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Editor-in-chief Jason Cowley Deputy Editor Tom Gatti International Editor Jeremy Cliffe Managing Editor Will Dunn Political Editor Stephen Bush Associate Editor Michael Prodger Creative Editor Gerry Brakus Features Editor Kate Mossman Culture Editor Anna Leszkiewicz Special Projects Editor Alona Ferber Britain Editor Anoosh Chakelian Culture Assistant Ellen Peirson-Hagger Digital Editor Jasper Jackson Assistant Editors George Eaton Jonn Elledge (Digital) Commissioning Editor Gavin Jacobson Special Correspondent Harry Lambert Political Correspondents Patrick Maguire Ailbhe Rea Head of Production Peter Williams Chief Sub-Editor Pippa Bailey Senior Sub-Editor Indra Warnes Social Media Editor Eleanor Peake Digital Culture Writer Sarah Manavis Editorial Assistant Emily Bootle Contributing Writers John Bew Chris Deerin Matthew Engel Martin Fletcher John Gray Shiraz Maher Paul Mason Sophie McBain Adrian Pabst David Reynolds Leo Robson Brendan Simms Ed Smith Amelia Tait Erica Wagner Rowan Williams Head of Marketing Charlotte Mullock 0808 284 9422 Marketing Manager Alfred Jahn Commercial Director Dominic Rae 020 7406 6758 Contents Free thinking since 1913 Left for dead: John Gray on Boris Johnson’s dilemma 22 Royal rift: Harry, Meghan and the fall of a family firm 28 Up Front 3 Leader 11 Correspondence Columns 7 Stephen Bush on how the Labour Party machine could stop Keir Starmer becoming leader 9 Jeremy Cliffe on the changing role of the US on the world stage 19 Jeremy Bowen writes this week’s Diary 21 Helen Thompson on why the US and the world economy can’t escape the Persian Gulf 27 Amelia Tait ponders the value of New Year’s resolutions when the world is on fire 38 Jonathan Liew on how supporting a top football club is becoming a paid-for privilege Observations 12 In the Picture 13 Ideas: Hettie O’Brien on the history and meaning of the term “neoliberalism” 14 Commons Confidential: Kevin Maguire The pick of the best gossip from Westminster 16 Encounter: Anoosh Chakelian meets the former European vice-president of Twitter Bruce Daisley 17 First Thoughts: Peter Wilby on climate change denial, the royal family and the tyranny of the open-plan office 18 Appreciation: Maurice Glasman reflects on the life and work of the philosopher Roger Scruton Articles 22 John Gray on Britain’s new economic settlement and the lessons of the 2019 election 28 Simon Jenkins on why the Sussexes’ royal debacle matters 32 Alice O’Keeffe recalls finding crop circles with her father 34 Tim Flannery assesses the devastating loss of animal life in Australia’s wildfires The Critics: Books 40 Andrew Glazzard on a new biography of HG Wells 45 Erica Wagner looks for answers in Helen Taylor’s Why Women Read Fiction 46 Alice Robb finds that Anna Wiener’s Silicon Valley memoir Uncanny Valley is not quite revealing enough 48 Chris Power on Ben Lerner’s new novel The Topeka School 49 The NS Poem “Walpurgis” by Fiona Sampson Standard House, 12-13 Essex Street, London WC2R 3AA. Tel 020 7936 6400 4 | NEW STATESMAN | 17-23 JANUARY 2020
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Cover art direction Erica Weathers Fly guy: Kate Mossman meets Jeff Goldblum 50 Dry January: Nina Caplan on abstinence and excess 57 The Critics: Arts 43 Anna Leszkiewicz on another awards season dominated by established white men 50 Kate Mossman speaks to actor Jeff Goldblum about therapy, eggs and aerial gymnastics 52 Michael Prodger rounds up the highlights of the year in art 54 Film: Ryan Gilbey on a thin and glib #MeToo movie from a male director, Bombshell 55 Television: Rachel Cooke is unsettled by Addicted to Painkillers? Britain’s Opioid Crisis 55 Radio: Antonia Quirke welcomes a new season all about Beethoven on BBC Radio 3 “In a time of crisis, it’s wrong not to care, but caring seems fruitless” Amelia Tait, page 27 Back Pages 57 Drink Nina Caplan 58 Down and Out Nicholas Lezard 59 Deleted Scenes Sarah Manavis 60 Health Matters Phil Whitaker 61 Crossword, Subscriber of the Week and NS Word Games 62 The NS Q&A Jonathan Rowson Artwork Cartoons, photographs and illustrations by Alex Brenchley, Sean Coen, Andrew Evans, Tori Ferenc, Anthony Gerace, Grizelda, Kristian Hammerstad, Bob Rattray, Sébastien Thibault and Ian McGowan Graphics by Dan Murrell +What’s happening on Why Big Issue competitors have arrived Anoosh Chakelian says grassroots responses to homelessness show the scale of the crisis A separate party won’t save Scottish Labour The party has lacked an effective leader and message for too long, says Chris Deerin The Tinder data radicals Eleanor Peake on why men are sharing their dating app history online The NS Podcast Each week, Stephen Bush and Anoosh Chakelian discuss the week in Westminster and beyond, and (try to) answer listeners’ questions about politics. Digital subscribers get an early, ad-free version of each episode. Subscribe Save 49% Subscribe to the New Statesman for just £4.50 £2.31 a week. Turn to page 63 for more about the offer, or go to: subscribe Just £120 for a one-year print subscription – even cheaper for students! Subscription inquiries: digital.subscriptions@ 0808 284 9422 The paper in this magazine originates from timber that is sourced from sustainable forests, responsibly managed to strict environmental, social and economic standards. The manufacturing mills have both FSC and PEFC certification and also ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditation. 17-23 JANUARY 2020 | NEW STATESMAN | 5

Editor-in-chief Jason Cowley Deputy Editor Tom Gatti International Editor Jeremy Cliffe Managing Editor Will Dunn Political Editor Stephen Bush Associate Editor Michael Prodger Creative Editor Gerry Brakus Features Editor Kate Mossman Culture Editor Anna Leszkiewicz Special Projects Editor Alona Ferber Britain Editor Anoosh Chakelian Culture Assistant Ellen Peirson-Hagger Digital Editor Jasper Jackson Assistant Editors George Eaton Jonn Elledge (Digital) Commissioning Editor Gavin Jacobson Special Correspondent Harry Lambert Political Correspondents Patrick Maguire Ailbhe Rea Head of Production Peter Williams Chief Sub-Editor Pippa Bailey Senior Sub-Editor Indra Warnes Social Media Editor Eleanor Peake Digital Culture Writer Sarah Manavis Editorial Assistant Emily Bootle

Contributing Writers John Bew Chris Deerin Matthew Engel Martin Fletcher John Gray Shiraz Maher Paul Mason Sophie McBain Adrian Pabst David Reynolds Leo Robson Brendan Simms Ed Smith Amelia Tait Erica Wagner Rowan Williams

Head of Marketing Charlotte Mullock 0808 284 9422 Marketing Manager Alfred Jahn

Commercial Director Dominic Rae 020 7406 6758

Contents Free thinking since 1913

Left for dead: John Gray on Boris Johnson’s dilemma 22 Royal rift: Harry, Meghan and the fall of a family firm 28

Up Front

3 Leader 11 Correspondence


7 Stephen Bush on how the Labour Party machine could stop Keir Starmer becoming leader 9 Jeremy Cliffe on the changing role of the US on the world stage 19 Jeremy Bowen writes this week’s Diary 21 Helen Thompson on why the US and the world economy can’t escape the Persian Gulf 27 Amelia Tait ponders the value of New Year’s resolutions when the world is on fire 38 Jonathan Liew on how supporting a top football club is becoming a paid-for privilege


12 In the Picture 13 Ideas: Hettie O’Brien on the history and meaning of the term “neoliberalism” 14 Commons Confidential: Kevin Maguire The pick of the best gossip from Westminster 16 Encounter: Anoosh Chakelian meets the former European vice-president of Twitter Bruce Daisley 17 First Thoughts: Peter Wilby on climate change denial, the royal family and the tyranny of the open-plan office 18 Appreciation: Maurice Glasman reflects on the life and work of the philosopher Roger Scruton


22 John Gray on Britain’s new economic settlement and the lessons of the 2019 election 28 Simon Jenkins on why the Sussexes’ royal debacle matters 32 Alice O’Keeffe recalls finding crop circles with her father 34 Tim Flannery assesses the devastating loss of animal life in Australia’s wildfires

The Critics: Books

40 Andrew Glazzard on a new biography of HG Wells 45 Erica Wagner looks for answers in Helen Taylor’s Why Women Read Fiction 46 Alice Robb finds that Anna Wiener’s Silicon Valley memoir Uncanny Valley is not quite revealing enough 48 Chris Power on Ben Lerner’s new novel The Topeka School 49 The NS Poem “Walpurgis” by Fiona Sampson

Standard House, 12-13 Essex Street, London WC2R 3AA. Tel 020 7936 6400

4 | NEW STATESMAN | 17-23 JANUARY 2020

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