’Nions, Hilary Wainwright ALWAYs UPGRADING Steve Platt PRODUCTION EDITOR Tom Walker DEsIGN & PRODUCTION Tom Lynton www.tomlynton.com
POLITICAL CORREsPONDENT Alex Nunns COmmIssIONING EDITOR Lena de Casparis ENvIRONmENT EDITOR Oscar Reyes EUROPE CORREsPONDENT Leigh Phillips LATIN AmERICA EDITOR Pablo Navarrete ACTIvIsION EDITOR Andrea D’Cruz WEBsITE EDITOR Fiona Osler website@redpepper.org.uk
WRITERs Kevin Blowe, Naimi Bouteldja, Nick Buxton, Matthew Carr, Katie Coyne, Mihail Dafydd Evans, Nick Dearden, Andrea D’Cruz, Kate Ferguson, Gemma Galdon Clavell, Jan Goodey, Ben Hayes, Keith Hayman, Stuart Hodkinson, Tim Hunt, Zoe Jewell, Mathew Little, Grace Livingstone, Vittorio Longhi, Enzo Mangini, Siobhan McGuirk, Roz Paterson, Laurie Penny, Mark Perryman, Jon Robins, Angela Saini, David Sambrook, Chris Sands, Sally Tallant, Graham Usher, Derek Wall, Jonathon Wright TRANsLATORs Una Hamilton, Pablo Navarrete, Ilaria Perlini PICTURE REsEARCH Tom Lynton, Louise Emily Thomas vIsUALs Andrzej Krauze, Tim Sanders, Matt Littler PUBLIsHER Fiona Osler fiona@redpepper.org.uk
PREss OffICER Clare Woodford OffICE mANAGER Ian Gollan ACCOUNTs Bob Tydeman sUBsCRIPTION sALEs Red Pepper office 020 7281 7024, office@redpepper.org.uk ADvIsERs Anthony Arblaster, David Beetham, Huw Benyon, Roy Bhaskar, Victoria Brittain, Sue Bowen, Tony Bunyan, Louise Christian, Tony Cook, Jeremy Corbyn MP, James Curran, Larry Elliot, Diane Elson, Max Farrar, Nigel Fountain, Trevor Griffiths, Barbara Gunnell, Nigel Harris, Billy Hayes, Pete Jenner, Penny Kemp, Bruce Kent, Hugh Kerr, Richard Kuper, Michael Kustow, Colin Leys, Su Maddock, Michael Mansfield QC, Martin McIvor, Simon Mohun, Sheila Rowbotham, Denise Searle, Amanda Sebestyen, Jane Shallice, Aleks Sierz, Kate Soper, Jonathan Steele, Dave Timms, Guy Vincent, Gary Younge, Stuart Weir THANKs TO Arafat Khalil, Mary Whittaker, Alexandra Zeevalkink, Seth Stauffer, Simon Mohun, Leo Panitch, Clifford Singer, Lee Robinson
RED PEPPER 1b Waterlow Road, London N19 5NJ tel 020 7281 7024, fax 020 7263 9345 office@redpepper.org.uk www.redpepper.org.uk
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03 Editorial
A new kind of angry brigade lEttErs and noticEboard JErEmy Hardy tHinks...
08 PlattitudEsTheworldaccording to Steve Platt
13 know your EnEmy Back to business as usual
26 mikE marqusEE
No turning back
tEmPEraturE gaugE Zero carbon Britain booktoPia Nina Power
54 FilmrEviEws
South of the Border and Beyond the Tipping Point?
58 craFt work Matthew herbert talks to Brendan Montague about music, production and capitalism
61 book rEviEws Secret Affairs, More Work! Less Pay!
Speaking Truth to Power, Against the Wall, Dreamers of a New Day
64 classic book tHE sEcond sEx
Simone de Beauvoir’s seminal work is still essential, writes roSie GerMain
Red Pepper is a member of INK, the independent News Collective, trade association of the UK alternative press www.ink.uk.com
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All the latest on the cuts and the fightback against the Tories donald morrison on the government’s academy schools bill
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04 red pepper aug | sep 2010