Halving by 2030 gigatonnes reduced per year increased solar energy widespread wind energy other renewables
-1.4 -0.7
Policies to Zero by 2050
Global Carbon Tax • A progressive tax on fossil fuel producers and users dramatically reduces global emissions better recyling of raw materials
less materials to make the same things (product materials efficiency) disassembling old products to make new ones (circular business models)
-1.0 -1.1
waste reduction in production of steel, plastics and other industrial materials
reduced use of refrigeration gases (CFCs and HFCs)
low-carbon heating and cooling low-carbon construction retrofitting buildings with better insulation, energy-efficient lighting, etc.
automation of temperature and lighting electric vehicles increased use of public transport bikes, car-sharing, scooters more efficient shipping of goods with reduced air transport low-emission trucks halting deforestation, planting trees sustainable agriculture techniques
-1.5 -0.4 -1.3 -0.7 -0.5 -1.0 -0.5
plant-based diets
reduced food waste other measures
Energy • % renewable electricity by law and subsidies • Early retirement of fossil-fuel power plants • Grid-scale electrical storage • Reduced individual consumption in richer countries
Industry • New efficiency standards • Switch from coal to biogas, biomass and other sustainable alternatives • Facilities designed to reduce waste
Buildings • Solar incentives • Electrification of heating, furnaces, stoves • Higher energy-efficiency standards
Transport • Fossil-fuel vehicles phased out • Taxes on inefficient vehicles and fuel • Higher fuel-economy standards
Land • Methane capture and use • Improved forest and livestock management • More reforestation
Justice and Equity • Climate finance flows to Global South • Redistribution of resources • New jobs and training for affected workers • International co-operation secures strong climate deal
Created by Information is Beautiful // sources: ECOFYS, Exponential Climate Action Roadmap
MAY- JUNE 2019