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Magazine Issue Eight • Autumn 1999



6 NEWS HOUND How philosophy changes opinions, competition winner, a knighthood and more

8 OPINION Brian Leiter's regular column plus guest commentator, Peg Tittle

9 MEDIA WATCH A review of philosophy as seen by the media

11 LIFE ON THE FRINGE Julian Baggini The philosophers making their way outside the mainstream

13 THE RADIANT CITY Rowan Wilson The story of Antonio Negri, Italian philosopher and prisoner

The prisoner, p13

ESSAYS 15 DEGRADATION John Vorhaus Why degradation is a subject ripe for philosophical analysis

17 FILM VIOLENCE Michael LaBossiere Plato and Aristotle shed light on a contemporary concern

Violence, p17

DISCUSSION 19 HEAD TO HEAD DEBATE: THE THEIST GOD Michael Martin Peter Williams A wide-ranging debate on the existence of a personal God

24 DISCOURSE: PERILS OF POPULARISATION Simon Glendinning and Nigel Warburton on the merits and pitfalls of reaching a wider public l


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