Regulars p. 3 Editor’s Note p. 6 The Q&A Scientist and campaigner Alice Roberts p. 9 Witness Compiled by Samira Shackle p. 71 Crossword Set by Chaliapin columns p. 73 Quiz Set by Chris Maslanka p. 74 Endgame Have I left my radical past behind? By Laurie Taylor Contents Summer 2019
p. 8 Cosmos Why seeing isn’t believing for much of the universe By Marcus Chown p. 16 Soapboax Vintage design and the dreams of a better future By Samira Ahmed p. 69 In a word “Cult” By Michael Rosen
Rhian E. Jones on visions of Wales, page 56
“It was evident that there was a guru or leader-type figure somewhere on site” Ken Worpole, page 60
Features p. 18 Conflict The split between Russia and Ukraine’s Churches By Madeline Roache p. 22 Ethics What Homer can teach us about hospitality By Gabrielle Rifkind and John Harris p. 26 Reportage Can Tunisia’s Islamists reconcile themselves to a secular political system? By Layli Foroudi p. 30 Cover story What the rise and fall of New Atheism tells us about debate in the 21st century By Giovanni Tiso p. 34 Rights How do communities defend themselves when the state is absent? By Chitra Nagarajan p. 38 Ideas Is the populist rage against experts a symptom or the cause of political turmoil? By David Nowell Smith Culture p. 44 Television How women-led action drama is changing what we watch By Caroline Crampton
A rt e
T h e
/ P ho t o o n
C o l l e cti e g e s
. P rivat d e n
Baw d
I ma
/ B ri d g e man
E dwar o f e
T h e
, L o n d o n
S o ci e t y
New Humanist | Summer 2019