areas from 13 million to 31 million hectares – more than ten per cent of the country’s territory. This included more than doubling the size of Chiribiquete National Park, making it the largest tropical rainforest park in the world. However, with post-war development gathering pace, conservationists say that deforestation is the main environmental challenge facing Santos’s successor, Iván Duque.
But there is plenty of hope for the future. Eco-tourism offers a chance to combine revenue raising and the conservation of Colombia’s richest habitats. Blessed with Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean coasts, parts of the Orinoco and Amazon rivers and the Andes, it can offer visitors six entirely different destinations in
On a recent trip, our botanists found four new orchid species
Above: iconic Colombian wildlife such as this brownthroated three-toed sloth is represented in our orchid festival – see how many creatures you can spot
Far left: the orchid Cattleya trianae is Colombia’s national flower, but its survival in the Andean cloud forests is under threat due to over-collection and habitat loss
Left: Colombia boasts the greatest number of bird species of any country in the world, including this chestnutmandibled toucan
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