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Contents Agenda Making the news this month 8 Killing rhinos to ‘cure’ cancer 11 Boats set sail to free Gaza 12 Nuclear debate intensifies post-Fukushima i/R e u t e r s 12 H a n a To r u Analysis Special feature: climate deniers 14 Switching off denial – a guide How do you respond to people in climate denial? Danny Chivers offers a step-by-step guide to rebutting the most common arguments against climate change. 22 Climate change – the key facts 23 A spotter’s guide to climate denial Also in Analysis 24 Fracking the world Hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ – Big Oil’s newest way to extract natural gas from an exhausted planet – comes with a terrible environmental price tag. Joyce Nelson digs deeper. M u n d a y St e p h e n 4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● MAY 2 011 14 .c o m .t h o m a s s t a n w o r t h / w w w T h o m a sSt a n w o r t h 27 27 Oblivion in Afghanistan Morwari Zafar hears the stories of addicts hitting rock bottom in a country that supplies 90 per cent of the world’s opium supply.
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Argument 34 Is talking to the Taliban a betrayal of Afghanistan’s women? Orzala Ashraf and Michael Semple, both passionate workers for peace, have very differing points of view. What do you think? Join the debate by visiting Plus: your feedback on last month’s debate, Is ‘ethical wealth’ a contradiction? 39 Arts 39 Pictures in the desert A film festival in a Western Sahara refugee camp that entertains and educates. Plus: a high-energy musical romp courtesy of Radio Babel; the moving and triumphant film Life, Above All, and books by Lara Fergus, Andy Merrifield and Rahul Bhattacharya. Alternatives 49 Sharing the bounty Anna Weston discovers that urban landscapes can provide an abundance of free fruit. Plus: yarn bombing, a positive form of ‘global warming’. 57 Action 57 Don’t just sit there! Events to tempt you off the sofa this month. Plus: a round-up of campaign news. Regular Features 6 Letters Destructive assimilation policies, hope for humanity, and why we shouldn’t tar all conspiracy theorists with the same brush. Plus: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone. 32 Country profile: India 44 New book Compulsive rambler Mark Thomas walks the line along the notorious Israeli Separation Barrier. 48 Worldbeater President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. 50 Letter from Cairo After the euphoria, reality is beginning to bite, says Maria Golia. 53 51 Feature: How do the other four-fifths live? Danny Dorling and Anna Barford consider the gaps that divide us. 53 Mark Engler Are the rich winning the class war? 55 Puzzle Page 56 Applause Revolutionary socialist Gigi Ibrahim has been tweeting for social revolution. 60 Cartoon corner Big Bad World, Only Planet plus guest cartoonist Mohammad Saba’aneh from Palestine. 61 Anna Chen considers the latest shenanigans of the chumps in charge and hears the ghost of Milton Friedman laughing. 62And finally… Award-winning author Monica Ali reveals why feminism and Princess Diana are on her mind just now. i c e n c e LCC u n d e ra S c r a g z J a s o n 62 E m e r s o n i z L Front cover: Ian Nixon, photo by MM Studios Magazine designed by Alan Hughes / Ian Nixon All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted. Chris Browne N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● MAY 2 011● 5


Agenda Making the news this month

8 Killing rhinos to ‘cure’ cancer 11 Boats set sail to free Gaza 12 Nuclear debate intensifies post-Fukushima i/R e u t e r s


H a n a

To r u

Analysis Special feature: climate deniers 14 Switching off denial – a guide How do you respond to people in climate denial? Danny Chivers offers a step-by-step guide to rebutting the most common arguments against climate change.

22 Climate change – the key facts 23 A spotter’s guide to climate denial

Also in Analysis 24 Fracking the world Hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ – Big

Oil’s newest way to extract natural gas from an exhausted planet – comes with a terrible environmental price tag. Joyce Nelson digs deeper.

M u n d a y

St e p h e n

4 ● N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● MAY 2 011


.c o m

.t h o m a s s t a n w o r t h

/ w w w

T h o m a sSt a n w o r t h


27 Oblivion in Afghanistan Morwari Zafar hears the stories of addicts hitting rock bottom in a country that supplies 90 per cent of the world’s opium supply.

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