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page 202
References seminar, Contemporary Poetry in Translation, University of Essex, UK. McCully, Chris (2017) ‘Dragons in Chelmsford’. Talk, Essex Book Festival, UK. McCully, Chris and Sharon Hilles (2005) The Earliest English. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Morgan, Edwin (2002) Beowulf. [First edition 1952.] Manchester: Carcanet Press. Obst, Wolfgang (1987) Der Rhythmus des Beowulf: Eine Akzentund Takttheorie. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. Obst, Wolfgang (1996) ‘Can Old English rhythm be reconstructed?’ In eds. Chris McCully and J.J. Anderson, English Historical Metrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 59–72. Olson, Charles (1992) The Maximus Poems. Ed. George F. Butterick. Berkeley: University of California Press. Osborn, Marijane (2014) ‘Visualizing the material culture of Beowulf.’ In eds. Chickering et al., pp.185–93. Papadopoulos, Renos K. (ed., 2002) ‘Refugees, home and trauma’ in Therapeutic Care for Refugees. No Place Like Home. London: Karnac, pp. 9–40. Pope, Alexander (2015) The Iliad of Homer. [Pope’s translation, 1715–20. On some background to the making of Pope’s translation, see] Indiana: Ex Fontibus Co. Pope, John C. (1966) The Rhythm of Beowulf. [Second, revised edition.] New Haven: Yale University Press. Preminger, Alex et al. (eds., 1974) Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Enlarged edition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Robertson, Lisa (1997) Debbie: An Epic. Vancouver: New Star Books. Rukeyser, Muriel (2005) ‘The Book of the Dead’ in The Collected Poems of Muriel Rukeyser, eds. Janet E. Kaufman and Anne F. Herzog. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, p.106ff. 201 201
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Beowulf Russom, Geoffrey (1987) Old English Meter and Linguistic Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Russom, Geoffrey (1998) Beowulf and Old Germanic Metre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sievers, Eduard (1885) ‘Zur rhythmic des Germanischen alliterationsverses’. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deitschen Sprache und Literatur 10, pp. 209–314; 451–545. Smith, Hazel (2005) The Writing Experiment: Strategies for Innovative Creative Writing. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin. Stenton, F.M. (1947) Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. Terasawa, Jun (2011) Old English Metre: An Introduction. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Tolkien, J.R.R. (1936) ‘Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics’. Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, British Academy. London: Proceedings of the British Academy Vol. XXII. Tolkien, J.R.R. (2014) Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary. [London]: Harper Collins. Walcott, Derek (1990) Omeros. London: Faber and Faber. Wells, Robert (1994) ‘Distinctive anonymity’. In ed. C.B. McCully, The Poet’s Voice and Craft. Manchester: Carcanet, pp. 167–81. Wrenn, C.L. (ed., revised W.F. Bolton, 1973) Beowulf, with the Finnesburg Fragment. London: Harrap. DVD Kevin Kiernan (ed., 2011) Electronic Beowulf. Third edition. London: British Library Internet Diacritically marked text and word-for-word gloss, with textual notes. Accessed from 2012 onwards. 202

References seminar, Contemporary Poetry in Translation, University of Essex, UK. McCully, Chris (2017) ‘Dragons in Chelmsford’. Talk, Essex Book

Festival, UK. McCully, Chris and Sharon Hilles (2005) The Earliest English.

Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Morgan, Edwin (2002) Beowulf. [First edition 1952.] Manchester:

Carcanet Press. Obst, Wolfgang (1987) Der Rhythmus des Beowulf: Eine Akzentund Takttheorie. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. Obst, Wolfgang (1996) ‘Can Old English rhythm be reconstructed?’ In eds. Chris McCully and J.J. Anderson, English Historical Metrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 59–72. Olson, Charles (1992) The Maximus Poems. Ed. George F. Butterick. Berkeley: University of California Press. Osborn, Marijane (2014) ‘Visualizing the material culture of Beowulf.’ In eds. Chickering et al., pp.185–93. Papadopoulos, Renos K. (ed., 2002) ‘Refugees, home and trauma’

in Therapeutic Care for Refugees. No Place Like Home. London: Karnac, pp. 9–40. Pope, Alexander (2015) The Iliad of Homer. [Pope’s translation,

1715–20. On some background to the making of Pope’s translation, see] Indiana: Ex Fontibus Co. Pope, John C. (1966) The Rhythm of Beowulf. [Second, revised edition.] New Haven: Yale University Press. Preminger, Alex et al. (eds., 1974) Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Enlarged edition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Robertson, Lisa (1997) Debbie: An Epic. Vancouver: New Star

Books. Rukeyser, Muriel (2005) ‘The Book of the Dead’ in The Collected

Poems of Muriel Rukeyser, eds. Janet E. Kaufman and Anne F. Herzog. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, p.106ff.



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