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rs'"Zlne Issue Four e Autumn 1998 Contents NEWS ANiD REPORTS 6 NEWS Singer surrounded by controversy, Lyotard obituary, World Congress and a bizarre conference acronym. 8 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy in the media with Sartre's rat, O'Hear and Diana Chris Eubank and more. ' FEATURES 10 COURSE OR CULT? Jeremy Stangroom What do you think you'd be getting if you signed up for a course in philosophy? You may be surprised... 12 OLDER AND WISER Timothy Hilgenberg and Mandy Wax What's in store for prospective mature students of philosophy. ESSAYS 14 UNLIKELY PHILOSOPHY: DIANA THE REPUBLICAN Rupert Read The third in the series suggests the late Princess of Wales should be seen as a Nietzschean. 16 MODULAR MADNESS Bob Sharpe Is the modular theory of mind a confused piece of pseudo-scientific thinking? 18 QUESTIONS ON RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Sule Elkatip A personal view of the relationship between faith and reason. OPEN DEBATE 19 ETHICS AND THE VEGAN WAY OF LIFE Les Burwood and Ros Wyeth Your responses are invited to this challenging but thoughtful look at animal ethics. CONFERENCE BRIEfiNG 23 THE MIND/ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY JOINT SESSION. A report from Britain's biggest annual gathering of philosophers. WITTGENSTEIN AND FORMS OF LIFE Special Session WITTGENSTEIN ARCHIVE Exhibition WHAT CAN EVOLUTION TELL US ABOUT THE HUMAN MIND? John Dupre
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Contents/S PRIMERS Short articles that set out the basics. 28 SARTRE'SEXISTENTIAL HUMANISM Jeff Mason A two-part look at the ideas behind Existentialism and Humanism, Sartre's popular but sketchy lecture. 30 SNAPSHOTS NIETZSCHE Christopher Budd DANIEL DENNETT Guy Douglas and Stewart Saunders 32 THE ONTOLOGICAL ARGUMENT Roy A. Jackson The series on classic problems in the philosophy of religion continues. 50 AN INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC Francis Moorcroft The second of a two-part series picks up the story at Frege. THE Ptm..OSOPHERS' REVIEW 52 New publications reviewed THE ROUTLEDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA ON CD ROM Ed. Edward Craig Margaret Goord THE GREAT PHILOSOPHERS Series Eds. Raphael and Monk Zhou Li-Yang THE POSTMODERN GOD Ed. Graham Ward Simon Walter PHILOSOPHY AND THE GOOD LIFE John Cottingham Julian Baggini SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR: A CRITICAL READER Ed. Elizabeth Fallaize Ion Georgiou 58 EXTRACT PHILOSOPHY AND THE GOOD LIFE John Cottingham REGUl.ARS 59 SCI-PHI Matthew Iredale A new regular column on the hard science that provokes hard thought. 60 DARRYL'SDIARY Darryl Staflund A selection of philosophy events from Darryl's worldwide internet database. 61 PHlLOSOPHY@THEJNIERNEf Jeremy Stangroom Metaphysics in the techno sphere. This issue: Is web self-publishing no more than a crank's charter? 62 Q&A The philosophy of horticulture revealed. 63 PARADOXES Francis Moorcroft Comfort for the bald from the Sorites' Paradox. 64 FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENCE Your letters. 66 THE SKEPTIC Wendy Grossman The founder of The Skeptic magazine'sregular column. The Philosophers ' Magazine/Autumn 1998


Issue Four e Autumn 1998



6 NEWS Singer surrounded by controversy, Lyotard obituary, World Congress and a bizarre conference acronym.

8 MEDIA WATCH Philosophy in the media with Sartre's rat, O'Hear and Diana Chris Eubank and more. '


10 COURSE OR CULT? Jeremy Stangroom What do you think you'd be getting if you signed up for a course in philosophy? You may be surprised...

12 OLDER AND WISER Timothy Hilgenberg and Mandy Wax What's in store for prospective mature students of philosophy.


14 UNLIKELY PHILOSOPHY: DIANA THE REPUBLICAN Rupert Read The third in the series suggests the late Princess of Wales should be seen as a Nietzschean.

16 MODULAR MADNESS Bob Sharpe Is the modular theory of mind a confused piece of pseudo-scientific thinking?

18 QUESTIONS ON RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Sule Elkatip A personal view of the relationship between faith and reason.


19 ETHICS AND THE VEGAN WAY OF LIFE Les Burwood and Ros Wyeth Your responses are invited to this challenging but thoughtful look at animal ethics.


23 THE MIND/ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY JOINT SESSION. A report from Britain's biggest annual gathering of philosophers.


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