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A Weekly Newspaper e •DUM VOBIS GRATULAMUR, ANIMOS ETIAM ADDIMUS UT IN INCCEPTIS VESTRIS CONSTANTER MANEATIS. F rom th e B r i e f o f H i s H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T he T ablet, J u n e 1870. Vol. 80. No. 2743. London, Decembers, 1892. p „ice 5d„ by post 5mj. [R e g is tered a t t h e G en e r a l P o st O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper. 'C hronicle of t h e W e e k : Page The Pope’s Jubilee—The German Jesuits and the Army Bill— The County Council and Protection— 'Fall of the French Ministry— The Austrian Parliamentary Crisis— The Future of Canada — The -Greek Budget— Captain Lugard -at Liverpool— The Monetary Con­ ference— United States Treasury — The Speaker on Books — A Wonderful Elopement — Salford "Protection and Rescue Society— Lord Rosebery and the Government's Health — Election Petitions . . . . . . . • ‘ . . 881 X eaders : Happiness in Hell . . . . 885 Cardinal Lavigerie . . . . . 886 The African Premier . . . . 887 M. PobiedonostzefFs Enyclical . . 888 C O N T Assyria, Rome, and Canterbury Paste . . 889 N o t e s ........................................ . . 890 R ev iew s : Irish Idylls .. . . 892 Mrs. Clifford’s New Stories . . 893 Land Nationalization 893 The Liturgy . . 894 Sir Walter .. The Late Mgr. Munro . . . . 894 C orrespondence : Rome :—(From Our Own Corre­ spondent).. . . . . . . 897 Dublin :— (From Our Own Corre­ spondent) .................................... 898 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it or : Sickness at Beaumont : A Plain Statement . . . . •• 899 ENTS. L e t t e r s to th e E d itor (Con Page tinued) : Catholics in the Army . . . . 899 Irish Distressed Ladies’ Fund .. 900 A Complaint of Beggars .. . . 900 Convent Schools .. .. . . 901 Starvation at the Docks . . .. qoi St. Baldw in .................................... 901 Aspects o f Anglicanism . . . . 901 So c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l . . . . o SUPPLEMENT. N ew s from t h e S chools : The Archbishop at S t. A lo ysius s College, H ig agate . . . . 9 1 3 N ew s from th e D ioceses : A Nestorian on the Church of England . . . . . . . . 903 The Benevolent Society for the Re­ lief of the Aged and Infirm Poor 904 The Spanish Reformed Church . . 905 The Gregorian University . . . . 906 The Late Mr. Edward H. Dering 906 Southwark ........................... . . 913 C lifton . . . . . . . . 914 Newport and Menevia . . --915 Northampton . . . . . . 016 N o t t in g h am . . ... .... . . 917 j Portsmouth . . . . . . . . 917 Dunkeld . . . . . . . . 917 I Archbishop Ireland and the Red 1 Hat . . . . ......................... Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage. CHRONICLE OF THE WEEK. ------------♦ ----------- TH E official programme o f the festivities to be held in honour o f the impending Episcopal Jubilee o f the Pope is expected to be published at an early date. T h e Italian pilgrim s who, according to the original plan, were to arrive in Rom e on February 15, and to attend the Mass to be celebrated b y the Pope at St. Peter’s on the 1 9th, will now not come until Lent, as the dates mentioned coincide -with the Carnival. T h e German pilgrim s will arrive in the second week after Easter. T h e official programme will state (it is said) that, in accordance with the Pope’s decision, the periods for the reception o f the various parties o f pilgrims will be fixed to suit the convenience o f the different nationalities, and that, for this reason, the Jubilee Fetes w ill be prolonged until December, 1893. A s regards the dates o f the six ceremonies o f beatification, which will be held in the H a ll o f the I.oggia, in connection with the Tubilce, the Pope has fixed the following Sundays : January 8 and 22, February 5, March 5 and 12, and April 1 6 ; but at the request o f the Jubilee Committee his Holiness has consented to one o f these ceremonies, probably that o f M arch 24, being postponed until M ay for the pilgrims expected in that month. T h e final decision on this subject rests with Cardinal A lo isi-M asella, Prefect o f the Congrega tion o f R ites. T h e Pope is preparing an Encyclical, which w ill probably be issued at the end o f Decem ber or the beginning o f January, announcing the special Indulgences granted in honour o f his Jubilee. On February 19, the actual anniversary o f the episcopal consecration o f the Pope, his Holiness will celebrate Mass in the Vatican Chapel, to which all the pilgrim s and persons furnished with special tickets will be admitted. On the same date and on the follow ing days, there will be solemn ceremonies in the Basilica o f St. Lawrence, where the Pope was consecrated B ishop 50 years ago. A t the same time Cardinal Parocchi will, in the name o f Pope Leo, take possession o f th e new church, erected at the Prati di Castello and dedica te d to St. Joachim , which is the gift o f the Catholic w orld to the Pope. During the pilgrimages, special a cad em ic congresses will be held, at which all the Pontifical a cadem ie s and religious institutions o f R om e will be represented. New Series, Vor.. XLV1IX., No, 2,052. T h e Centre party, according to the Berlin I t r a m ™ '™ . correspondent o f T h e T im es has decided to JCiuUllo ArilJ Illlii . * 1 . . T , t ARMY BILL. bring before the Imperial D iet a B ill for the repeal o f the law against the Jesuits. This was antecedently probable, as notice o f such a motion was given last session, though it was dropped in the storm which was excited b y the Education B ill. If, as we trust they will, the Centre press their opportunity, the difficulty o f the Government will be extreme, owing to the fact that during the late session, Count von Caprivi in his capacity o f President o f the Prussian Council o f Ministers declared that the Prussian members o f the Federal Council would oppose the measure. It will be remembered that the law in question dates back to Prince B ism arck’s persecution in 1870 and resulted in the breaking up o f all the Jesuit colleges and houses in Germany and the scattering abroad o f their inmates. Since then a large number o f the exiles have found their way back to their own country, bu t je su it establishm ents are not tolerated. In some circles it has been conjectured that the recall o f the Jesuits has been the price demanded by the Catholic leaders for their support o f the new A rm y B ill. It is unlikely that they would think for a moment o f so laying themselves open to the charge o f bartering away the national interests. Dr. L ieber one o f the Catholic members from South Germany alluding to the report that the Government were seeking to strike some such bargain, has stated that at no price will he vote for the A rm y B ill. “ However dear the Jesuits may be to us, however deeply we feel the refusal to them o f the common rights o f citizenship, we love them too well, and we appreciate those rights too highly to purchase the repeal o f the Bill o f 1872 at the cost o f burdens which would make their return a curse and an in justice to the whole nation.” I t is not often that we hear the c o u n t y * c o u n c i l doctrines ° f Protection advocated in this a n d p r o t e c t i o n , country, except as the despairing wail o f the agricultural interest. T h e debate in the London County Council upon the tenders offered for the proposed new Woolwich ferry-boat seems to show that even in very democratic quarters the love o f free trade is only skin-deep. T h e tenders varied from ^ 1 5 ,8 0 0 to ^C24,5°o. T h e Bridges Committee, in making their report to the general body o f the Council, advised the acceptance o f the tender o f Messrs. R . and H . Green, which came to ^ i r 7;3 25) in preference to that o f Messrs. W . Simons and Co., which was only ^ 15 ,8 0 0 . It was not denied that the latter firm was quite capable o f doing the work efficiently, but it was argued that Messrs. Green were a London firm—

A Weekly Newspaper e


F rom th e B r i e f o f H i s H o lin e s s P iu s I X . to T he T ablet, J u n e 1870.

Vol. 80. No. 2743. London, Decembers, 1892.

p „ice 5d„ by post 5mj.

[R e g is tered a t t h e G en e r a l P o st O f f ic e a s a N ew spaper.

'C hronicle of t h e W e e k :


The Pope’s Jubilee—The German Jesuits and the Army Bill— The County Council and Protection— 'Fall of the French Ministry— The Austrian Parliamentary Crisis— The Future of Canada — The -Greek Budget— Captain Lugard -at Liverpool— The Monetary Con­

ference— United States Treasury — The Speaker on Books — A Wonderful Elopement — Salford "Protection and Rescue Society— Lord Rosebery and the Government's Health — Election Petitions . . . . . . . • ‘ . . 881 X eaders :

Happiness in Hell . . . . 885 Cardinal Lavigerie . . . . . 886 The African Premier . . . . 887 M. PobiedonostzefFs Enyclical . . 888


Assyria, Rome, and Canterbury Paste . . 889

N o t e s ........................................ . . 890 R ev iew s :

Irish Idylls ..

. . 892

Mrs. Clifford’s New Stories . . 893 Land Nationalization 893 The Liturgy . . 894 Sir Walter .. The Late Mgr. Munro . . . . 894 C orrespondence :

Rome :—(From Our Own Corre­

spondent).. . . . . . . 897 Dublin :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) .................................... 898 L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it or :

Sickness at Beaumont : A Plain

Statement . . . .

•• 899


L e t t e r s to th e E d itor (Con

Page tinued) : Catholics in the Army . . . . 899 Irish Distressed Ladies’ Fund .. 900 A Complaint of Beggars .. . . 900 Convent Schools .. .. . . 901 Starvation at the Docks . . .. qoi St. Baldw in .................................... 901

Aspects o f Anglicanism . . . . 901

So c ia l a n d P o l it ic a l . . . . o

SUPPLEMENT. N ew s from t h e S chools :

The Archbishop at S t. A lo ysius s

College, H ig agate . . . . 9 1 3

N ew s from th e D ioceses :

A Nestorian on the Church of

England . . . . . . . . 903 The Benevolent Society for the Re­

lief of the Aged and Infirm Poor 904 The Spanish Reformed Church . . 905 The Gregorian University . . . . 906 The Late Mr. Edward H. Dering 906

Southwark ........................... . . 913 C lifton . . . . . . . . 914 Newport and Menevia . . --915 Northampton . . . . . . 016 N o t t in g h am . . ... .... . . 917 j Portsmouth . . . . . . . . 917

Dunkeld . . . . . . . . 917

I Archbishop Ireland and the Red 1 Hat . . . . .........................

Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.


------------♦ -----------

TH E official programme o f the festivities to be held in honour o f the impending Episcopal Jubilee o f the Pope is expected to be published at an early date. T h e

Italian pilgrim s who, according to the original plan, were to arrive in Rom e on February 15, and to attend the Mass to be celebrated b y the Pope at St. Peter’s on the 1 9th, will now not come until Lent, as the dates mentioned coincide -with the Carnival. T h e German pilgrim s will arrive in the second week after Easter. T h e official programme will state (it is said) that, in accordance with the Pope’s decision, the periods for the reception o f the various parties o f pilgrims will be fixed to suit the convenience o f the different nationalities, and that, for this reason, the Jubilee Fetes w ill be prolonged until December, 1893. A s regards the dates o f the six ceremonies o f beatification, which will be held in the H a ll o f the I.oggia, in connection with the Tubilce, the Pope has fixed the following Sundays : January 8 and 22, February 5, March 5 and 12, and April 1 6 ; but at the request o f the Jubilee Committee his Holiness has consented to one o f these ceremonies, probably that o f M arch 24, being postponed until M ay for the pilgrims expected in that month. T h e final decision on this subject rests with Cardinal A lo isi-M asella, Prefect o f the Congrega tion o f R ites. T h e Pope is preparing an Encyclical, which w ill probably be issued at the end o f Decem ber or the beginning o f January, announcing the special Indulgences granted in honour o f his Jubilee. On February 19, the actual anniversary o f the episcopal consecration o f the Pope, his Holiness will celebrate Mass in the Vatican Chapel, to which all the pilgrim s and persons furnished with special tickets will be admitted. On the same date and on the follow ing days, there will be solemn ceremonies in the Basilica o f St. Lawrence, where the Pope was consecrated B ishop 50 years ago. A t the same time Cardinal Parocchi will, in the name o f Pope Leo, take possession o f th e new church, erected at the Prati di Castello and dedica te d to St. Joachim , which is the gift o f the Catholic w orld to the Pope. During the pilgrimages, special a cad em ic congresses will be held, at which all the Pontifical a cadem ie s and religious institutions o f R om e will be represented.

New Series, Vor.. XLV1IX., No, 2,052.

T h e Centre party, according to the Berlin

I t r a m ™ '™ . correspondent o f T h e T im es has decided to JCiuUllo ArilJ Illlii . * 1 . . T , t

ARMY BILL. bring before the Imperial D iet a B ill for the repeal o f the law against the Jesuits.

This was antecedently probable, as notice o f such a motion was given last session, though it was dropped in the storm which was excited b y the Education B ill. If, as we trust they will, the Centre press their opportunity, the difficulty o f the Government will be extreme, owing to the fact that during the late session, Count von Caprivi in his capacity o f President o f the Prussian Council o f Ministers declared that the Prussian members o f the Federal Council would oppose the measure. It will be remembered that the law in question dates back to Prince B ism arck’s persecution in 1870 and resulted in the breaking up o f all the Jesuit colleges and houses in Germany and the scattering abroad o f their inmates. Since then a large number o f the exiles have found their way back to their own country, bu t je su it establishm ents are not tolerated. In some circles it has been conjectured that the recall o f the Jesuits has been the price demanded by the Catholic leaders for their support o f the new A rm y B ill. It is unlikely that they would think for a moment o f so laying themselves open to the charge o f bartering away the national interests. Dr. L ieber one o f the Catholic members from South Germany alluding to the report that the Government were seeking to strike some such bargain, has stated that at no price will he vote for the A rm y B ill. “ However dear the Jesuits may be to us, however deeply we feel the refusal to them o f the common rights o f citizenship, we love them too well, and we appreciate those rights too highly to purchase the repeal o f the Bill o f 1872 at the cost o f burdens which would make their return a curse and an in justice to the whole nation.”

I t is not often that we hear the c o u n t y * c o u n c i l doctrines ° f Protection advocated in this a n d p r o t e c t i o n , country, except as the despairing wail o f the agricultural interest. T h e debate in the London County Council upon the tenders offered for the proposed new Woolwich ferry-boat seems to show that even in very democratic quarters the love o f free trade is only skin-deep. T h e tenders varied from ^ 1 5 ,8 0 0 to ^C24,5°o. T h e Bridges Committee, in making their report to the general body o f the Council, advised the acceptance o f the tender o f Messrs. R . and H . Green, which came to ^ i r 7;3 25) in preference to that o f Messrs. W . Simons and Co., which was only ^ 15 ,8 0 0 . It was not denied that the latter firm was quite capable o f doing the work efficiently, but it was argued that Messrs. Green were a London firm—

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