Front of house 4 Editorial 6 News and Comment • All change at Finnish ationa l Opera + Gudrun Wagner 's legacy
• Scottish Opera 's new commissions
Features TRAVEL FOCUS + 13 Italy Karyl Charna Lynn follows in tile Footsteps of the grea t
Italian composers • 20 Venice Adrian MOUI'by opens his ea rs to the musica l herita ge of
La Sereni ss ima + 24 India Owen Mortimer sur veys the operatic scene in India and talks to two companies 11~th big ideas for the Future of Western classica l music in South Asia • 27 Norway Adrian Mourby visits Oslo as the new national opera house takes shape • 33 Slovenia Di scovel'ing th e unsung operatic heritage of Maribor
37 Aria John Steane is fl ll ecl with wonder by the delicate structure of 'Es gibt ein Reicll ' from Richard Strauss'sAriac/ne aufNaxos 41 In memoriam In an idea/ world ... Jolln Steane puts together a posthumous recital programme for Regine Crespin 44 The performing voice Mark G l an~ ll e ta lks to tenor Jonas Kaufmann about repertoire choice
FESTIVAL NEWS & REVIEWS + 6 1 Dr·ottningholm Th e full Monteverdi + 62 Pesa r·o Festiva l report + 64 Glimmer glass A fresh outlook
Reviews 4 7 In recital Gerald Finl ey; Geneva competition 51 CD reviews Jolln McCorma ck 53 DVD reviews Debussy's Th e Fall of the House or Usher 57 Book reviews Carm en on Film 66 Live reviews Including Opera North and llannover round-ups 98 World premieres Philip Glass'sAppomattox: Da~d DiChi cra ·s Cyrano; James MacMillan's Tl1 e Sacrifice
104 Webwatch 134 Tristan and Matilda This time it'll be different
2007/2008 season 106 Opera worldwide The guide to internationa l opera performances, plus this issue's Travel Tips