l e s l l e c t i b l C o l Au c t i o n s
I n t e r n a t i o n a i s t o r i c a r d e r s ✦ H
r m o u r ✦ O
As a n d r m
AA n t i q u e
Illyrian type helmets of the 6th century B.C.
A gold-inlaid helmet from the Chinese Imperial Family, Qing Dynasty, 18th century
Sultan Abdul Hamid I (r.1774-1789) – a presentation kilij set with diamonds and emeralds
An important photo album presented by the City of Stalingrad to the sword maker of the “Honour Sword of Stalingrad”
Imperial german military headgear
NExT AuCTION: Oct. 11th - 15th, 2010
4 CATAlOguES of military and historical interest
Antiquities, Antique Arms &Armour, Works of Art, Orders and Militaria
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Fine Antique and Modern Firearms
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Orders and Historical Collectibles
Catalogues online available at: www.hermann-historica.com
A silver table centerpiece presented by the officers of the
Yorkshire Hussards to lord grantham 1827
A german shield, circa 1500
and a sword from the Battle of Castillon 1453
Enigma g 317 and Enigma I – two different types of the world’s most famous cipher machine
A plate from a military service, Imperial Russian
Porcelain Factory in
St. Petersburg, Alexander II/III period
A silverencrusted sword, England, circa 1900
Rare Russian and german orders A selection of iron caskets of the 16th and 17th centuries
Hermann Historica oHg ✦ linprunstr. 16 ✦ D-80335 Munich ✦ Phone +49-89-54726490 Fax +49-89-547264999 ✦ E-mail: contact@hermann-historica.com