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THE TA A W eek ly N ew spaper a n d R ev iew . DUM VOBIS GRATÖLAMUR, ANIMOS KTIAM ADDIMUS ÜT IN INCCEPTIS VESTRIS CONSTANTKR MANEAT1S. From, the Brier oj H is Holiness P iu s IX . to The Tablet, June 4, Vox. 87. No. 2921. L ondon, May 2, 1896. P ricb 5d. by Post [Registered a t th e General Post O ffice as a N ewspaper Pa^e ^Chronicle of th e Week : Imperial Parliament: The Lords and Autocars— The Budget— The A lleged Russo-Chinese Treaty— More Time for the Government— The Agricultural Rating B i ’ l— Tuesday’s S i t t i n g — President K ru gers Reply—A New Order of Knighthood— Anti-Vaccinators o f Gloucester — Lord Rosebery at Rochdale—The Safety o f Buluwayo— Diphtheria and its Propagation—The Thames River Boats — The Pretoria Trial—The Sentences—A New French Ministry— Its P o l i c y .................................... 677 L ead er s : The “ Quarterly R ev iew ” on the Religious Crisis in Canada . . 68r The New Gallery . . . . . . 682 Journey in the Malay States, Trengganu and Kelantan . . 683 A Liverpool Criticism of the Education Bill . . . . . . 684 C O N T The Abjuration of a Grand Master of the Freemasons . . N otes . . /.. R ev ie w s : Three Months in the Forests of France .. St. Benedict and His Rule Dog Stories Lives o f the Poets Lyrical Verse The Thorough Good Cook “ The Dublin Review ” .. Mass of the Holy Name .. Moments with Mary Books o f the W e e k . . C orrespondence : Page 686 686 688 689 689 689 690 , 690 , 690 , 691 . 691 . 691 Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­ spondent) ......................... — 693 News from Ireland . . — — 694 News From France . . . . 696 Letters to th e Kditor : Barlow’s “ Burial of the M ass” 697 Anglican Orders . . . . . . 698 The Anglican Ordinal . . 698 Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage. E N T S . L etters to th e E ditor (Con­ Page tinued) : “ Unnecessary Schools " . . . . 698 A Dog Story . . . . . . 698 St. Mary’s, Moorfields . . . . 699 The Rectorof Louvain University 699 The “ Almanac de Gotha ” . . 699 The Position of the Catholic Church in the Transvaal . . . . 699 Work for Catholic Seamen in the Port of London . . . . . . 700 St. Cuthbert’s Body . . . . ^ . . 700 Catholic Truth Society’s Publica­ tions . . . . . . . . . . 701 A Bishop’s Impressions of M ex ico .. 701 The “ Declaration " of the Bishops 701 The Defects of the Education Bill 702 Orange River Prefecture . . . . 702 Emeriti Cricket C lu b . . . . . . 702 O bituary .................................... 703 A ppeal to th e C haritable . . 704 Marriages . . . . . . . 704 Social and Political .. .. 709 SU P P L EM EN T . N ews from th e Schools: Page The Elementary Education Bill 709 Mr. Chamberlain’s Attitude . . 709 “ The School Board Chronicle’s ” Comments.. _.. . . . . 709 Mr. Asquith’s Criticisms . . 710 The Bishop of London . . . . 710 The Religious Question . . . . 710 Parliamentary Intelligence . . 7x1 Training College of Notre Dame, L iv e rp o o l ......................... . . 7 1 1 The Complaint of the Nonconfor­ mists . . . . . . . . 712 Sir W. Harcourt and the School Board Rate . . . . . . 712 N ews from th e D ioceses : Westminster 712 Hexham and Newcastle . . . . 714 Liverpool . . . . . . . . 714 Nottingham ....................................... 714 Salford .................................. 7x4 The Vicariate ........................... 703 Glasgow ......................... . . 703 man’s breath becomes “ visible vapour,” the exhibition o f vapour is largely influenced by the variations in the tem perature o f the atmosphere. C H R O N I C L E O F T H E W E E K . AUTOCARS. "■A »IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT THE LORDS AND L O N G step forward towards the introduction of horseless carriages into this country has at last been made by the passing o f the second reading o f the Locomotives on Highways B ill in the House o f Lords. T h e measure is one which has been long and anxiously awaited. N o less than twenty years ago a Select Committee o f the House o f Commons Tecommended that self-contained locomotives not exceeding six tons in weight, making no sound from the blast, and consum ing their own smoke, should be classed as “ light ” locomotives, and should be permitted to travel “ at the ordinary speed o f vehicles drawn by horses, and only subje c t to the same restrictions as such vehicles.” A B ill providing for the same object was introduced last year by Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, and so in moving the second reading last week Lord Harris was enabled to explain that the present measure was a legacy from the late Government. L ight locomotives were at present forbidden in England by the existing A c ts relating to ordinary locomotives, which had been framed by Parliament for the protection o f the public. T h e method adopted in the B ill was, first, to exclude light locomotives from most o f the provisions o f the existing A c ts which applied to ordinary locomotives, and then to lay down a certain number o f restrictions which should specially apply to the lighter vehicles. Under this second heading o f restrictions, the B ill provides that the weight o f the locomotives to travel the highways shall not exceed two •Ions, that they shall not draw any other vehicle, and shall •not emit any smoke or visible vapour. T h e safe keeping and use o f petroleum is the subject o f special provisions, penalties are proposed for negligent driving, and power reserved to the Lacal Government Board to make special regulations in the running o f autocars on the public highways. T h e B ill has the distinction o f greater comprehension than the proposals put forward last year, and with some slight emendation is well calculated to give a rapid development to a mode o f travelling and conveyance which is already common on the Continent and in America. T h e clause prohibiting the emission o f visible vapour will have to be amended, since, as may be seen in winter when a In the course o f the debate when the — t h e b u d g e t . House went into Committee o f Ways and Means on the Budget Resolutions, some important declarations were made by representatives o f the Government in answer to the general criticisms which were made by Sir H . Fowler and Sir William Harcourt on the Resolution renewing the Income-tax at eightpence in the pound. T h e Chancellor o f the Exchequer acknowledged that eightpence should not be regarded as the normal amount o f the Income-tax, but pointed out that even Sir H . Fowler had admitted the impossibility o f any reduction in the present Budget. H e also explained that the Naval Estimates o f next year would be less than those o f the present. It was true that he had not followed Mr. Gladstone’s Soudan policy o f 1884 and provided for a large expenditure either for the Soudan or South Africa. With reference to South Africa, there would be no charge except for the possible movement o f additional regiments to the Cape, and any expense o f sending troops to the territories of the Chartered Company would be borne by that Com pany. A s for Egypt, the Egyptian Government had undertaken the expedition against the Dervishes with their own forces, and at their own cost. There was no obligation on him to provide in his Estimates for anything more than the small charge which might be imposed for special service officers. Sir William Harcourt evinced considerable hesitation in accepting Sir Michael’s assurances that the demands o f the Admiralty would be less next year than this, but Mr. Goschen set the matter at rest by explaining that as the Government had amalgamated their own with Lord Spencer’s programme they had thus relieved the latter from the construction o f seven battle-ships, and in this way the current year will see the heaviest expenditure under the joint arrangement. Sir Charles D ilke deprecated the idea of being able to make up in time of war the deficiencies that had accumulated during a time o f peace, and therefore urged the necessity o f spending upon the fleet more money rather than less. Question time on Monday was marked 7usHso-cmNESE hg two important pieces o f information. t r e a t y . One was given by Mr. Chamberlain in regard to the proposed visit of President Kruger to this country, and the other dealt with the per­ New Series, Vol. LV., No. 2,230.

THE TA A W eek ly N ew spaper a n d R ev iew .


From, the Brier oj H is Holiness P iu s IX . to The Tablet, June 4,

Vox. 87. No. 2921.

L ondon, May 2, 1896.

P ricb 5d. by Post

[Registered a t th e General Post O ffice as a N ewspaper


^Chronicle of th e Week :

Imperial Parliament: The Lords and Autocars— The Budget— The A lleged Russo-Chinese Treaty— More Time for the Government— The Agricultural Rating B i ’ l— Tuesday’s S i t t i n g — President K ru gers Reply—A New Order of Knighthood— Anti-Vaccinators o f Gloucester — Lord Rosebery at Rochdale—The Safety o f Buluwayo— Diphtheria and its Propagation—The Thames River Boats — The Pretoria Trial—The Sentences—A New French Ministry— Its P o l i c y .................................... 677 L ead er s :

The “ Quarterly R ev iew ” on the

Religious Crisis in Canada . . 68r The New Gallery . . . . . . 682 Journey in the Malay States,

Trengganu and Kelantan . . 683 A Liverpool Criticism of the

Education Bill . . . . . . 684


The Abjuration of a Grand Master of the Freemasons . . N otes . . /.. R ev ie w s :

Three Months in the Forests of

France .. St. Benedict and His Rule Dog Stories Lives o f the Poets Lyrical Verse The Thorough Good Cook “ The Dublin Review ” .. Mass of the Holy Name .. Moments with Mary Books o f the W e e k . . C orrespondence :


686 686 688 689 689 689 690 , 690 , 690 , 691 . 691 . 691

Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) ......................... — 693 News from Ireland . . — — 694 News From France . . . . 696 Letters to th e Kditor :

Barlow’s “ Burial of the M ass” 697 Anglican Orders . . . . . . 698 The Anglican Ordinal . . 698

Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.

E N T S .

L etters to th e E ditor (Con­

Page tinued) : “ Unnecessary Schools " . . . . 698 A Dog Story . . . . . . 698 St. Mary’s, Moorfields . . . . 699 The Rectorof Louvain University 699 The “ Almanac de Gotha ” . . 699 The Position of the Catholic Church in the Transvaal

. . . . 699

Work for Catholic Seamen in the

Port of London . . . . . . 700 St. Cuthbert’s Body . . . . ^ . . 700 Catholic Truth Society’s Publica­

tions . . . . . . . . . . 701 A Bishop’s Impressions of M ex ico .. 701 The “ Declaration " of the Bishops 701 The Defects of the Education Bill 702 Orange River Prefecture . . . . 702 Emeriti Cricket C lu b . . . . . . 702 O bituary .................................... 703 A ppeal to th e C haritable . . 704 Marriages . . . . . . . 704 Social and Political .. .. 709

SU P P L EM EN T . N ews from th e Schools:


The Elementary Education Bill 709 Mr. Chamberlain’s Attitude . . 709 “ The School Board Chronicle’s ”

Comments.. _.. . . . . 709 Mr. Asquith’s Criticisms . . 710 The Bishop of London . . . . 710 The Religious Question . . . . 710 Parliamentary Intelligence . . 7x1 Training College of Notre Dame,

L iv e rp o o l ......................... . . 7 1 1 The Complaint of the Nonconfor­

mists . . . . . . . . 712 Sir W. Harcourt and the School

Board Rate . . . . . . 712 N ews from th e D ioceses : Westminster 712

Hexham and Newcastle . . . . 714 Liverpool . . . . . . . . 714 Nottingham ....................................... 714 Salford .................................. 7x4 The Vicariate ........................... 703 Glasgow ......................... . . 703

man’s breath becomes “ visible vapour,” the exhibition o f vapour is largely influenced by the variations in the tem perature o f the atmosphere.

C H R O N I C L E O F T H E W E E K .




L O N G step forward towards the introduction of horseless carriages into this country has at last been made by the passing o f the second reading o f the Locomotives on Highways B ill in the House o f Lords. T h e measure is one which has been long and anxiously awaited. N o less than twenty years ago a Select Committee o f the House o f Commons Tecommended that self-contained locomotives not exceeding six tons in weight, making no sound from the blast, and consum ing their own smoke, should be classed as “ light ” locomotives, and should be permitted to travel “ at the ordinary speed o f vehicles drawn by horses, and only subje c t to the same restrictions as such vehicles.” A B ill providing for the same object was introduced last year by Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, and so in moving the second reading last week Lord Harris was enabled to explain that the present measure was a legacy from the late Government. L ight locomotives were at present forbidden in England by the existing A c ts relating to ordinary locomotives, which had been framed by Parliament for the protection o f the public. T h e method adopted in the B ill was, first, to exclude light locomotives from most o f the provisions o f the existing A c ts which applied to ordinary locomotives, and then to lay down a certain number o f restrictions which should specially apply to the lighter vehicles. Under this second heading o f restrictions, the B ill provides that the weight o f the locomotives to travel the highways shall not exceed two •Ions, that they shall not draw any other vehicle, and shall •not emit any smoke or visible vapour. T h e safe keeping and use o f petroleum is the subject o f special provisions, penalties are proposed for negligent driving, and power reserved to the Lacal Government Board to make special regulations in the running o f autocars on the public highways. T h e B ill has the distinction o f greater comprehension than the proposals put forward last year, and with some slight emendation is well calculated to give a rapid development to a mode o f travelling and conveyance which is already common on the Continent and in America. T h e clause prohibiting the emission o f visible vapour will have to be amended, since, as may be seen in winter when a

In the course o f the debate when the

— t h e b u d g e t . House went into Committee o f Ways and

Means on the Budget Resolutions, some important declarations were made by representatives o f the Government in answer to the general criticisms which were made by Sir H . Fowler and Sir William Harcourt on the Resolution renewing the Income-tax at eightpence in the pound. T h e Chancellor o f the Exchequer acknowledged that eightpence should not be regarded as the normal amount o f the Income-tax, but pointed out that even Sir H . Fowler had admitted the impossibility o f any reduction in the present Budget. H e also explained that the Naval Estimates o f next year would be less than those o f the present. It was true that he had not followed Mr. Gladstone’s Soudan policy o f 1884 and provided for a large expenditure either for the Soudan or South Africa. With reference to South Africa, there would be no charge except for the possible movement o f additional regiments to the Cape, and any expense o f sending troops to the territories of the Chartered Company would be borne by that Com pany. A s for Egypt, the Egyptian Government had undertaken the expedition against the Dervishes with their own forces, and at their own cost. There was no obligation on him to provide in his Estimates for anything more than the small charge which might be imposed for special service officers. Sir William Harcourt evinced considerable hesitation in accepting Sir Michael’s assurances that the demands o f the Admiralty would be less next year than this, but Mr. Goschen set the matter at rest by explaining that as the Government had amalgamated their own with Lord Spencer’s programme they had thus relieved the latter from the construction o f seven battle-ships, and in this way the current year will see the heaviest expenditure under the joint arrangement. Sir Charles D ilke deprecated the idea of being able to make up in time of war the deficiencies that had accumulated during a time o f peace, and therefore urged the necessity o f spending upon the fleet more money rather than less.

Question time on Monday was marked

7usHso-cmNESE hg two important pieces o f information.

t r e a t y . One was given by Mr. Chamberlain in regard to the proposed visit of President

Kruger to this country, and the other dealt with the per­

New Series, Vol. LV., No. 2,230.

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