8 Killing rhinos to ‘cure’ cancer 11 Boats set sail to free Gaza 12 Nuclear debate intensifies post-Fukushima i/R e u t e r s
H a n a
To r u
Analysis Special feature: climate deniers 14 Switching off denial – a guide How do you respond to people in climate denial? Danny Chivers offers a step-by-step guide to rebutting the most common arguments against climate change.
22 Climate change – the key facts 23 A spotter’s guide to climate denial
Also in Analysis 24 Fracking the world Hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ – Big
Oil’s newest way to extract natural gas from an exhausted planet – comes with a terrible environmental price tag. Joyce Nelson digs deeper.
M u n d a y
St e p h e n
4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● MAY 2 011
.c o m
.t h o m a s s t a n w o r t h
/ w w w
T h o m a sSt a n w o r t h
27 Oblivion in Afghanistan Morwari Zafar hears the stories of addicts hitting rock bottom in a country that supplies 90 per cent of the world’s opium supply.
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