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page 176
Index adaptations 22-30, 41-9 problems 48 see also pan-adaptationism Africa 45-7 age and reproduction 129-30 alliance formation module 61-9 altruism 65-80, 100 ape ancestors 13 appearance 108-11 attractiveness 129 autism 94, 157 Axelrod, Robert 67-8 beauty, biology of 111 behaviour, human 160-2 behavioural genetics 157 behaviourism 6-7 belief 5-6 biology see evolutionary biology body symmetry 109-10 bones 136 brain size, human 115 central processes 39-40 cheater-detection module 147-50 chimpanzees bartering with sex 124 language 97 social cooperation 101 Chomsky, Noam 23-4 cognitive psychology 4-11, 31 cooperation 67, 77 Cosmides, Leda 70, 143-50 Daly, Martin 78-80 Darwin, Charles 12, 25,165-7 Darwinian model 168-9 Dawkins, Richard 30, 74 deception 95 deduction see Wason-selection test Dennett, Daniel 152 desire 5-6 DNA16 Dunbar, Robin 99-100 environment influence 155-9 social 47, 61 environments 42 ethics 163 evolution, theory of 13-14 evolutionary biology 12-31 psychology criticisms of 134-66 defined 3 future of 167 extra-pair mating, female 124 eye, evolution of 21, 27-9, 44 face-recognition module 69 faculty psychology 37, 39 false-belief test 93 fat, eating 58-9 favours 70-1 fear 55 female mating strategies 123-4 fertility, indication of 112 fidelity 131 Fodor, Jerry 36, 39 folk psychology 92 food preference module 57 free-rider problem 65-8 Freud, Sigmund 10 Gall, Franz Joseph 37 Galton, Francis 155 Gangestad, Steve 110 generosity 104 genes 15-20, 50, 7 4 genetic determinism 154-66 and reproduction 107 God 12, 25 Gould, Stephen Jay 140 174
page 177
greedy reductionism 152 group living 62, 88-90, 103 Hamilton, William 74-7 heredity 15, 17 humans, first 14 Hume, David 153, 163 intelligence 157-8 social 89-90 jealousy 132 kin-recognition module 77 language learning 33-4, 96-9 Linnaeus, Carolus 25 logic 143-7 long-term mating strategy 119-27 lying 95 Machiavelli, Niccolo 90 male mating strategies 121-2 preferences, testing 128-31 Marr, David 35 massive modularity 38 mate, selecting appearance 108-11 commitment 121-2 differences, sexes 118-22 fertility 112 genes 107 parental care 113-16 mating preferences 118-22, 128 strategies 119-27 memory69 mind, the 6, 7, 31-2, 36 as a computer 8-9 map of 133, 138 reading 87-91 testable hypotheses 11 modules 36ff, 148 alliance formation 61-9 cheater-detection 147-50 evolving 43 face-recognition 69 food preference 57 kin-recognition 77 mate-selection 105, 109, 117,119 predator-avoidance 50-6 resource-allocation 82-6 shared 44 side effects 135-50 social accounting 70-1 unique 43 Modularity of Mind, The 39 monogamy, female 123 mutation 15, 18-20, 26-30 natural selection 21-30, 160 Natural Theology 23 nature vs. nurture 155-6 Nazis, the 165-6 nepotism 77 non-reciprocal altruism 72-80 Origin of Species, The 12 Paley, William 23-4 pan-adaptationism 135-50 parent-offspring conflict 83-6 parenting 73-86, 113-17 partner, long-term see long- term mating strategy phobias 55 poison, avoidance 60 predator-avoidance module 50-6 primates, group living 62-9 primitive man 47-9 psychology 5 cognitive 4-11, 31 faculty 37, 39 175

Index adaptations 22-30, 41-9

problems 48 see also pan-adaptationism Africa 45-7 age and reproduction 129-30 alliance formation module 61-9 altruism 65-80, 100 ape ancestors 13 appearance 108-11 attractiveness 129 autism 94, 157 Axelrod, Robert 67-8

beauty, biology of 111 behaviour, human 160-2 behavioural genetics 157 behaviourism 6-7 belief 5-6 biology see evolutionary biology body symmetry 109-10 bones 136 brain size, human 115

central processes 39-40 cheater-detection module

147-50 chimpanzees bartering with sex 124 language 97 social cooperation 101 Chomsky, Noam 23-4 cognitive psychology 4-11, 31 cooperation 67, 77 Cosmides, Leda 70, 143-50

Daly, Martin 78-80 Darwin, Charles 12, 25,165-7 Darwinian model 168-9 Dawkins, Richard 30, 74 deception 95 deduction see Wason-selection test

Dennett, Daniel 152 desire 5-6 DNA16 Dunbar, Robin 99-100

environment influence 155-9 social 47, 61 environments 42 ethics 163 evolution, theory of 13-14 evolutionary biology 12-31 psychology criticisms of 134-66 defined 3 future of 167 extra-pair mating, female 124 eye, evolution of 21, 27-9, 44

face-recognition module 69 faculty psychology 37, 39 false-belief test 93 fat, eating 58-9 favours 70-1 fear 55 female mating strategies 123-4 fertility, indication of 112 fidelity 131 Fodor, Jerry 36, 39 folk psychology 92 food preference module 57 free-rider problem 65-8 Freud, Sigmund 10

Gall, Franz Joseph 37 Galton, Francis 155 Gangestad, Steve 110 generosity 104 genes 15-20, 50, 7 4

genetic determinism 154-66 and reproduction 107 God 12, 25 Gould, Stephen Jay 140


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