A IVeekly Newspaper and Review
From the Brief of His Holiness to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870.
Voi. 46. No. 1846. L o n d o n , A u g u s t 28, 1875.
P r ic e 5c!. B y P o s T 5 ^ d
[R egistered a t the General Post O ffice as a N ewspaper.
■ Ch ronicle of th e W e e k :—
The Rebellion in the Turkish Provinces.— Interference of the Three Powers.—Turkey and Servia.— Sir H . Elliot and the Sultan.— Insurrection in Khokand.—The Collision in the Solent.— Mr. Gladstone’s Polemics in France.— The Alleged Consecration of the Church to the Sacred Heart.—The “ Daily Telegraph” and the “ Independence Beige.”— South Africa and the Colonial Office.— Unseaworthy Ships—Collusive Sales.— Seo de Urgel.— Suppression of the Convents in Geneva.— Louise Lateau. — Captain Webb and Captain Boyton.— Murder of Commodore Goodenough, &c., &c.................... 257
L e a d e r s :
The Rising in Turkey After “ The Season ” Scientific Congresses in Italy M. Dechamps and Fere Gratry R eview s :
The Persecutions of Annam Funeral Oration on the Right
261 261 262 263 .. 265
Reverend Father Dom Prosper Gueranger.. .. .. The Contemporary Review The Speeches and Public Letters of the “ Liberator” Short N otices :
Light Leading unto Light Lives of the Saints .. .. .. 268 Who Translated the Bible ? .. 268 Church M usic :
265 266 267 268
St. Cecilia's Society’s Catalogue.. 268
Literary, Artistic, & Scientific Gossip 269 C orrespondence :
Arius and “ Old Catholics ” .. 270 Restoration of St. Etheldreda’s,
Ely-place .. .. .. .. 271 The Church of Reparation to Our
Lady .. .. .. .. 271 A Warning .. .. .. .. 271 R ome :— Letter from our own Cor
respondent .. .. .. 273 Peter’s Pence .........................273 D iocesan N ews :—
Southwark .. .. ,, .. 273 Liverpool .. .. .. .. 274
D iocesan (continued) :
Newport and Menevia .. .. 275 Nottingham .. .. .. .. 276 Scotland—Northern District .. 276 I r e land .. .. .. . . .. 243
Letter from our Dublin Corre
spondent .. .. . . .. 277 Foreign N ews
Spain .. .. .. .. .. 278 Germany .. .. .. .. 278 Bavaria .. .. .. .. 278 M emoranda :—
Religious.— Catholic Newspapers 279 Notre Dame do Boulogne .. 279 Educational .. .. .. 279 General N ews ............................279
TH E present moment is a crisis in the desti
nies o f the insurrectionary movement in the O ttom an provinces. T h e Turks have
Turkish la n d e d their troops at K le k , and after some fightpbovinces. in g and some loss these troops have effected a junction with the force which was at Mostar under D ervish Pasha. More reinforcem ents are arriving, ■ and it is stated that the Porte will soon have as many as z 8,000 men in the Herzegovina. T h e Governm ent will ■ naturally strain every nerve to crush the revolt before com ing to any agreem ent about reforms, so as to avoid the appearance o f making terms with its d iscontented subjects. I t remains to be seen whether this is feasible. A lth ough the continued influx o f reinforcem ents to the rebels from Servia and Montenegro is officially denied, it is at the same time stated that the rising at Banjaluka was fom ented by 200 Servians who landed from Austrian merchant vessels, and there can be little doubt that Servians do join the insurgents as well as Montenegrins and Dalmatians, though they ■ may not come by the direct route from their homes. Servia has a special reason for keeping up the appearance o f neutrality. I f T u rkey had a good pretext for sending a colum n in to the Principality she could get at the H erzegovina much more easily than she has now a chance o f ■ doing. T h e roads from Turkey proper into that province which lies to the south o f Servia are few and difficult o f passage— they are, in fact, mountain-passes which are actually occupied by the insurgents. Prince M ilan therefore must know that an excuse for entering Servia would be eagerly seized by the Governm ent o f his Suzerain. But he is in no slight difficulty. T h e recent e lections to the B e lgrade Skuptchina have returned Radical and Nationalist candidates in a large majority, and the consequence has been a ministerial crisis, and the possible accession o f a Nationalist Cabinet to power. Such a governm ent would no doubt g ive active assistance to the insurrection i f it dared, and would certainly not refuse it any indirect aid which it may be safe to give. Prince M ilan will undoubtedly fee l the pressure, and a telegram in the French Liberte even states that he has addressed to the Powers which signed the T reaty o f Paris a declaration o f the difficult position in which he finds himself, complaining that the Powers leave him in ignorance o f what they mean to do, while, if they do nothing, the movement will assume such proportions that he will no longer be able to help going with the stream.
T h e Powers, however, have done something. T h e _representatives at Constantinople o f Austria, Germany, and Russia, “ with the cog“ n izance o f their colleagues,” have proposed to the Porte to send their Consuls in Bosnia to New Ser ie s , V ol. X IV . No. 355.
inform the insurgents that they are not to expect any help from foreign countries nor from Servia and Montenegro, and to advise them to lay down their arms and submit their grievances to a Special Commissioner. A fter about two days consideration the Porte acceded to this proposal, and Server Pasha has been appointed the Special Commissioner. A s soon as the insurgents are thoroughly convinced that there is no chance at present o f foreign support for the schem e o f a new Hospodarate, they must o f course g ive in, and w ill scarcely refuse such favourable conditions. I t seems to b e understood that the Porte does not undertake to suspend hostilities while these efforts at mediation are going on.
T h e sentim ents with which the Turkish tcrkey and Governm ent regards Servia are evidenced by a telegram from Constantinople dated Tuesday,
in which it is announced that a large military force is being concentrated in the district o f Nissa, that the new M in ister o f War, the late V iz ie r Plussein A vn i Pasha, is to take the command o f it in person, and that “ in certain contin“ gencies he would not hesitate to effect a m ilitary occu“ pation o f Servia.” T h e despatch also states that ‘ ‘ in “ official quarters ” this measure is stated to “ have been “ adopted in consequence o f the attitude o f Servia, whose “ share in the disturbances in Bosnia and the H erzegovina “ is regarded b y the Porte as becom ing more and more “ manifest.” A t the same tim e the English and Austrian consuls at Belgrade are said to have warned the Servian Governm ent against taking any part in the struggle with Turkey ; the English consul declaring that, i f she did, he would break o ff diplom atic re la tio n s ; and the Austrian consul that even if Servia proved successful Austria would not perm it her to increase her territory. T h e pressure from both sides— from T u rk e y and from the foreign Powers— • has had its effect in making the position o f a Nationalist M in istry a very difficult one, and the result is that Prince M ilan has requested the Conservative M in istry to remain in office for the present, and open the Skuptchina on the 28th.
T h e British Ambassador at Constantinople elliot Hand ^as c^aime(i h ‘ s r ig h t personal audience, and the sultan, has acquainted the Sultan him self with the views o f the English Governm ent concerning several questions affecting Turkey. These interviews almost always begin with a lecture on finance, and the Sultan afforded an opportunity for this by noticing some o f the opinions hostile to Turkey which had found utterance in the House o f Commons. Pie said that the resources o f the country and the probable developm ent o f them were such that no apprehension need be caused by a deficit in the budget, which was only temporary. S ir H enry E llio t is reported to have admitted the extent o f T u rk e y ’s resources, but to have pointed out that there were real financial dangers. T h e only very practical result o f the interview seems to have been an assup-