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ThPhilosoJ?hers' Magazine Issue Eight • Autumn 1999 Contents NEWS AND FEATURES 6 NEWS HOUND How philosophy changes opinions, competition winner, a knighthood and more 8 OPINION Brian Leiter's regular column plus guest commentator, Peg Tittle 9 MEDIA WATCH A review of philosophy as seen by the media 11 LIFE ON THE FRINGE Julian Baggini The philosophers making their way outside the mainstream 13 THE RADIANT CITY Rowan Wilson The story of Antonio Negri, Italian philosopher and prisoner The prisoner, p13 ESSAYS 15 DEGRADATION John Vorhaus Why degradation is a subject ripe for philosophical analysis 17 FILM VIOLENCE Michael LaBossiere Plato and Aristotle shed light on a contemporary concern Violence, p17 DISCUSSION 19 HEAD TO HEAD DEBATE: THE THEIST GOD Michael Martin Peter Williams A wide-ranging debate on the existence of a personal God 24 DISCOURSE: PERILS OF POPULARISATION Simon Glendinning and Nigel Warburton on the merits and pitfalls of reaching a wider public l II
page 5
CONfERENCE BRIEFING 26 THE JOINT SESSION Dispatches from British philosophy's annual get-together PR~MERS Short articles on the basics 30 SNAPSHOTS GEORGE BERKELEY Jonathan Walmsley MICHEL FOUCAULT Chris Bates 32 GOOD AND GOD Roy A. Jackson The concluding part of the series on classic problems in the philosophy of religion Contents/5 Josepb Chandler INTERVIEWS .. R{)Y BHASKAR Chri$Norri$ ~~~ , ""~,' " .'; J~NAT~~N R~E 4~rem'f~tangr(Jom· .. RICHARD RORTY PeterFosJ ' , ' ~, JO~~SEARlE J.uli<'Jfl.·1;J.~gfJinI E~\NARD OWllSON Jeremy Siangroom Degradation, p15 THE PHILOSOPHERS' REVIEW 51 New publications including PHILOSOPHY: THE BASICS AND BASIC READINGS Nigel Warburton Roy A Jackson MiND, LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY John Searle Julian Baggini A J AYER: A LIFE Ben Rogers Philip Hoy GUIDEBOOK TO KANT Sebastian Gardner lucy Allais BEETHOVEN: THE PHILOSOPHY OF MUSiC Theodor Adorno Francis Moorcroft IN BRIEF Various John Phelan and Peg Tittle REGULARS 57 THE CLINIC Tim lebon Philosophical counselling 58 SCI-PHI Mathew Iredale How minds could be immaterial 59 Q&A The questions that really count 60 DARRYL'S DIARY Darryl Staflund 61 PHILOSOPHY@THE.INTERNET Jeremy Stangroom The best of the web 62 PARADOXES Francis Moorcroft The series concludes 63 BERTRAND'S BREAK Sue Johnson Concise or cryptic crossword 64 LETTERS 66 THE SKEPTIC Wendy Grossman The Philosophers' Magazine/Autumn 1999


Magazine Issue Eight • Autumn 1999



6 NEWS HOUND How philosophy changes opinions, competition winner, a knighthood and more

8 OPINION Brian Leiter's regular column plus guest commentator, Peg Tittle

9 MEDIA WATCH A review of philosophy as seen by the media

11 LIFE ON THE FRINGE Julian Baggini The philosophers making their way outside the mainstream

13 THE RADIANT CITY Rowan Wilson The story of Antonio Negri, Italian philosopher and prisoner

The prisoner, p13

ESSAYS 15 DEGRADATION John Vorhaus Why degradation is a subject ripe for philosophical analysis

17 FILM VIOLENCE Michael LaBossiere Plato and Aristotle shed light on a contemporary concern

Violence, p17

DISCUSSION 19 HEAD TO HEAD DEBATE: THE THEIST GOD Michael Martin Peter Williams A wide-ranging debate on the existence of a personal God

24 DISCOURSE: PERILS OF POPULARISATION Simon Glendinning and Nigel Warburton on the merits and pitfalls of reaching a wider public l


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