A W eekly TABLE Newspaper and R eview .
F rom th e B r ie j o f H i s H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T he T ablet J u n e 4, 1870
V ol. 79. No. 2707. L ondon, March 26, 1892.
P r ice 5 [R eg iste r ed a t th e G e n e r a i . P o st O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper. C hronicle of th e W e e k : Page Imperial Parliament : Miscellaneous— Monday’s sitting — Mr. Chamberlain on the House of Commons—The Queen’s Journey to Hyeres—The English Ambassador to France — The Cabinet Crisis in Prussia— Count Caprivi’s Resignation— End of the PlayWeek—Death o f Mr. A . Goring Thomas— The Behring Sea Dispute— Financial Trouble in Victoria — Lord Tennyson’s New P la y— Sir E. Clarke and the General Election— The Rainhill Murders— Sir R. Webster on the Election— Health of the Kaiser.. 477 L e a d e r s : Eight Hours . . . . .. 481 The Belgian King and the Re ferendum . . .........................482 Mosquitoes . . . . .. . . 483 N o t e s ............................................... 484 R e v iew s : C 0 N T Page Blessed Thomas More .N * * . . 485 An Old French Song . . v . . 486 Carding Manning’s Sayings . . 487 Folk-Talk in Yorkshire . . . . 488 A Clerical Story . . . . . 488 The New University o f London . . 488 Annals of the Propagation of the Faith . . .. . . . . 488 The Faiths of the People . .. 488 America and the Temporal Power 489 The Late Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . . . . . 490 C orrespondence : Rome:—(From Our Own Corre spondent) . . . . .. . . 493 Dublin :—(From Our Own Corre spondent) ......................... . . 494 Spanish Devotion to St. Joseph . . 495 L e t t e r s to t h e E d it or : The Stroud Green Catechism . . 496 St. Cuthbert’s Birthplace . . . . 496 E N T S . I L e t t e r s t o t h e E d itor (Con tinued) : The Converts’ Memorial Church Page and the Leakage.. .. .. 497 Mediaeval Prayer Books .. 498 “ Surgere Qui Curat Populo ” . . 498 Old and New Calendar . . . . 498 The Painter Etchers’ Exhibition 498 A Church at Sherborne . . . . 498 The Late Earl o f Denbigh . . 498 San Sebastian . . . . . . 499 Cardinal Manning’s Pedigree . . 499 A Correction .. .. 499 An Irish Board of Guardians and Mr. Dillon . . . . . . . . 499 L ib r ary C h a t . . . . . . 499 Opening of St. Peter’s Priory at Chorlton . . . . . . . . 500 Saint Helen . . .. . . . . 501 The Pope and the World’s Fair . . 502 Sacerdotal Jubilee of the Arch bishop of Glasgow . . . . . . 502 Catholic Emancipation and the Commons . . . . . . . . 502 Page O b itu ar y ...........................................502 A ppeals to th e C h a r it a b l e . . 503 Some Publications of the Week 503 F rom E v e r yw h e r e .............................. 503 Social a n d P o l it ic a l . . . . 504 SU PPLEM ENT. D ecisions of R oman C ongrega t io n s . . . N ew s from t h e S chools: Revised Instructions to Inspectors 509 (1892) .. .. . . ..5 0 9 National Education in Ireland . 510 St. John’s Schools, Islington . . 511 About E d u c a t io n .........................5 11 N ew s from th e D ioceses : Westminster . . . . . . 512 Southwark . . . . . . . . 512 Birmingham.......................................513 Leeds . . . . . . . . 513 Middlesbrough ........................... 513 Portsmouth . . . . . . . . 513 Glasgow .......................................513 Galloway . . . . . . . . 514 The Holy House of Loreto . . . . 514 Rejected MS. cannot be returned tinless accompanied with address and postage. CHRONICLE OF THE WEEK. ------------1 ---------- AT the end o f last week in the House o f Commons, at the morning sitting, Sir W . Harcourt asked the Chancellor o f the Exchequer whether he intended in the present Session to introduce any change in the paper currency o f England, or any measure for the increase o f banking reserves, “ in accordance with schemes which he had propounded elsewhere.” T h e Chancellor o f the Exchequer replied that he was now negotiating with the Bank o f England over a revision o f the agreement between the State and the Bank ; and on the introduction o f a B ill relating to the Bank he would take the opportunity o f making a full statement upon his views and intentions in respect o f these matters. A long discussion ensued on a motion proposed by Mr. Balfour that at the evening sitting financial business might be entered on at any hour, though opposed, and should net be interrupted under the provisions o f any Standing Order. A n amendment, moved by Mr. Sexton, to insert after “ financial business” the words “ relating to the present financial year,” was negatived on a division by 187 votes against 91. Mr. A . Sutherland then moved an amendment to omit the words which gave the evening sitting to the Government, so that he might have an opportunity o f bringing forward his motion on the Crofter question. A fter Mr. "Sutherland’s amendment had been negatived by 217 votes to 122, Mr. Balfour moved to add to his motion the words “ unless the vote on account has been voted before seven o ’clock, in which case the House shall resolve itself into a Committee o f Supply at eleven o ’clo ck without question put.” T h e amendment was, however, withdrawn, and on a division the original motion was carried by 208 votes against 129— majority 79. T h e House then went into Committee o f Supply, and resumed the debate on the vote on account o f ^3,886,563 for the C iv il Service and Revenue Departments. Mr. L eng moved the reduction o f the vote by the sum o f 00 as a protest against the Government for not having reduced the fees on the renewal of patents. Mr. Campbell-Bannerman moved to report progress by way o f protest against the vote on account being taken in preference to the Scotch Supplementary Estim ate. A fter
New Series, Vol. XLVII., No, 2,oi61
further discussion, the Committee divided, and the motion to report progress was rejected by 202 against 127 votes. A t the evening sitting the House again went into Committee o f Supply, and the debate on the vote on account was resumed. Mr. M acN eill asked for information about the lands in the Falkland Islands, and, expressing him self dissatisfied with the reply o f Baron de Worms, he moved a reduction o f ,£ 5 0 ; but as Mr. Balfour said it was absolutely necessary to finish this vote and the Scotch vote before the House adjourned, he therefore moved “ T h a t the question be now put.” T h e Chaiman therefore invited the Com mittee to consider their position, and rightly explained that members who had interesting questions to raise were prevented from doing so, saying that although he did not intend to put the closure motion now, he should be constrained to do so if the present proceedings were continued. Hereupon Mr. M acN eill withdrew his amendment, and Mr. Morton called attention to the contract entered into with Reuter’s Telegram Company for reporting and printing the Parliamentary debates, and moved to reduce the item for the Stationery Office by ^£50. H e declared that the Company were not doing the work in a satisfactory manner, and asserted that there was a species o f sweating going on. Sir J. Gorst replied to the effect that there was no sweating o f any kind, and that he had not received a single com plaint as to the way in which the reporting was done. Moreover, the Comptroller o f the Stationery Office was o f opinion that the contract was not satisfactorily performed, the contract could be determ ined at any time. A fte r some discussion the amendment was withdrawn. A desultory discussion followed, and Mr. Balfour again moved “ That the question be now put.” T h e closure having been carried by 162 votes against 91, the vote was, on a second division being taken, passed by 188 votes against 66. T h e vote ot ,£ 110 ,000 for a grant in aid o f local rates in Scotland was then agreed to, and the House adjourned.
In the House o f Commons, on Monday, the
— Mo n d a y ’s Speaker read a letter from Mr. G . W . Hastings,
s i t t i n g . explaining that although he had disposed o f trust property he had had no intention o f appropriating the money to his own use, or o f wilfully defrauding any person ; and he asked the House to take into consideration the fact that during the present Parliament he had devoted time and labour to presiding over the Police and Sanitary Regulations Committee. Mr. Sexton submitted that the order o f the day was a violation o f the practices o f the House, and contended that until the terms