Walls fall. Eras end. Revolutions sweep the old world order away. But what happens next? This issue, we explore various moments at which something ended – a division, a political regime, a cultural movement – and investigate the global aftershocks. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is one of the most telling examples: a pivotal point in the history of the 20th century, the legacy of which is still evolving around the world today. Across a trio of special features marking the 30th anniversary of this seismic event, Ian Kershaw, Kristina Spohr and Hester Vaizey consider the impact on those who were there to witness it, and the ways in which the effects rippled outwards as far afield as China and Saudi Arabia. You can read their thoughts from page 30.
Another episode with huge repercussions was the 18th-century American Revolution, which saw colonies wrest control of lands from the British empire to forge the United States. On page 20, Matthew Lockwood explains why the result was nothing less than the creation of a new world order.
The sense of an ending also stalked the final years of the 1960s, a decade that – claimed US writer Joan Didion – ended prematurely on 9 August 1969 with the murder, by followers of Charles Manson, of seven people in California. Yet did these horrific events really spell the end of sixties counterculture? And why does Manson still haunt us today? We explore the answers on page 70.
Our final issue of the year features much else besides, from an interview with Jung Chang (p78) to a visual tour of 1903 (p62). We will be back on 2 January; until then, enjoy the final weeks of 2019.
Ma Elton Editor matt.elton@immediate.co.uk +44 (0)117 300 8645
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