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THE TABLET. A Weekly Newspaper and Review. DOM VOBIS GRATULAMUR, ANIMOS ETIAM ADDIMUS tJT IN INCCEPTIS VESTRIS CONSTANTER MANEAT1 From, ike Brier oj His Holiness Pius IX . to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870. V o l . 84. No. 2834. L ondon, S eptember i , 1894. P r ic e s d . b y P o s t s ^ d . [ R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r ''•Cr o n ic le o f t h e W e e k : Page Imperial Parliament : B r i t i s h East Africa Company— Appropriation Bill— Royal Assent to the Appropriation and other Bills— The Queen’s Speech—The Hyde Park Fiasco— The Platforms and «the Speeches—What a Correspondent Saw— The London School Board— The Indiscretions of M. Stambuloff — G e rm a n Catholic C o n f e r e n c e — Troubles on the Mosquito Coast— How Jabez Baltour was Trapped— The Wai in Corea— The Dutch Reverse in the East Indies ......................... 317 ‘L e a d e r s : The Chartered Lands in South Africa . . . . . . 321 Indigitation . . . . . . . . 322 A Lourdes Miracle.— August 21st 323 N o t e s .................................... . . 324 R e v ie w s : CONTENTS Page L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r : Readings on the Inferno of Dante 325 The “ Western” Text of the New Testament .. . . . . 327 East Syrian Daily Offices . . 327 Holy Men of God .. . . 328 The Means of Grace . . . . 328 Calumnies Against Convents . . 328 T h e H o s p i t a l l e r Knights of St. Tohn c f Jerusalem and Mediaeval Ambulance Corps Work . . . . . . . . 329 Books o f the Week . . . . 329 Papal Impeccability . . . . . . 329 C orrespon d e n c e : Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­ spondent) .................................... 333 Political Colour . . . . . . 334 News from Ire la n d ........................ 335 The Greek Church.. . . 336 The Government a n d King’s College . . .. . . . . 336 The Jubilee of St. M ary’s Cathedral, Newcastle . . . . . . . . 336 Local Opinion . . . . . . . . 341 The Tynside Dailies on Catholicism 342 Dr. Barnardo and Parents . . . . 343 The New Church at Norwich . . 343 Stonyhurst ....................................... 343 Welsh Documents . . .. . . 344 O b it u a r y ...........................................344 So c ia l a n d P o l i t i c a l . . .*345 S U P P L EM E N T . N ew s from t h e S chools : pa-e The Buckfast School Question and the Government . . . . . . 349 Training College in Glasgow for Catholic Teachers . . . . 34) Oxford Local Examinations . . 349 College o f Pupil Teachers, Notre Dame, Sheffield . . . . . . 350 Greenwich School Board Election 350 N ew s from t h e D io ceses : Westminster . . . . . . 350 Newport and Menevia . . . . 330 P l y m o u t h ....................................... 350 Salford ........................................ 350 Aberdeen . . 350 Nottingham Catholic Cathedral . . 352 Kemberton . . 353 The Catholic Conference . . . . 3 :4 Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage. CHRONICLE OF THE WEEK. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT — BRITISH EAST AFRICA COMPANY. S ’ I R E. G R E Y on Thursday week, replying to Mr. Lawrence, stated that, i f terms o f settlement with the British East Africa Company could not be arranged between the Government and the Company, it would be necessary to consider the Company’s position with reference to its Charter and the duties which the Charter involved. Sir W . Lawson asked for an undertaking that before the Government agreed to pay any money as compensation to the Company the matter should be brought before the House. Mr. Storey also -insisted that before any money was paid they must see that an adequate return was got for it. Mr. A . Morton asked whether the Company had any moral or legal claim to any money. T o these interrogatories Sir E. Grey replied that th e practice in transactions o f this kind had been for the •Government to act on its own responsibility. T h e House could, o f course, approve or disapprove any action taken by th e Government, but he could not give an undertaking that t h e Government would consult the House before coming to a decision. In answer to Mr. Morton’s question it was evident that the Company had some claim, because they •held a valuable concession from the Sultan o f Zanzibar. Mr. Storey asked whether, having regard to the strong feeling in some parts o f the House against any money being -paid to the Company, the Government would not make payment conditional on the consent o f the House being obtained. Sir E . Grey admitted that there was a divided -feeling in the House, but the Government must act on their own initiative and responsibility. On the motion for the Second Reading __a p p r o p r i a t i o n o f this B ill on i hursday week, a general b i l l . discussion took place by the few members who were present. Mr. Little, as a Liberal member, objected to the words “ cheerfully granted,” which •were contained in the Bill, and after a few sentences he was peremptorily called to order by the Speaker, who informed him he could not refer to the constitution o f the House of Lords on the Second Reading o f the Appropriation B i l l ; and it was ultimately read a second time. New Series. Vol. L IL , No 2,143 T h e Consolidated Fund (Appropria- — royal assent to bon) j$ill was brought up from the Comand other b il l s . nions on Saturday and passed through all its stages, the sitting being suspended at twenty minutes to ten o’clock till a quarter before three. A t a quarter to three o ’c lock the Lord Chancellor, the Earl o f Kimberley, the Marquis o f Breadalbane (Steward o f the Household), Lord Carrington (Lord Chamberlain), and the Earl o f Chesterfield sat as Royal Commissioners to give her Majesty’s Assent to several Bills and to prorogue Parliament. T h e only other Peers present were Lord Sherborne, Lord Rowton, and the Bishop o f St. A lb a n s ; and the Speaker and several members o f the House o f Commons were in attendance. T h e Bills to which the Royal Assent was given, with the usual formalities, included the Appropriation, the Uniforms, the Chimney Sweepers, the Quarries, the Copyhold (Consolidation), the Coal Mines (Check Weigher), Crown Lands, Heritable Securities (Scotland), Statute Law Revision, Equalization o f Rates (London), Housing o f the Working Classes (Borrowing Powers), Merchant Shipping, Congested Districts Board (Ireland), Juries (Ireland) A c ts Amendment, Expiring Laws Continuance, Railway and Canal Traffic, Diseases o f Animals, Local Government (Scotland), Building Societies (No. 2), Harrow and Stanmore Gas, Manchester Corporation, London County Council (General Powers), London Streets and Buildings, Ealing and South Harrow Railway, and the London, Walthamstow, and Epping Forest Railway Acts. T h e Lord Chancellor then read her — th e queen’s Majesty’s Speech “ in her own words : ” “ M ) ’ speech . L o rd s a n d Gentlem en,— It affords me sensible gratification to be able to dismiss you at the end of a Session which has been little less than a prolongation o f the previous one ; and it gives me pleasure to reflect that your labours, if they have been exhausting, have also been fruitful. I am confident that you will share in the joy with which I and my people have welcomed the birth o f an heir in the third generation to my Throne ; an event not merely propitious, but unprecedented in the history o f this country. M y relations with foreign Powers continue to be friendly and peaceful. It is, however, matter for regret that a variety o f questions relating to A frica between my Government and that o f the French Republic still remain unsettled. It is my wish that these should be arranged without unnecessary delay ; and I am engaged in friendly negotiations with that object. T h e state o f affairs in Siam continues to engage my earnest attention. T h e welfare o f

THE TABLET. A Weekly Newspaper and Review.


From, ike Brier oj His Holiness Pius IX . to T he T ablet, June 4, 1870.

V o l . 84. No. 2834. L ondon, S eptember i , 1894. P r ic e s d . b y P o s t s ^ d .

[ R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r

''•Cr o n ic le o f t h e W e e k :


Imperial Parliament : B r i t i s h East Africa Company— Appropriation Bill— Royal Assent to the Appropriation and other Bills— The Queen’s Speech—The Hyde Park Fiasco— The Platforms and «the Speeches—What a Correspondent Saw— The London School Board— The Indiscretions of M. Stambuloff — G e rm a n Catholic C o n f e r e n c e — Troubles on the Mosquito Coast— How Jabez Baltour was Trapped— The Wai in Corea— The Dutch Reverse in the East Indies ......................... 317 ‘L e a d e r s :

The Chartered Lands in South

Africa . . . . . . 321 Indigitation . . . . . . . . 322 A Lourdes Miracle.— August 21st 323 N o t e s .................................... . . 324

R e v ie w s :



L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :

Readings on the Inferno of Dante 325 The “ Western” Text of the New

Testament .. . . . . 327 East Syrian Daily Offices . . 327 Holy Men of God .. . . 328 The Means of Grace . . . . 328 Calumnies Against Convents . . 328 T h e H o s p i t a l l e r Knights of

St. Tohn c f Jerusalem and Mediaeval Ambulance Corps Work . . . . . . . . 329 Books o f the Week . . . . 329 Papal Impeccability . . . . . . 329 C orrespon d e n c e :

Rome :— (From Our Own Corre­

spondent) .................................... 333 Political Colour . . . . . . 334 News from Ire la n d ........................ 335

The Greek Church.. . . 336 The Government a n d King’s

College . . .. . . . . 336 The Jubilee of St. M ary’s Cathedral,

Newcastle . . . . . . . . 336 Local Opinion . . . . . . . . 341 The Tynside Dailies on Catholicism 342 Dr. Barnardo and Parents . . . . 343 The New Church at Norwich . . 343 Stonyhurst ....................................... 343 Welsh Documents . . .. . . 344 O b it u a r y ...........................................344 So c ia l a n d P o l i t i c a l . . .*345

S U P P L EM E N T . N ew s from t h e S chools :


The Buckfast School Question and the Government . . . . . . 349 Training College in Glasgow for

Catholic Teachers . . . . 34) Oxford Local Examinations . . 349 College o f Pupil Teachers, Notre

Dame, Sheffield . . . . . . 350 Greenwich School Board Election 350 N ew s from t h e D io ceses : Westminster . . . . . . 350

Newport and Menevia . . . . 330 P l y m o u t h ....................................... 350 Salford ........................................ 350 Aberdeen . . 350 Nottingham Catholic Cathedral . . 352 Kemberton . . 353 The Catholic Conference . . . . 3 :4

Rejected MS. cannot be returned unless accompanied with address and postage.




I R E. G R E Y on Thursday week,

replying to Mr. Lawrence, stated that, i f terms o f settlement with the British East Africa

Company could not be arranged between the Government and the Company, it would be necessary to consider the Company’s position with reference to its Charter and the duties which the Charter involved. Sir W . Lawson asked for an undertaking that before the Government agreed to pay any money as compensation to the Company the matter should be brought before the House. Mr. Storey also -insisted that before any money was paid they must see that an adequate return was got for it. Mr. A . Morton asked whether the Company had any moral or legal claim to any money. T o these interrogatories Sir E. Grey replied that th e practice in transactions o f this kind had been for the •Government to act on its own responsibility. T h e House could, o f course, approve or disapprove any action taken by th e Government, but he could not give an undertaking that t h e Government would consult the House before coming to a decision. In answer to Mr. Morton’s question it was evident that the Company had some claim, because they •held a valuable concession from the Sultan o f Zanzibar. Mr. Storey asked whether, having regard to the strong feeling in some parts o f the House against any money being -paid to the Company, the Government would not make payment conditional on the consent o f the House being obtained. Sir E . Grey admitted that there was a divided -feeling in the House, but the Government must act on their own initiative and responsibility.

On the motion for the Second Reading

__a p p r o p r i a t i o n o f this B ill on i hursday week, a general b i l l . discussion took place by the few members who were present. Mr. Little, as a Liberal member, objected to the words “ cheerfully granted,” which •were contained in the Bill, and after a few sentences he was peremptorily called to order by the Speaker, who informed him he could not refer to the constitution o f the House of Lords on the Second Reading o f the Appropriation B i l l ; and it was ultimately read a second time.

New Series. Vol. L IL , No 2,143

T h e Consolidated Fund (Appropria-

— royal assent to bon) j$ill was brought up from the Comand other b il l s . nions on Saturday and passed through all its stages, the sitting being suspended at twenty minutes to ten o’clock till a quarter before three. A t a quarter to three o ’c lock the Lord Chancellor, the Earl o f Kimberley, the Marquis o f Breadalbane (Steward o f the Household), Lord Carrington (Lord Chamberlain), and the Earl o f Chesterfield sat as Royal Commissioners to give her Majesty’s Assent to several Bills and to prorogue Parliament. T h e only other Peers present were Lord Sherborne, Lord Rowton, and the Bishop o f St. A lb a n s ; and the Speaker and several members o f the House o f Commons were in attendance. T h e Bills to which the Royal Assent was given, with the usual formalities, included the Appropriation, the Uniforms, the Chimney Sweepers, the Quarries, the Copyhold (Consolidation), the Coal Mines (Check Weigher), Crown Lands, Heritable Securities (Scotland), Statute Law Revision, Equalization o f Rates (London), Housing o f the Working Classes (Borrowing Powers), Merchant Shipping, Congested Districts Board (Ireland), Juries (Ireland) A c ts Amendment, Expiring Laws Continuance, Railway and Canal Traffic, Diseases o f Animals, Local Government (Scotland), Building Societies (No. 2), Harrow and Stanmore Gas, Manchester Corporation, London County Council (General Powers), London Streets and Buildings, Ealing and South Harrow Railway, and the London, Walthamstow, and Epping Forest Railway Acts.

T h e Lord Chancellor then read her — th e queen’s Majesty’s Speech “ in her own words : ” “ M ) ’

speech . L o rd s a n d Gentlem en,— It affords me sensible gratification to be able to dismiss you at the end of a Session which has been little less than a prolongation o f the previous one ; and it gives me pleasure to reflect that your labours, if they have been exhausting, have also been fruitful. I am confident that you will share in the joy with which I and my people have welcomed the birth o f an heir in the third generation to my Throne ; an event not merely propitious, but unprecedented in the history o f this country. M y relations with foreign Powers continue to be friendly and peaceful. It is, however, matter for regret that a variety o f questions relating to A frica between my Government and that o f the French Republic still remain unsettled. It is my wish that these should be arranged without unnecessary delay ; and I am engaged in friendly negotiations with that object. T h e state o f affairs in Siam continues to engage my earnest attention. T h e welfare o f

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