Index eukaryotes 94-5, 116-17 mutualism 93 evolution, what is it? 8 evolutionary epistemology natural selection 7, 24ff adaptations 37, 89
adaptive prediction 60
allopatric speciation 112
altruism 68-86, 160-2
Alvarez, Luis 129
ancestor, common 17
anisogamy 101
antibiotics 92
apes see primates
Aristotle 9
extinction 126-35
Neanderthals 140
Occam's razor 45--6
feathers, development 43 Oparin,Aleksandr122
fossils 13-17
Gaia hypothesis 137
Paley, William 35-7, 44
peacocks 85-7, 90
gametes 99-101
gene pools 105-7
phenetic species concept
genes 21, 48--67, 102-5 primates 20
artificial intelligence 164-8 see a/so altruism;
prokaryotes 94-5, 115-17
proteins 49-50
asexual reproduction 97-8, mutation; selfish
101-4, 106
Axelrod, Robert 83
gene, the genetic algorithms 165-7 random drift 57 -9 God 5--6, 34, 38, 45--6, 157 Ray, Thomas 167
bacteria 92, 93
behaviour 77-8
Bible, the 12
biological design see design species concept 107,
biosphere 137
Boyer, Pascal 157
butterflies 29-33, 39, 41
carbon dating 16
cells, division 51-2
Church, the 4, 11
cladism 118
clone 98
co-evolution 93
Haldane, J.B .S. 122
Hamilton, Bill 80
heredity 48
Homo sapiens 20
Homo neandertha/ensis
human culture 144-5, 150-6
life 131
mind 147
nature 146
humans as destroyers 132-40
extinct 134
invertebrates, first 18
computer viruses 27, 165 isogamy 101
creation 10
creationism 22-4, 169-72 kin selection 80-1
cumulative selection 42
language 141-5
reciprocal altruism 82-5
relatives 80-1
reproduction 87, 95-105
reproductive isolation 105
runaway evolution 90-2
selfish gene, the 66-81,
sex see reproduction sexual reproduction 98-105
selection 88-92
Smith, Adam 162
speciation 109-12
species biological concept 107,
classifying 113-20
fixed 8-11
isolated 105
new 109, 128
phenetic concept 108
Darwin, Charles 3-6, 25, Laplace, Pierre Simon de Sperber, Dan 155
121-2, 172, 174-5
splitting 110
Dawkins, Richard 44, 66, life, origin 121-5
Locke, John 144
stem cell 52
Dennett, Daniel 6
design 35ff
Lovelock, James 137
Tierra 167
Trivers, Robert 82
dinosaurs 128-31
domains 115-16, 120
earth age of 12
as an organism 135-7
ecological disaster 133
environment 54
ethics 159
meiosis 99
Geoffrey 151-3
Stanley 123
Mithen, Steven 148-50
mitosis 96, 99
modules 148
monkeys see primates moths 47
mutation 55-65, 103-4
Ussher, Bishop 12
vertebrates, first 18
Wallace, Alfred Russel 4
whales 19
wings, development 43
woodpecker 36
zygote 96, 99