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ages, so that boys and girls have parity in career choices. Alongside our Improving Gender Balance work is Project Juno – the IOP’s initiative to recognize and reward good practice in addressing the under-representation of women at all levels in physics, be it at university departments or research institutes. Launched in 2007, the Juno award is based on six principles that organizations work towards addressing, to achieve their Juno Practitioner or Juno Champion status. Applications are “peer reviewed” by a panel of physicists, and we conduct site visits to provide supportive and constructive feedback on progress. But Juno is more than a project about f ixing only the gender imbalance. It is based on openness, transparency and improving the working environment for all, and the project aims to promote the development of our next generation of physics leaders. Some of the Juno work in universities has been transformational, opening up recruitment, promotions and leadership selection, ensuring that everyone in physics has the opportunity to progress. A head of a physics department in a university once said that taking part in Juno “gives a message of equality, that women can do it based on capability, that promotion is open to any gender”. Over the course of a PhD, women report feeling more isolated and having less contact with their super visor s Research done by the IOP as well as other institutions has also found that over the course of a PhD (and any subsequent postdoctoral contracts), women’s aspirations to remain in scientif ic research decline, as they report less satisfaction with their doctorate, f ee l i ng more i so l a t ed and t hey have l e s s contact with their supervisors or principal invest i ga t o r s . To he l p w i t h t h i s , t he IOP r uns c ar ee r workshops for physics students that promote leadership development and highlight career pathways in and out of academia. We also p r o v i d e a C a r e r s ’ F und – a g r an t o f up t o £ 250 – that any members of the IOP who wish to at tend an event or conference can apply to. O t h e r s a c r o s s t h e s c i e n c e c ommuni t y a r e also doing their bit. We know that returning from a career break can be daunting, and t he I OP wor k s c l o s e l y w i t h t he Daphne J ac kson Trust (see p23) – a charity dedicated to h e l p i n g S T EM p r o f e s s i o na l s who ha v e t a k e n a career break of two years or more and want to return to research. Its fellowship scheme is open to both men and women who have t aken a c a r e e r b r e ak f o r a number of reasons, including raising a child, looking af ter an elderly parent or health is sues. The Women Into Science and Engineering ( W I SE ) c ampaig n e n c o u r a g e s c ompanie s t o engage with its Ten Steps framework that ensures women in STEM have the same career progression opportunities as men. AdvanceHE, a higher-education charity in t h e UK , r un s t h e Au r o r a l e ad e r s h i p i n i t i a t i v e for women in higher education, and many physicists have benefited from taking part in this year-long programme. These and many other initiatives will support and encourage women to pursue lifelong physics and STEM careers. This will, in turn, hopefully ensure that a future in science is inviting, open and inclusive to everyone, which will ultimately benefit the whole of physics. Jennifer Dyer was the head of diversity at the Institute of Physics. She is now the head of di ver s i t y and inc lus ion at O f Gem 7 Books on optics and photonics IOP Expanding Physics IOP Series in Advances in Optics, Photonics and Optoelectronics Elliptical Mirrors Applications in microscopy Edited by Jian Liu IOP Expanding Physics Mathematical Devices for Optical Sciences Sibel Bas¸kal Young S K im Marilyn E Noz IOP Expanding Physics IOP Series in Coherent Sources and Applications Organic Lasers and Organic Photonics Edited by F J Duarte IOP Expanding Physics Series in Emerging Technologies in Optics and Photonics Lens Design Automatic and quasi-autonomous computational methods and techniques Donald Dilworth IOP Expanding Physics IOP Series in Coherent Sources and Applications Laser Safety Practical knowledge and solutions Edited by Ken Barat Elliptical Mirrors Applications in microscopy E d i t e d b y J i a n L i u Mathematical Devices for Optical Sciences Sibel Başkal, Young S Kim and Marilyn E Noz Organic Lasers and Organic Photonics E d i t e d b y F J D u r a t e Lens Design Automatic and quasiautonomous computational methods and techniques Donald Dilworth Laser Safety Practical Knowledge and Solutions Ken Barat We are actively commissioning in these fields, so if you have an idea for a book you’d like to discuss please contact Visit f o r mor e i n f o r ma t i on and a f u l l l i s t o f t i t l e s . In association with brightrecruits Physics World  Careers 2020

ages, so that boys and girls have parity in career choices.

Alongside our Improving Gender Balance work is Project Juno – the IOP’s initiative to recognize and reward good practice in addressing the under-representation of women at all levels in physics, be it at university departments or research institutes. Launched in 2007, the Juno award is based on six principles that organizations work towards addressing, to achieve their Juno Practitioner or Juno Champion status. Applications are “peer reviewed” by a panel of physicists, and we conduct site visits to provide supportive and constructive feedback on progress.

But Juno is more than a project about f ixing only the gender imbalance. It is based on openness, transparency and improving the working environment for all, and the project aims to promote the development of our next generation of physics leaders. Some of the Juno work in universities has been transformational, opening up recruitment, promotions and leadership selection, ensuring that everyone in physics has the opportunity to progress. A head of a physics department in a university once said that taking part in Juno “gives a message of equality, that women can do it based on capability, that promotion is open to any gender”.

Over the course of a PhD, women report feeling more isolated and having less contact with their super visor s

Research done by the IOP as well as other institutions has also found that over the course of a PhD (and any subsequent postdoctoral contracts), women’s aspirations to remain in scientif ic research decline, as they report less satisfaction with their doctorate, f ee l i ng more i so l a t ed and t hey have l e s s contact with their supervisors or principal invest i ga t o r s . To he l p w i t h t h i s , t he IOP r uns c ar ee r workshops for physics students that promote leadership development and highlight career pathways in and out of academia. We also p r o v i d e a C a r e r s ’ F und – a g r an t o f up t o £ 250 – that any members of the IOP who wish to at tend an event or conference can apply to.

O t h e r s a c r o s s t h e s c i e n c e c ommuni t y a r e also doing their bit. We know that returning from a career break can be daunting, and t he I OP wor k s c l o s e l y w i t h t he Daphne J ac kson Trust (see p23) – a charity dedicated to h e l p i n g S T EM p r o f e s s i o na l s who ha v e t a k e n a career break of two years or more and want to return to research. Its fellowship scheme is open to both men and women who have t aken a c a r e e r b r e ak f o r a number of reasons, including raising a child, looking af ter an elderly parent or health is sues. The Women Into Science and Engineering ( W I SE ) c ampaig n e n c o u r a g e s c ompanie s t o engage with its Ten Steps framework that ensures women in STEM have the same career progression opportunities as men. AdvanceHE, a higher-education charity in t h e UK , r un s t h e Au r o r a l e ad e r s h i p i n i t i a t i v e for women in higher education, and many physicists have benefited from taking part in this year-long programme.

These and many other initiatives will support and encourage women to pursue lifelong physics and STEM careers. This will, in turn, hopefully ensure that a future in science is inviting, open and inclusive to everyone, which will ultimately benefit the whole of physics.

Jennifer Dyer was the head of diversity at the Institute of Physics. She is now the head of di ver s i t y and inc lus ion at O f Gem


Books on optics and photonics

IOP Expanding Physics

IOP Series in Advances in Optics, Photonics and Optoelectronics

Elliptical Mirrors Applications in microscopy

Edited by Jian Liu

IOP Expanding Physics

Mathematical Devices for Optical Sciences

Sibel Bas¸kal Young S K im Marilyn E Noz

IOP Expanding Physics

IOP Series in Coherent Sources and Applications

Organic Lasers and Organic Photonics Edited by F J Duarte

IOP Expanding Physics

Series in Emerging Technologies in Optics and Photonics

Lens Design Automatic and quasi-autonomous computational methods and techniques

Donald Dilworth

IOP Expanding Physics

IOP Series in Coherent Sources and Applications

Laser Safety Practical knowledge and solutions

Edited by Ken Barat

Elliptical Mirrors Applications in microscopy E d i t e d b y J i a n L i u

Mathematical Devices for Optical Sciences Sibel Başkal, Young S Kim and Marilyn E Noz

Organic Lasers and Organic Photonics E d i t e d b y F J D u r a t e

Lens Design Automatic and quasiautonomous computational methods and techniques Donald Dilworth

Laser Safety Practical Knowledge and Solutions Ken Barat

We are actively commissioning in these fields, so if you have an idea for a book you’d like to discuss please contact Visit f o r mor e i n f o r ma t i on and a f u l l l i s t o f t i t l e s .

In association with brightrecruits

Physics World  Careers 2020

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