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Foreword 4 Welcome to Physics World Careers 2020, a complete guide to career opportunities for physics graduates. As we celebrate the centenary of the Institute of Physics (IOP), I am delighted to welcome you to this packed career guide, brought to you by the editorial team behind our flagship member magazine, Physics World. When t he I OP was f ounded 100 ye a r s ago, i t was set up specifically to improve the professional status of physicists, who until then had largely been restricted to ac ademic c a r e e r pa t h s . O ve r t he l a s t c en t u r y, however, the opportunities for physicists have grown enormously. Through the features, interviews, analyses and profiles in this guide, you will see just how useful a physics degree can be. There are a wide variety of different areas and sectors in which you can work. My own career went from studying physics as an undergraduate to a rewarding career in business as chief executive of Oxford Instruments plc. If you want more information, remember that the IOP provides all sorts of additional resources and guidance to support its members at every stage of their career. You can find out more about the IOP’s careers and professional development at I hope you find this guide useful, as you select and embark upon a rewarding and fulfilling career that exploits the skills that you have developed through your physics degree. Jonathan Flint President, Institute of Physics Physics World  Careers 2020 In association with brightrecruits
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l a n j a g o p a R a i i d h r i n S r r a n k M e n g e F Welcome t i n i e n p o T h H u g o P R l r o u s e C a Look to the future Wherever you currently are in your physics degree, before you know i t you’ll have graduated with an endless number of opportunit ies available to pick f rom. As you think of your next career move, our annual Physics World Careers guide is here to offer you a helping hand, with valuable careers advice, insightful case studies showcasing possible career options, plus a comprehensive employer directory. If it’s a further foray into academia that you’re after, with a Master’s or PhD in your sights, as you hope to delve into some “proper” research after all those years studying textbooks, then we can help pick the perfect postgraduate topic for you. For example, if data science and high-energy physics catch your eye, then take a look at our interview with CERN openlab’s Federico Carminati, as he lays out the future of particle physics and computing (p20). With more than 60% of physics graduates pursuing careers in industry instead, our guide has you covered there too, with Tushna Commissariat, editor of Physics World Careers, helps you explore your c ar ee r op t i ons profiles of physicists employed in a myriad of businesses. Our case studies have been penned by real physics graduates working in everything from photonics and space science to quantum physics and plasma technology. You can find out more about Julia Zimmermann, co-founder of the German start-up firm Terraplasma (p26), and Pascal Gallo, co-founder and chief executive of Swiss start-up company LakeDiamond (p18). And don’t forget to take a look at our “Start-up stories” section, in which you can meet the bold researchers who’ve taken the plunge and set up their own businesses. I hope you find Physics World Careers 2020 useful. You can also sign up today for our new careers newsletter. Sent out every two months, the newsletter brings together a variety of case studies, valuable careers advice and information from leading employe r s y o u m i g h t b e i n t e r e s t e d i n wo r k i n g f o r . To subscribe, simply sign into your free Physics World online account and tick the “Careers bimonthly” box. In association with brightrecruits Physics World  Careers 2020 5



Welcome to Physics World Careers 2020, a complete guide to career opportunities for physics graduates.

As we celebrate the centenary of the Institute of Physics (IOP), I am delighted to welcome you to this packed career guide, brought to you by the editorial team behind our flagship member magazine, Physics World.

When t he I OP was f ounded 100 ye a r s ago, i t was set up specifically to improve the professional status of physicists, who until then had largely been restricted to ac ademic c a r e e r pa t h s . O ve r t he l a s t c en t u r y, however, the opportunities for physicists have grown enormously.

Through the features, interviews, analyses and profiles in this guide, you will see just how useful a physics degree can be. There are a wide variety of different areas and sectors in which you can work. My own career went from studying physics as an undergraduate to a rewarding career in business as chief executive of Oxford Instruments plc.

If you want more information, remember that the IOP provides all sorts of additional resources and guidance to support its members at every stage of their career. You can find out more about the IOP’s careers and professional development at

I hope you find this guide useful, as you select and embark upon a rewarding and fulfilling career that exploits the skills that you have developed through your physics degree.

Jonathan Flint President, Institute of Physics

Physics World  Careers 2020

In association with brightrecruits

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