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CONTENTS [NDEX TO REVIEWS 1742 Including two Busoni Piano Concertos on CD, Kurt Masur's Leipzig Mendelssohn Second, and three recordings of Rachmaninov's Second Symphony. Michael Oliver reviews two recordings of Schnittke's Third String Quartet andJoan Chissell discusses Mikhail Pletnev's Chopin. CORRESPONDENCE 1744 More in the recorded versus live debate, gramophone conductors, and some thoughts on contemporary music. NEWS AND VIEWS 1746 Interviews with Norio Ohga, President of the Sony Corporation, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Alexander Baillie, Thomas Zehetmair and Matt Haimovitz. QV AR TERL Y RETROSPECT 1759 John Steane considers the quarter's vocal, choral and operatic releases, including Cluck's (( Orphee et Eurydice" and Offenbach's I( Les brigands" conducted by John Eliot Cardiner, Faure MeloJ[es from Dame Janet Baker, and Machaut choral works. ROGER NORRINGTON 1765 Stephen Jolltlson talks to the director of the London Classical Players and members of the orchestra about their approach to the period performance of Schubert, Beethoven and Wagner . REVIEWS Orchestral-1769. Chamber-18tO. Instrumental-1830. Choral & Song-1845. Opera-1862. Classical Pops-1871. Spoken Word-1872. Historical Recordings-1875. Collectors' Corner-1890. 1769 AUDIO 1892 Audio 90 & Hi-fi 90 Show reports-1892. Arthur Haddy-an appreciation-1898. Beyer IRS690 Headphones-1900. Sennheiser HD560 Headphones-1903. SonyMDR-RtO Headphones-1903. Quad 66 Preamplifier and Control Panel-1904. JVC AX-Z10tOTN Amplifier-1908. JVC ZtOtOTN CD Player-1908. JVC FX-tOtOTN Tuner-1911. JVC VtOtOTN Cassette Deck-1911. Audio Technica AT 450E Pick up Cartridge-1912. New Products-1915. NEW RELEASES 1925 A listing of new Compact Discs, Cassettes and LP releases scheduled to appear this month. FRONT COVER Roger Norrington isfeatured 0/1 this month's cover. He talks to StephenJohnson on page 1765 and we review his three new EMI releases with the London Classical Players. (Photo: EMI/Leighton) NEXT MONTH The Mayfront cover wil1featJ~re the latest disc in Mark Ermler's Tchaikovsky ballet series for Royal Opera House Records. We also review VHS opera videos and celebrate Arturo Toscanini's recorded legacy. The i\![ay 1990 isme will be published on Wednesday May 2nd. ro- ro Ma-p./8/4 Vot 67 No. 803 Published by Gcncr:ill Gnmophonc Publiotions Ltd., 177 /9 , Kcnton ROJ-d , Harrow, Middlesex HA30HA. Telephone 01-907 4476. Telex 265871 MONREF G MUS027 Fax 01-907 0073 Edicor,JAM£SJOLLY 0 Assistant Editor, MARK WICCINS 0 Consultant to Editori:d Dcpulmem, QUITA CHAVEZ 0 Audio Di<CCIO',JOHN BOR WICK 0 Audio EdiIO'. IVOR HUMPHREYS 0 Audio Consultant,jOHN GILBERT 0 Deputy Publisher & Advertisement Director , BARR Y IR VING o Advenisemcnl Co-o,dimlo" KATHR YN GIORNALl 0 An EdilO<, DERMOT JONES 0 Circuiarion Manager, STEP HEN PRESCOTT 0 Subscription Manager, VALERIE W ARBUR TON o Managing EdilO'. CHRISTOPHER POLLARD 0 Publish«, ANTHONY POLLARD




Including two Busoni Piano Concertos on CD, Kurt Masur's Leipzig Mendelssohn Second, and three recordings of Rachmaninov's Second Symphony. Michael Oliver reviews two recordings of Schnittke's Third String Quartet andJoan Chissell discusses Mikhail Pletnev's Chopin.



More in the recorded versus live debate, gramophone conductors, and some thoughts on contemporary music.



Interviews with Norio Ohga, President of the Sony Corporation, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Alexander Baillie, Thomas Zehetmair and Matt Haimovitz.



John Steane considers the quarter's vocal, choral and operatic releases, including Cluck's (( Orphee et Eurydice" and Offenbach's I( Les brigands" conducted by John Eliot Cardiner, Faure MeloJ[es from Dame Janet Baker, and Machaut choral works.



Stephen Jolltlson talks to the director of the London Classical Players and members of the orchestra about their approach to the period performance of Schubert, Beethoven and Wagner .


Orchestral-1769. Chamber-18tO. Instrumental-1830. Choral & Song-1845. Opera-1862. Classical Pops-1871. Spoken Word-1872. Historical Recordings-1875. Collectors' Corner-1890.




Audio 90 & Hi-fi 90 Show reports-1892. Arthur Haddy-an appreciation-1898. Beyer IRS690 Headphones-1900. Sennheiser HD560 Headphones-1903. SonyMDR-RtO Headphones-1903. Quad 66 Preamplifier and Control Panel-1904. JVC AX-Z10tOTN Amplifier-1908. JVC ZtOtOTN CD Player-1908. JVC FX-tOtOTN Tuner-1911. JVC VtOtOTN Cassette Deck-1911. Audio Technica AT 450E Pick up Cartridge-1912. New Products-1915.



A listing of new Compact Discs, Cassettes and LP releases scheduled to appear this month.

FRONT COVER Roger Norrington isfeatured 0/1 this month's cover. He talks to StephenJohnson on page 1765 and we review his three new EMI releases with the London Classical Players. (Photo: EMI/Leighton)

NEXT MONTH The Mayfront cover wil1featJ~re the latest disc in Mark Ermler's Tchaikovsky ballet series for Royal Opera House Records. We also review VHS opera videos and celebrate Arturo Toscanini's recorded legacy. The i\![ay 1990 isme will be published on Wednesday May 2nd.

ro- ro Ma-p./8/4

Vot 67 No. 803 Published by Gcncr:ill Gnmophonc Publiotions Ltd., 177 /9 , Kcnton ROJ-d , Harrow, Middlesex HA30HA. Telephone 01-907 4476. Telex 265871 MONREF G MUS027 Fax 01-907 0073 Edicor,JAM£SJOLLY 0 Assistant Editor, MARK WICCINS 0 Consultant to Editori:d Dcpulmem, QUITA CHAVEZ 0 Audio Di

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