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THE TABLET A W eekly Newspaper and R eview . DUM VOBIS GRATULAMUR, ANIMOS ETIAM ADDIMUS UT IN INCCEPTIS VESTRIS CONSTANTER MANEATIS. F ro m the Briej of H is H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T he T ablet Ju n e 4, 1S 7 0 V o l . 79. No. 2704. L ondon, M arch 5> 1892. price 5d., by post s%i . [ R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a i . P o st O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r . C h ro n ic le o f t h e W e e k : Page Imperial Parliam ent: Fee Grant for Scotland—Mr. De Cobain and Trivate Bills—Tuesday’s Sitting —Wednesday’s Sitting—Arbitration between England and the U .S .A .—The New French Ministry—The Riots in Berlin—Bread 'Riots in Vienna—Assassination of a Bulgarian Agem—The Army Estimates—Trouble in Greece— The Spanish Bishops and Anar.chism—The German N avy E stimates—Death o f Sir john Goode —German Legislation against Immorality — Mail Robbery at Glasgow—S i rE . Clarke at Whitechapel—Polling Day at Chertsey —The Pope’s Birthday . . . . 357 'L e a d e r s : The Coal-Heavers at P lay . . 361 The Irish Christian Brothers . . 361 L e a d e r s (Continued) : CONTENTS. Page , L e t t e r s to t h e E d ito r : Page The Fruits o f L ay Education Abroad . . . . . . . . 363 The Habit of Bluntness . . . . 364 N o t e s ......................................................... 365 R e v iew s : The History o f Guilds . . . . 368 Preston Parish Church . . m 368 Gossip of Letters . . . . . 368 The Temporal Power o f the Pope.. 369 Glasgow City Parochial Board _ . . 371 Report of the St. Anselm’s Society The Stroud Green Catechism . . 376 Crozier and “ Baculus Pastoralis” 377 The Newman Statue . . . . 377 In Search of a Father . . . . 377 The New Catholic Club . . . . 377 The Converts’ Memorial Church and the Leakage.. . . . . 378 Cardinal Manning’s Family . . 378 The Apostolate of the Press . . 378 Catholics of Modern England . . 379 Homes for Destitute Catholic Chil­ dren . . . . . . . . . . 380 The Roman Galleries . . . . 380 The Chelsea Catholic Registration Page S U P P L EM E N T . D ec is io n s of R oman C o n grega­ t io n s . . . . . . . . . 389 N ew s from t h e S chools : Irish Education Proposals . . 389 Shrovetide at Beaumont . . . . 391 Public Meetings in Schools . . 39 1 Testimonial to Father Wyndham 392 Memorials to Mgr. Williams at Prior Park . . . . . . 392 N ew s from t h e D io c e s e s : Westminster . . . . . . 392 for 1891 ........................... . . 371 C o rr e s po n d en c e : Rome :—(From Our Own Corre­ spondent) ......................................... 373 Dublin :—(From Our Own Corre­ spondent) ......................................... 374 Society . . ...........................381 Catholics Abroad . . . . . . 381 Salary for the Chelsea Workhouse Chaplain . . . . * . . . . 382 M a r r ia g e . . , . . . . 382 S o c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l . . . . 382 Some Publications of the Week . . 382 Birmingham . . . . . . . . 392 Clifton . . . . . . . . 393 Hexham and Newcastle . . . . 393 Leeds . . . . . . . . 393 Portsmouth . . .. . . . . 394 St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . 382 Aberdeen . . 382 * A Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage. CHRONICLE OF THE WEEK. ------------ ♦----------- b U U T L A I N U . , AT the end of last week in the House of Commons the Lord Advocate moved for leave to . . . _ introduce a B ill to provide for the distribution and application o f sums paid to the Local Taxation (Scotland) Account, and also for the Fee Grant in Scotland. The amount due to Scotland was derived from the passing last year of the English Education Act, which gave a Fee Grant o f ios. per child on the average attendance in schools. In Scotland the object intended by that B ill had been already attained, and it was unnecessary to disturb the arrangement by which Scotland had a larger -capitation grant per child than was held sufficient for the relief o f school fees in this country. Nevertheless, Scotland •had a claim to a grant proportionate to the sum devoted to that purpose in England under the legislation of last Session. The supplementary estimate for the English grant last year amounted to £806 ,0 0 0 , and, according to the usual precedents, the corresponding amount due to Scotland was £ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 . The requirements for the full future year would be provided for England, and the proportion due to Scotland on the same basis of calculation would be for next year and future years £ 2 6 5 ,0 0 0 . The idea was to proceed, under this Bill, with the distribution o f both these sums. The Government had considered themselves bound by the indication given last year with reference to the destination o f the £ 1 10,000. It was proposed to hand it over to the town and county councils on the same basis of allocation as was adopted in regard to the residue grant in the Local Taxation Act o f 1890. There would, the Lord Advocate believed, be a general agreement in that mode o f distributing the sum which had accrued for the current year. Out of the £ 2 6 5 ,0 0 0 , which was the grant to be dealt with on a permanent basis, it was intended to allocate £ 1 7 5 , 0 0 0 for the relief of local rates ; £ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 would go to the town and county councils on the same footing as the £ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; ,£ 75 ,0 00 would be handed to the parochial boards to be applied by them, to the amount of £ 2 5 ,0 0 0 , for the maintenance of pauper lunatics, and the remaining ,£50 ,0 00 would go to the relief o f local rates levied by those boards. Then a large portion o f the balance o f £ 9 0 ,0 0 0 would be devoted to the improvement and development of secondary education. That object was not only in accordance with the traditions o f Scotland, but it closely affected every class o f the people. I t was proposed that £ 6 0 ,0 0 0 out of the £ 9 0 ,0 0 0 should be given for that purpose. Lastly, it was proposed that £ 3 0 ,0 0 0 should be distributed among the Universities of Scotland following an ordinance of the existing University Commission. Mr. Campbell-Bannerman used some severe language in regard to the schemes, and Mr. Balfour moved the adjournment o f the debate, after a little further discussion had been allowed. The debate was adjourned accordingly. On the following day Mr. Balfour moved MR “ jjr':0BAIN for the expulsion o f Mr. Edward Samuel p r i v a t e b i l l s . Wesley de Cobain from the House o f Commons, and the motion was agreed to in silence. The discussion on public meetings in school-rooms we print in another column. When it was concluded, Mr. Balfour asked leave to bring in a B ill to amend the procedure with respect to Private Bills in Scotland and Ireland. The plan centred upon the appointment o f a joint standing committee of the two Houses, consisting o f the Chairman o f Ways and Means o f the House of Commons, and the Chairman o f the Committees in the House of Lords, with the addition o f two members appointed by each House. This Committee would have the right to sit even though Parliament should be prorogued, and carry on their business at any time o f the year. The first duty of the Joint-Committee would be to see that the promoters of any B ill p r im a fa c i e relating to Scotland or Ireland had satisfied the standing orders of the House. Next, they would have to determine whether or not a B ill was, in the main, a Scottish or a Irish one, and whether the B ill involved any principle which Parliament had not previously had to decide. I f it involved any new principles, the present mode o f procedure would be maintained; i f not, the Bill, if a Scottish Bill, would be 1 sent to a Scottish judge and an assistant commissioner; and if an Irish Bill, to an Irish judge and an assistant commissioner— and he hoped that the Railway Commissioners’ Court might hereafter be utilized— with power for the Speaker of the House o f Commons to appoint additional Commissioners should the Joint-Committee represent that the number of Bills required it. The Bills having been read a first and second time without debate would be referred by the Joint-Committee to the Commissioners, then they would come before the Houses for third read New Series, Vol. XLV1I., No. 2,013.


A W eekly Newspaper and R eview .


F ro m the Briej of H is H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T he T ablet Ju n e 4, 1S 7 0

V o l . 79. No. 2704. L ondon, M arch 5> 1892.

price 5d., by post s%i .

[ R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a i . P o st O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r .

C h ro n ic le o f t h e W e e k :


Imperial Parliam ent: Fee Grant for Scotland—Mr. De Cobain and Trivate Bills—Tuesday’s Sitting —Wednesday’s Sitting—Arbitration between England and the U .S .A .—The New French Ministry—The Riots in Berlin—Bread 'Riots in Vienna—Assassination of a Bulgarian Agem—The Army Estimates—Trouble in Greece— The Spanish Bishops and Anar.chism—The German N avy E stimates—Death o f Sir john Goode —German Legislation against

Immorality — Mail Robbery at Glasgow—S i rE . Clarke at Whitechapel—Polling Day at Chertsey —The Pope’s Birthday . . . . 357 'L e a d e r s :

The Coal-Heavers at P lay . . 361 The Irish Christian Brothers . . 361

L e a d e r s (Continued) :


Page ,

L e t t e r s to t h e E d ito r :


The Fruits o f L ay Education

Abroad . . . . . . . . 363 The Habit of Bluntness . . . . 364 N o t e s ......................................................... 365 R e v iew s :

The History o f Guilds . . . . 368 Preston Parish Church . . m 368 Gossip of Letters . . . . . 368 The Temporal Power o f the Pope.. 369 Glasgow City Parochial Board _ . . 371 Report of the St. Anselm’s Society

The Stroud Green Catechism . . 376 Crozier and “ Baculus Pastoralis” 377 The Newman Statue . . . . 377 In Search of a Father . . . . 377 The New Catholic Club . . . . 377 The Converts’ Memorial Church and the Leakage.. . . . . 378 Cardinal Manning’s Family . . 378 The Apostolate of the Press . . 378 Catholics of Modern England . . 379 Homes for Destitute Catholic Chil­

dren . . . . . . . . . . 380 The Roman Galleries . . . . 380 The Chelsea Catholic Registration


S U P P L EM E N T . D ec is io n s of R oman C o n grega­

t io n s . . . . . . . . . 389 N ew s from t h e S chools :

Irish Education Proposals . . 389 Shrovetide at Beaumont . . . . 391 Public Meetings in Schools . . 39 1 Testimonial to Father Wyndham 392 Memorials to Mgr. Williams at

Prior Park . . . . . . 392 N ew s from t h e D io c e s e s : Westminster . . . . . . 392

for 1891 ........................... . . 371 C o rr e s po n d en c e :

Rome :—(From Our Own Corre­

spondent) ......................................... 373 Dublin :—(From Our Own Corre­

spondent) ......................................... 374

Society . . ...........................381 Catholics Abroad . . . . . . 381 Salary for the Chelsea Workhouse

Chaplain . . . . * . . . . 382 M a r r ia g e . . , . . . . 382 S o c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l . . . . 382 Some Publications of the Week . . 382

Birmingham . . . . . . . . 392 Clifton . . . . . . . . 393 Hexham and Newcastle . . . . 393 Leeds . . . . . . . . 393 Portsmouth . . .. . . . . 394 St. Andrews and Edinburgh . . 382 Aberdeen . . 382

* A Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.


------------ ♦-----------

b U U T L A I N U .


AT the end of last week in the

House of Commons the Lord Advocate moved for leave to


. . _

introduce a B ill to provide for the distribution and application o f sums paid to the Local Taxation (Scotland) Account, and also for the Fee Grant in Scotland. The amount due to Scotland was derived from the passing last year of the English Education Act, which gave a Fee Grant o f ios. per child on the average attendance in schools. In Scotland the object intended by that B ill had been already attained, and it was unnecessary to disturb the arrangement by which Scotland had a larger -capitation grant per child than was held sufficient for the relief o f school fees in this country. Nevertheless, Scotland •had a claim to a grant proportionate to the sum devoted to that purpose in England under the legislation of last Session. The supplementary estimate for the English grant last year amounted to £806 ,0 0 0 , and, according to the usual precedents, the corresponding amount due to Scotland was £ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 . The requirements for the full future year would be provided for England, and the proportion due to Scotland on the same basis of calculation would be for next year and future years £ 2 6 5 ,0 0 0 . The idea was to proceed, under this Bill, with the distribution o f both these sums. The Government had considered themselves bound by the indication given last year with reference to the destination o f the £ 1 10,000. It was proposed to hand it over to the town and county councils on the same basis of allocation as was adopted in regard to the residue grant in the Local Taxation Act o f 1890. There would, the Lord Advocate believed, be a general agreement in that mode o f distributing the sum which had accrued for the current year. Out of the £ 2 6 5 ,0 0 0 , which was the grant to be dealt with on a permanent basis, it was intended to allocate £ 1 7 5 , 0 0 0 for the relief of local rates ; £ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 would go to the town and county councils on the same footing as the £ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; ,£ 75 ,0 00 would be handed to the parochial boards to be applied by them, to the amount of £ 2 5 ,0 0 0 , for the maintenance of pauper lunatics, and the remaining ,£50 ,0 00 would go to the relief o f local rates levied by those boards. Then a large portion o f the balance o f £ 9 0 ,0 0 0 would be devoted to the improvement and development of secondary education. That object was not only in accordance with the traditions o f Scotland, but it closely affected every class o f the people. I t was proposed that £ 6 0 ,0 0 0 out of the £ 9 0 ,0 0 0 should be given for that purpose. Lastly, it was proposed that £ 3 0 ,0 0 0 should be distributed among the Universities of Scotland following an ordinance of the existing University Commission. Mr. Campbell-Bannerman used some severe language in regard to the schemes, and Mr. Balfour moved the adjournment o f the debate, after a little further discussion had been allowed. The debate was adjourned accordingly.

On the following day Mr. Balfour moved

MR “ jjr':0BAIN for the expulsion o f Mr. Edward Samuel p r i v a t e b i l l s . Wesley de Cobain from the House o f

Commons, and the motion was agreed to in silence. The discussion on public meetings in school-rooms we print in another column. When it was concluded, Mr. Balfour asked leave to bring in a B ill to amend the procedure with respect to Private Bills in Scotland and Ireland. The plan centred upon the appointment o f a joint standing committee of the two Houses, consisting o f the Chairman o f Ways and Means o f the House of Commons, and the Chairman o f the Committees in the House of Lords, with the addition o f two members appointed by each House. This Committee would have the right to sit even though Parliament should be prorogued, and carry on their business at any time o f the year. The first duty of the Joint-Committee would be to see that the promoters of any B ill p r im a fa c i e relating to Scotland or Ireland had satisfied the standing orders of the House. Next, they would have to determine whether or not a B ill was, in the main, a Scottish or a Irish one, and whether the B ill involved any principle which Parliament had not previously had to decide. I f it involved any new principles, the present mode o f procedure would be maintained; i f not, the Bill, if a Scottish Bill, would be 1 sent to a Scottish judge and an assistant commissioner;

and if an Irish Bill, to an Irish judge and an assistant commissioner— and he hoped that the Railway Commissioners’ Court might hereafter be utilized— with power for the Speaker of the House o f Commons to appoint additional Commissioners should the Joint-Committee represent that the number of Bills required it. The Bills having been read a first and second time without debate would be referred by the Joint-Committee to the Commissioners, then they would come before the Houses for third read

New Series, Vol. XLV1I., No. 2,013.

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