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Certain of these poems have been published previously, usually in different versions, in the following journals whose editors I gratefully acknowledge: Blackbox Manifold, Botch, Chicago Review, Cordite Poetry Review, Hambone, PN Review, Poetry, Verge, Verse Version (with Chinese translations by Zhao Gu), The Wolf, #NewWriting – and in the anthology Atlantic Drift edited by James Byrne and Robert Sheppard (Arc Publications and Edge Hill University Press 2017). ‘Self Defeated’ was published as a broadside by Constitutional Information, Sheffield, 2014. My thanks to Sam Ladkin and Sara Crangle. I thank Srikanth ‘Chicu’ Reddy for his encouragement and his unmatchable collegiality. Jessica Stockholder, Patrick Chamberlain, Judith Farquahar and James Hevia have done much to make Chicago my other home. Thank you to the National Humanities Center for hospitality in 2017–18, and to Jo McDonagh and Colin Jones for Poets Road. And home is where Maudie is.

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