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This edition published in the UK in 2012 by Icon Books Ltd, Omnibus Business Centre, 39–41 North Road, London N7 9DP email: Sold in the UK, Europe and Asia by Faber & Faber Ltd, Bloomsbury House, 74–77 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DA or their agents Distributed in South Africa by Jonathan Ball, Office B4, The District, 41 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock 7925 Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, PO Box 8500, 83 Alexander Street, Crows Nest, NSW 2065 Distributed in the USA by Publishers Group West, 1700 Fourth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 Distributed in Canada by Publishers Group Canada, 76 Stafford Street, Unit 300 Toronto, Ontario M6J 2S1 First published in 1993 as Jesus for Beginners ISBN: 978-184831-409-2 Text copyright © 1993 Anthony O’Hear Illustrations copyright © 2012 Icon Books Ltd The author has asserted his moral rights. Originating editor: Richard Appignanesi No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Printed by Clays Ltd, St Ives plc
page 5
lie . icene reecf I 6dieve in one {joa tlie :Fattier Jlimigfz.ty, ').{aR.?r of lieaven ana eartfz., Jlna of a[{ tfz.ings visi6fo ana invi.si6fo: Jlna in one Lora Jesus Cfz.rist, tlie on{y 6egotten Son of (Joa, 'Begotten of ;}{is :Fattier 6efore af{ wor{as, (Joa of (Joa, Ligfz.t of Ligfi.t, 'Very {joa of very (Joa, 'Begotten, not made, 'Being of one suGstance witfi. tlie :f atlier1 'By 'Whom a[{ tfz.ings were made; 'Wfi.o for us men1 ana for our sa{vation came aown from lieaven, Jlna was incarnate 6y tlie ;J{o{y (jfiost of tfi.e o/i1lJin ').{ary, Jlna was made man. Jlna was crucifiea also for us unaer Pontius Puate. ;J{e sufferea ana was 6uriec{, Jlna tfi.e tliira tfay ;J{e rose again accoraing to tlie Scriptures, Jlna ascend£a into lieaven, Jlna sittetfz. on tfz.e rigfz.t Fi.and of tlie :Fattier. Jlna ;J{e sfi.a{{ come again witfz. gfory to juage Gotfz. the quick ana the aeatf: <Wfz.ose kingtfom sliaf{ fz.ave no entf. Jlna I 6dieve in the ;J{o{y (jfi.ost1 tlie Lora ana (jiver of {ife, Wfi.o proceed£tfi from the !fattier ana the Soni Wfi.o witfi tlie :Father ana Son together is worsfiippeti ana gforifi,ec{, Wfi.o spaK..? 6y the Prophets. Jlna I Ge{ieve in one Catfi.o{icf<_ana Jlposto{icR_Cfz.urcfi.. I acR_nowfeage one 'Baptism for tlie remission of sins. Jlna I foo(for the !f<Jsurrection of tlie aeac{, Jlna tlie {ife of the Wor{a to come. Jlmen. I .H ; I) • J_ 1 111!1'11." t 'H "'7 - ◄. q 1 ·, t . ,a 5


. icene reecf

I 6dieve in one {joa tlie :Fattier Jlimigfz.ty, ').{aR.?r of lieaven ana eartfz., Jlna of a[{ tfz.ings visi6fo ana invi.si6fo: Jlna in one Lora Jesus Cfz.rist, tlie on{y 6egotten Son of (Joa, 'Begotten of ;}{is :Fattier 6efore af{ wor{as, (Joa of (Joa, Ligfz.t of Ligfi.t, 'Very {joa of very (Joa, 'Begotten, not made, 'Being of one suGstance witfi. tlie :f atlier1 'By 'Whom a[{ tfz.ings were made; 'Wfi.o for us men1 ana for our sa{vation came aown from lieaven, Jlna was incarnate 6y tlie ;J{o{y (jfiost of tfi.e o/i1lJin ').{ary, Jlna was made man. Jlna was crucifiea also for us unaer Pontius Puate. ;J{e sufferea ana was 6uriec{, Jlna tfi.e tliira tfay ;J{e rose again accoraing to tlie Scriptures, Jlna ascend£a into lieaven, Jlna sittetfz. on tfz.e rigfz.t Fi.and of tlie :Fattier. Jlna ;J{e sfi.a{{ come again witfz. gfory to juage Gotfz. the quick ana the aeatf:

I .H ; I) • J_ 1 111!1'11." t 'H "'7 - ◄. q 1 ·, t . ,a 5

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