June 2020 Volume 71 No. 6 Editor John Allison Deputy Editors Erica Jeal Henrietta Bredin Commercial Director Megan Jackson Editorial Board Hugh Canning Rupert Christiansen Andrew Clark Andrew Clements Richard Fairman George Hall Fiona Maddocks Roger Parker Editorial Offices 36 Black Lion Lane London W6 9BE Telephone: 020 85 889 editor@opera.co.uk www.opera.co.uk operamagazine @operamagazine @opera_magazine Subscriptions and customer services Esco, Trinity House, Sculpins Lane, Wethersfield, Braintree CM7 4AY Telephone: 01 71 85180 Fax: 01 71 851808 opera@escosubs.co.uk Digital edition Exact Editions support@exacteditions.com www.exacteditions.com/opera Advertising Jane Stoggles, Cabbells Ltd Telephone: 020 0 79 0 jane@cabbell.co.uk Front cover Nicole Chevalier as Leonore at the Theater an der Wien (see p. 720-22) (photo: Monika Rittershaus)
Opera, June 2020
Founded in 1950 by the Earl of Harewood
Past Editors Harold Rosenthal and Rodney Milnes
677 Honk if you’ve got an idea By the Editor 678 Opera in the time of Covid Michael Chance talks to John Allison 681 Readers’ letters 683 People 484: Tomáš Hanus Henrietta Bredin 688 The show must go on? Opera Europa’s Nicholas Payne on the future for opera performance 691 Newsdesk 694 In pursuit of Russia Ditlev Rindom looks at ‘Fedora’ and beyond 701 A passage to opera On the 50th anniversary of E.M. Forster’s death, Rupert Christiansen considers his operatic writing 707 A life-changing voice John Berry on bringing Pavarotti back to the stage 710 John Tooley, 1924-2020 icholas a ne pa s tri te to an in ential g re both inside Covent Garden and out 713 Obituaries 719 Opera around the world 760 Opera on CD 769 Opera on DVD and Blu-ray 774 Opera books 777 Coming events including plans for Helsinki, Montreal, Paris (Champs- lysées) and Toulouse; ‘We hear that ’; Opera calendar abroad 783 Classified advertisements 784 For the record Jamie Barton