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C1l1)Pl]tl~S about

....,.hlll.n.Cl.n1n> ...n7 t]~Onl]rSand maga2:Ine:S., lIlcll1d.lng, "Is Jean

Will the that enabled scientists to clone a with a route to Imm(Jlrt3.l1t~r!


Harwood the sense from the nonsense that followed in the wake

A fresh look at how two giants of "V7"".-.. ...."".......,. ....,.hlll.nClr~1n>h,'7 differ in their ~n~lhT~l~ of human nature.

How two teachers are out to revolutionise way we

1n>h·tln4>::'n.....'h·uto children and adults.

an introduction to use.

Ellis Ellis argues that current methods for tealch:lnJ1~ rellg:lon in schools by their nature and offers an alternative that avoids charges of indoctrination.

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