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Index Germany 151 God 100 Alembert, J . le Rond d' Goethe , J . W. von 161 60-3 Physiocrats 104 politics 96-105 British 39, 103 Locke 41 , 42 American Revolution 145 Hamann , Georg 158-9 Pope, the 29 art 78-9 Helvetius, C.-A. 89-90 psychology 14 Bacon , Francis 41, 42 Holbach , Baron d' 91-2 Bauman, Zygmunt 173 Hume, David 121-5, 132 Quesnay, Frangois 137 Blake, William 155-7 industry and science 59 reason 10 British politics 39 , 103 religion 114-17, 119-22 Bufton, Comte de 86 Jaucourt , Ch. de 61 , 64 freedom 7 Catherine the Great 107 Jefferson , Thomas 41 , Voltaire 36-7 Catholic Church , France 148 see also Catholic Johnson , Samuel 142-3 112 causality 124 censorship 58 Chatelet, Marquise du 56-7 158 Church, France ; God Robespierre , Maximilien Kant, Immanuel 151-2 , 168 Romanticism 133 , 172 Condillac , Etienne 11 Kierkegaard, S0ren 158 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques consciousness 12 19, 80-3 , 128-33 , Coste, Pierre 12 labour 139-41 140-1 crafts and trades 64 Linnaeus, Carl 85 after death 169-71 Locke , John 6, 9-11 , Russell, Bertrand 125 Declaration of Independence 146 14-16 , 41,43 London Desaguliers , J.T. 47 , 69 coffee houses 9 Descartes , Rene 1 o growth 8 Dictionary of the English Language 142 Malesherbes, C.-G. de Diderot, Denis 50 , 60-1, 70-3 74-7, 93, 110-11 materialism 87-90 Russia 107 Saint-Just, L.-A . de 168 salons 54-5 science 124 and industry 59 Newton 44-7 self , the 125 Catherine the Gt. 107-9 mathematics, Newton and Rousseau 131 44-7 Shaftesbury , Lord 6 slavery 148-50 see also Encyclopedie Mendelssohn, Moses 117 Smith , Adam 134-43 Mesmer , Franz 59 Spirit of the Laws, The economics 135-41 education 164 Mettrie , J.O . de la 88 miracles 120-1 33, 100-2 Sterne, Laurence 14 Encyclopedie 60-70 , 107 monarchies 4 explained 77 Rousseau 80 Enlightenment those against 155 Montesquieu, Baron 25-35 , 41 , 98-104 politics 96-103 music 126-7 defined 153-4 Sturm und Orang 160-1 System of Nature 92 Theory of Moral Sentiments 136, 140 Tristram Shandy 15 end of 168 language 4 today 172-3 natural law theory 100 Turgot, A.-R .-J. 165 nature 84-6, 120 Newton, Isaac 41, 44-7 understanding, limits of 13 Epinay, Madame d' 55 "noble savage" , the 24-5 universe , Newton 45 Essay Concerning Human Nouvelle Heloise , La 130 Understanding 6, 10, 15 novels 17-23 experience 1 0, 17 Paris society 5 Voltaire 19-21, 47, 50, 56-7 exiled in England 34-9 Frederick the Great 106 Franklin, Benjamin 144, 147 Persian Letters, The religion 114 Frederick II 106, 117 freemasonry 118-19 26-32,35 vs . Rousseau 83 philosophes, the 48-54 , 58 on social injustice 162-4 French , language of the materialism 87 Enlightenment 4-5 French Revolution 8, 166-7 , 172 politics 1 04-5 Watt, James 59 and Rousseau 130 Wealth of Nations 138-9 see also Encyclopedie women 52-7 176
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Germany 151

God 100

Alembert, J . le Rond d' Goethe , J . W. von 161


Physiocrats 104

politics 96-105

British 39, 103

Locke 41 , 42

American Revolution 145 Hamann , Georg 158-9 Pope, the 29 art 78-9 Helvetius, C.-A. 89-90 psychology 14 Bacon , Francis 41, 42 Holbach , Baron d' 91-2 Bauman, Zygmunt 173 Hume, David 121-5, 132 Quesnay, Frangois 137 Blake, William 155-7 industry and science 59 reason 10 British politics 39 , 103 religion 114-17, 119-22 Bufton, Comte de 86 Jaucourt , Ch. de 61 , 64 freedom 7 Catherine the Great 107 Jefferson , Thomas 41 , Voltaire 36-7 Catholic Church , France 148 see also Catholic

Johnson , Samuel 142-3


causality 124

censorship 58

Chatelet, Marquise du 56-7 158

Church, France ; God

Robespierre , Maximilien

Kant, Immanuel 151-2 , 168

Romanticism 133 , 172

Condillac , Etienne 11 Kierkegaard, S0ren 158 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques consciousness 12 19, 80-3 , 128-33 , Coste, Pierre 12 labour 139-41 140-1 crafts and trades 64 Linnaeus, Carl 85 after death 169-71

Locke , John 6, 9-11 ,

Russell, Bertrand 125

Declaration of

Independence 146

14-16 , 41,43


Desaguliers , J.T. 47 , 69 coffee houses 9

Descartes , Rene 1 o growth 8

Dictionary of the English

Language 142

Malesherbes, C.-G. de

Diderot, Denis 50 , 60-1, 70-3

74-7, 93, 110-11 materialism 87-90

Russia 107

Saint-Just, L.-A . de 168

salons 54-5

science 124

and industry 59

Newton 44-7

self , the 125

Catherine the Gt. 107-9 mathematics, Newton and Rousseau 131


Shaftesbury , Lord 6

slavery 148-50

see also Encyclopedie Mendelssohn, Moses 117 Smith , Adam 134-43

Mesmer , Franz 59

Spirit of the Laws, The economics 135-41

education 164

Mettrie , J.O . de la 88

miracles 120-1

33, 100-2

Sterne, Laurence 14

Encyclopedie 60-70 , 107 monarchies 4

explained 77

Rousseau 80

Enlightenment those against 155

Montesquieu, Baron

25-35 , 41 , 98-104

politics 96-103

music 126-7

defined 153-4

Sturm und Orang 160-1

System of Nature 92

Theory of Moral

Sentiments 136, 140

Tristram Shandy 15

end of 168

language 4

today 172-3

natural law theory 100 Turgot, A.-R .-J. 165

nature 84-6, 120

Newton, Isaac 41, 44-7 understanding, limits of 13

Epinay, Madame d' 55 "noble savage" , the 24-5 universe , Newton 45 Essay Concerning Human Nouvelle Heloise , La 130

Understanding 6, 10, 15 novels 17-23

experience 1 0, 17

Paris society 5

Voltaire 19-21, 47, 50, 56-7

exiled in England 34-9

Frederick the Great 106

Franklin, Benjamin 144, 147 Persian Letters, The religion 114

Frederick II 106, 117

freemasonry 118-19


vs . Rousseau 83

philosophes, the 48-54 , 58 on social injustice 162-4

French , language of the materialism 87

Enlightenment 4-5

French Revolution 8,

166-7 , 172

politics 1 04-5

Watt, James 59

and Rousseau 130

Wealth of Nations 138-9

see also Encyclopedie women 52-7


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