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T hin Paper for Foreign Postage. THE A . W e e k ly N ew sp a p e r a n d R e v ie w . DOM VOBIS GRATULAMUR, ANIMOS ETIAM ADDIMOS OT IN INCCEPTIS VESTRIS CONSTANTER MANEAT1S. From the Brief oj His Holiness Pius IX. to T he T ablet, June 4, xSjo. V o l . 86. No. 2888. L o n d o n , S e p t e m b e r 14, 1895. P r ic e s d . b y P o s t [R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r C h r o n ic le o f t h e W e e k : Page Death of the Archduke Ladislaus — Funeral of the Archduke Ladislaus— The French in Tonquin— The Colonies and Imperial D e fence—The Spanish Cabinet— The Agencies in Austria— The Porte 1 and Macedonia — Progress o f the Agricultural Revolution — T h e Library Association at Cardiff— The Uganda Railway— Germany and Imperial Rescript— Spanish Finance — Nihilism in Russia— 'Reception o f the Catholic Conference by the Bishop o f Clifton . . 405 L e a d e r s : The Bristol Conference and R e ­ union . . . . . . . . 408 CONTENTS. The Eucharistic C o n g r e s s in Page Milan . . . . . . . . 408 N o t e s ........................................ - . 4 1 0 Conference of the Catholic Truth Society ......................... . . 4T1 The W ay to the Reunion of Chris­ tendom . . . . . . . . 411 Tuesday Morning’s Sitting . . 416 How to Carry Out the Directions Contained in the Pope’s Letter b y Means of Lectures . . . . 416 Tracts ......................... . . 418 How to Carry Out the Pope's Letter by Means o f the Public Page Press Discussion on the Papers .........................437 438 Our Catholic Schools and What for T h e m .................................... 438 Catholic Elementary Education 441 Secondary Education for Catholics 445 Wednesday Morning’s Sitting . . 447 A Metropolitan Cathedral a N a ­ tional Work . . . . . . 447 The Catholic Truth Society . . 449 General Aspects o f Work for ’ Page Catholic Seamen . . ..424 Co-operation with non-Catholics in Social Work . . . . . . 425 Some Old Ways o f Doing Charity 427 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Great “ Leakage Question . . " . . 429 R e v ie w s : The Catechist Italy and her Invaders L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r : Convent Schools and Secondary Education . . 421 . . 422 43t The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope’s L e t t e r ......................... 432 Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied w ith address and postage. CHRONICLE OF THE WEEK. r I ' 'H E youthful Archduke Ladislaus, who death of I met an accident while bear ladislaus. shooting on Monday last in the forest o f Arad, in Hungary, succumbed to his injuries at n o’clock on Friday morning. The Archduke Ladislaus, who reached the age of 20 in July last, was the second son of the Archduke Joseph, whose permanent residence is in Hungary, where he is extremely popular. The accident seems to have occurred in the following manner: It appears that the Archduke Ladislaus had just wounded a wild cat without killing it outright. While he was making his way through a thicket to give it the coup de grace, the second barrel of his weapon, which was a double-barrelled rifle, ■ went off, lodging the bullet in the upper part of his right leg, and setting his clothes on fire. The wound bled profusely, and the Archduke lost consciousness. He was taken on a peasant’s cart to a neighbouring village, and thence to the hospital o f the Red Cross Society in Budapest. There he ■ underwent an operation. Favourable bulletins concerning his condition were issued up to yesterday, and, as a matter o f fact, no serious anxiety was entertained by the medical men in attendance until shortly after midnight, when mortification set in. The announcement of his death, which occurred at n o’clock this morning, consequently caused no little surprise both in Budapest and in Vienna, where general sympathy is manifested for the Imperial family. There has been during the present generation a remarkable number of violent deaths in the history of the reigning House of Austria. The Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, brother of the Emperor Francis Joseph, was shot in 1864. The Archduchess Mathilde, daughter of the late Archduke Albrecht, was burnt to death in 1867. The Archduke Rudolph, heir to the Throne, came to an untimely end six years ago. The Archduke Johann Salvator, familiarly known as Johann Orth, is believed to have been drowned off the Cape o f Good Hope shortly afterwards. The Archduke William was killed by a fall from his horse last year ; and now another accident has carried off one of the most promising among the junior members of the House of Hapsburg. New Series, Vol. L IV ., No. 2,197. The funeral o f the unfortunate Archduke — funeral of Ladislaus, which took place in Buda-Pesth *Hladislaus.KL on Wednesday afternoon, elicited a remark able manifestation o f popular sympathy, almost the whole of the inhabitants of the Hungarian capital turning out into the streets to show their sorrow at the untimely fate of the young Prince, and their condolence with the bereaved family. The number of wreaths sent to be laid on the coffin was so large that no room could be found for them in the chapel of St. Sigismund, so that a selection had to be made. The British Consul General, Mr. Milbanke, who represented the Queen at the obsequies, deposited, in her Majesty’s name, a beautiful wreath, consisting of palm leaves and exotic flowers, with broad streaming ribbons bearing in gold letters the inscription “ Victoria R. and I.” Amongst the wreaths was one from the united gypsies of Hungary, with inscriptions both in the Hungarian and in the Czigany language, of which latter the Archduke Joseph, the father of the deceased Prince, has made a special study, and published a grammar and dictionary. The Coburg family was represented by Princess Clementine and Prince Philip and Princess Louise of Coburg. The father and mother, as well as the brother and all the four sisters, of the Archduke Ladislaus went into the crypt under the Sigismund Chapel this morning, to see the last resting-place of one so dear to them, as it was resolved that the family should not follow the coffin to the vault after the ceremony in the chapel. Dr. Ignatz Acsady, who is a historian and member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, writing in a Hungarian paper, recalls the curious coincidence that just a hundred years ago another young Prince of the Hungarian branch of the Hapsburg family, the Palatine Archduke Alexander, met with a fatal accident by an explosion of gunpowder in preparing some fireworks, at the age of only twenty-three. The Tonquin newspapers, brought by the french in the Messageries steamer Yarra, which tonquin. arrived at Marseilles from the East on Thursday evening, give particulars of an engagement which has been fought in the mountainous regions of Fanhay, between the French column which is operating in the district and the Chinese. The latter, whir are holding the Lyandet family as prisoners, with a view to obtaining a ransom, were entrenched in a strong position, and the French column, which consisted in the main of Tonquinese sharpshooters, failed to dislodge them. The Expeditionary Force sustained a loss of about fifty wounded,

T hin Paper for Foreign Postage.


A . W e e k ly N ew sp a p e r a n d R e v ie w .


From the Brief oj His Holiness Pius IX. to T he T ablet, June 4, xSjo.

V o l . 86. No. 2888. L o n d o n , S e p t e m b e r 14, 1895. P r ic e s d . b y P o s t

[R e g i s t e r e d a t t h e G e n e r a l P o s t O f f i c e a s a N ew s p a p e r

C h r o n ic le o f t h e W e e k :


Death of the Archduke Ladislaus — Funeral of the Archduke Ladislaus— The French in Tonquin— The Colonies and Imperial D e fence—The Spanish Cabinet— The Agencies in Austria— The Porte 1 and Macedonia — Progress o f the

Agricultural Revolution — T h e Library Association at Cardiff— The Uganda Railway— Germany and Imperial Rescript— Spanish Finance — Nihilism in Russia— 'Reception o f the Catholic Conference by the Bishop o f Clifton . . 405

L e a d e r s :

The Bristol Conference and R e ­

union . . . . . . . . 408


The Eucharistic C o n g r e s s in


Milan . . . . . . . . 408 N o t e s ........................................ - . 4 1 0 Conference of the Catholic Truth

Society ......................... . . 4T1 The W ay to the Reunion of Chris­

tendom . . . . . . . . 411 Tuesday Morning’s Sitting . . 416 How to Carry Out the Directions

Contained in the Pope’s Letter b y Means of Lectures . . . . 416 Tracts ......................... . . 418

How to Carry Out the Pope's

Letter by Means o f the Public


Press Discussion on the Papers



Our Catholic Schools and What for T h e m .................................... 438 Catholic Elementary Education 441 Secondary Education for Catholics 445 Wednesday Morning’s Sitting . . 447 A Metropolitan Cathedral a N a ­

tional Work . . . . . . 447 The Catholic Truth Society . . 449

General Aspects o f Work for

’ Page

Catholic Seamen . . ..424 Co-operation with non-Catholics in Social Work . . . . . . 425 Some Old Ways o f Doing Charity 427 The Society of St. Vincent de

Paul and the Great “ Leakage Question . . " . . 429 R e v ie w s :

The Catechist Italy and her Invaders L e t t e r s t o t h e E d it o r :

Convent Schools and Secondary


. . 421 . . 422


The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope’s L e t t e r ......................... 432

Rejected M S . cannot be returned unless accompanied w ith address and postage.


r I ' 'H E youthful Archduke Ladislaus, who death of I met an accident while bear ladislaus. shooting on Monday last in the forest o f Arad, in Hungary, succumbed to his injuries at n o’clock on Friday morning. The Archduke Ladislaus, who reached the age of 20 in July last, was the second son of the Archduke Joseph, whose permanent residence is in Hungary, where he is extremely popular. The accident seems to have occurred in the following manner: It appears that the Archduke Ladislaus had just wounded a wild cat without killing it outright. While he was making his way through a thicket to give it the coup de grace, the second barrel of his weapon, which was a double-barrelled rifle, ■ went off, lodging the bullet in the upper part of his right leg, and setting his clothes on fire. The wound bled profusely, and the Archduke lost consciousness. He was taken on a peasant’s cart to a neighbouring village, and thence to the hospital o f the Red Cross Society in Budapest. There he ■ underwent an operation. Favourable bulletins concerning his condition were issued up to yesterday, and, as a matter o f fact, no serious anxiety was entertained by the medical men in attendance until shortly after midnight, when mortification set in. The announcement of his death, which occurred at n o’clock this morning, consequently caused no little surprise both in Budapest and in Vienna, where general sympathy is manifested for the Imperial family. There has been during the present generation a remarkable number of violent deaths in the history of the reigning House of Austria. The Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, brother of the Emperor Francis Joseph, was shot in 1864. The Archduchess Mathilde, daughter of the late Archduke Albrecht, was burnt to death in 1867. The Archduke Rudolph, heir to the Throne, came to an untimely end six years ago. The Archduke Johann Salvator, familiarly known as Johann Orth, is believed to have been drowned off the Cape o f Good Hope shortly afterwards. The Archduke William was killed by a fall from his horse last year ; and now another accident has carried off one of the most promising among the junior members of the House of Hapsburg.

New Series, Vol. L IV ., No. 2,197.

The funeral o f the unfortunate Archduke

— funeral of Ladislaus, which took place in Buda-Pesth *Hladislaus.KL on Wednesday afternoon, elicited a remark able manifestation o f popular sympathy,

almost the whole of the inhabitants of the Hungarian capital turning out into the streets to show their sorrow at the untimely fate of the young Prince, and their condolence with the bereaved family. The number of wreaths sent to be laid on the coffin was so large that no room could be found for them in the chapel of St. Sigismund, so that a selection had to be made. The British Consul General, Mr. Milbanke, who represented the Queen at the obsequies, deposited, in her Majesty’s name, a beautiful wreath, consisting of palm leaves and exotic flowers, with broad streaming ribbons bearing in gold letters the inscription “ Victoria R. and I.” Amongst the wreaths was one from the united gypsies of Hungary, with inscriptions both in the Hungarian and in the Czigany language, of which latter the Archduke Joseph, the father of the deceased Prince, has made a special study, and published a grammar and dictionary. The Coburg family was represented by Princess Clementine and Prince Philip and Princess Louise of Coburg. The father and mother, as well as the brother and all the four sisters, of the Archduke Ladislaus went into the crypt under the Sigismund Chapel this morning, to see the last resting-place of one so dear to them, as it was resolved that the family should not follow the coffin to the vault after the ceremony in the chapel. Dr. Ignatz Acsady, who is a historian and member of the Hungarian Academy of Science, writing in a Hungarian paper, recalls the curious coincidence that just a hundred years ago another young Prince of the Hungarian branch of the Hapsburg family, the Palatine Archduke Alexander, met with a fatal accident by an explosion of gunpowder in preparing some fireworks, at the age of only twenty-three.

The Tonquin newspapers, brought by the french in the Messageries steamer Yarra, which tonquin. arrived at Marseilles from the East on

Thursday evening, give particulars of an engagement which has been fought in the mountainous regions of Fanhay, between the French column which is operating in the district and the Chinese. The latter, whir are holding the Lyandet family as prisoners, with a view to obtaining a ransom, were entrenched in a strong position, and the French column, which consisted in the main of Tonquinese sharpshooters, failed to dislodge them. The Expeditionary Force sustained a loss of about fifty wounded,

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