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WELCOME CHRISTMAS 2019 MORE FROM US S T E V E S AY E R S : I S PA G E T H ; I X I M O T H É E C H A L A M E T A S H E N R Y V – N E T F L T ; I M A G E S A KG I N E I TA E L E A N O R O F A Q U ; – A L A M Y I A N S TAT U E O F E M P E R O R H A D R : I M A G E S C O V E R Britain’s history is often divided into neat sections, separated by dates such as 1485 or 1901, when people apparently decided to UVQR DGKPI OGFKGXCN QT 8KEVQTKCP CPF GODTCEG VJG PGY YC[ QH VJKPIU One of the most dramatic junctures is AD 410, traditionally seen as the end of the Roman era and the star t of what was once widely known as nVJG &CTM #IGUo $WV CU YKVJ CNN UWEJ FCVGU VJG TGCNKV[ YCU TCVJGT OQTG EQORNGZ +P QWT EQXGT HGCVWTG 9KNN $QYFGP EQPUKFGTU YJCV TGCNN[ JCRRGPGF YJGP VJG NGIKQPU FGRCTVGF ;QWoNN PF VJCV QP RCIG There is complexity too in the story of Eleanor of Aquitaine – the medieval queen consort whose remarkable life has inspired numerous NGIGPFU UGTKCN CFWNVGTGT UEJGOKPI TGDGN CPF VJ EGPVWT[ UWRGTYQOCP VQ PCOG LWUV C HGY 1P RCIG 5CTC %QEMGTKNN TGXKUKVU CPF TGKPVGTTQICVGU VJGUG O[VJU +H [QW GPLQ[ VJKU RKGEG VJGP NQQM QWV HQT the podcast interview that Sara recorded for us with fellow historian &CP ,QPGU 6JCV YKNN DG CXCKNCDNG UQQP CV (KPCNN[ CU VJKU KU QWT %JTKUVOCU KUUWG [QWoNN PF RNGPV[ QH HGUVKXG treats inside including our round-up of the year’s best books (page 66) CPF QWT %JTKUVOCU SWK\ CPF ETQUUYQTF RCIGU CPF Even if you’re feeling Scroogish, you’ll no doubt enjoy our piece on unexpected festive customs (page 57), where the traditional yuletide adornments are replaced by snow turds, evil robins and killer frogs. However you’re planning to celebrate, I hope you have a XGT[ GPLQ[CDNG %JTKUVOCU Rob Attar Editor THIS ISSUE’S CONTRIBUTORS Will Bowden Although, as an archaeologist, I’ve dug on a number of sites across the Mediterranean, I’m still always drawn back to this small island on the very edge of the 4QOCP GORKTG Will explores what happened in Britain as Roman rule collapsed and the legions left on page 20 Sara Cockerill While I was writing about Eleanor of Aquitaine for this issue, I was surprised VQ MGGR PFKPI QVJGT women exercising real power during the Middle Ages – none of whom have anything like 'NGCPQToU RTQ NG Sara busts some of the myths surrounding the ‘medieval superwoman’ on page 34 Caitlin Green The evidence for long-distance travel and trade in the Middle Ages is fascinating, and the establishment of a ‘New England’ on the Black 5GC D[ GZKNGU GGKPI VJG Norman conquest is a great GZCORNG QH VJKU Caitlin shares the surprising story of an 11th-century Crimean colony founded by English refugees on page 43 * 3 issues for £5 is available only to UK Direct Debit orders.** Calls from landlines will cost up to 9p per minute. Call charges from mobile phones will cost between 3p and 55p per minute but are included in free call packages. Lines are open 8am–6pm weekdays and 9am–1pm Saturday for orders only The website of BBC History Magazine KU NNGF YKVJ exciting content on British and world history. For more information on the content in this issue, go to december-2019 The History Extra podcast Download episodes for free from iTunes and other providers, or via Our digital editions BBC History Magazine is available for the Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad/iPhone, Google Play and Zinio. Find us in your app store or visit Facebook and Twitter BBC World Histories Subscribe to the bimonthly global history magazine, produced by the BBC History Magazine team, and receive [QWT TUV three issues for just £5*. Order at WHIP19 or call us on 03330 160708** quoting WHIP19 Our special editions Discover our range of collector’s editions at Contact us P H O N E Subscriptions & back issues 03330 162115 Editorial 0117 300 8699 EMAIL Subscriptions & back issues Editorial POST Subscriptions & back issues BBC History Magazine, PO Box 3320, 3 Queensbridge, Northampton, NN4 7BF. Basic annual subscription rates: UK: £48, Eire/Europe: £67, ROW: £69 Editorial BBC History Magazine, Immediate Media Company Bristol Limited, Eagle House, Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4ST In the US/Canada you can contact us at: PO Box 37495, Boone, IA 50037 $*+EWUVUGTX"EFUHWN NNOGPV EQO, Toll-free 800-342-3592 3

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