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CONTENTS Recovery time Issue 321 July/August 2020 1 WELCOME FRONTLINE 4 NEWS ECOLOGIST 10 ONE PLANET, ONE HEALTH Our toxic food system must not survive this crisis, writes Vandana Shiva 14 FOOD-CHAIN REACTION Laurie King reports on the UK’s most northerly community-run agriculture project 16 CHEERING ON A FIGUREHEAD PL Henderson reflects on Greta Thunberg’s legacy in Portugal 17 LET’S FACE IT A group of artists use face masks to make a statement on our times 18 GARDENING FOR THE EARTH Stephen Blackmore and Gunter Fischer share the lessons of restoration in Hong Kong 20 DEFENDING LAKE KOP Eleanor Rose reports from Bosnia 22 MONEY CAN GROW ON TREES We must rethink the value of forests if we are to save them, argues Simon M. Lamb Cover image: Buzz, 12" x 12", acrylic on maple panel, 2019 by Tiffany Bozic Bozic’s work features in Biophilia, an online exhibition by KEYNOTES 24 BUILDING A NEW NORMAL The path towards regenerative economies is made by walking it, writes Daniel Christian Wahl UNDERCURRENTS: PEATLANDS 30 FOR PEAT’S SAKE Sarah Proctor celebrates International Bog Day 32 GIVE PEAT A CHANCE Photographer Lizzie Shepherd visits Fleet Moss 34 FUEL FOR THOUGHT Donald Murray explores the good and the dark side to peat-digging 36 PROTECTING TROPICAL PEATLANDS We share news of a potentially ground-saving project 38 DIGGING A HOLE FOR OURSELVES Nicky Scott questions the use of peat in gardens NEW ONLINE Resurgence & Ecologist book club To help readers connect with each other in these times of self-isolation, we have launched an online book club with a new book set each month. See members page 70. Daily news from the front line of the environmental movement. Sign up for daily, weekly and monthly newsletters and never miss a story Social Media Twitter: @Resurgence_mag @the_ecologist Facebook: Resurgencetrust TheEcologist Instagram: @resurgencetrust Resurgence & Ecologist App Free access for print members: 2 Resurgence & Ecologist July/August 2020
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WISDOM & WELLBEING 40 CORONAVIRUS: THE VOICE OF THE EARTH Satish Kumar asks what lessons we can learn 44 GROW YOUR OWN REMEDIES Anne Stobart shares tips on planting health-boosting herbs 46 AN INVITATION INTO HEARTBREAK Embrace anxiety to connect with the world, writes Steffi Bednarek 48 A BLOSSOMING INDUSTRY Flower grower Jen Stuart-Smith explains why she stopped digging ARTS 50 CULTURE SHIFT The art world must adapt quickly to survive these times, argues Heather Ackroyd 54 HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS PL Henderson speaks to sculptor Walter Bailey 60 VOICE OF A GENERATION Anna Turns reviews Our House is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis by Malena and Beata Ernman, Svante and Greta Thunberg 61 ALL IS ONE Russell Warfield reviews The Self Delusion: The Surprising Science of How We Are Connected and Why That Matters by Tom Oliver 62 BIRD’S EYE VIEW Jackie Morris reviews The Birds They Sang: Birds and People in Life and Art by Stanisław Łubieński 63 MAGIC MUSHROOMS Nat Dyer reviews Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures by Merlin Sheldrake 64 A QUEST FOR DARKNESS Kate Blincoe reviews Under the Stars: A Journey into Light by Matt Gaw 65 THE SPIRIT OF THE LAND Stephen Moss reviews Wanderland: A Search for Magic in the Landscape by Jini Reddy REVIEWS 58 NATURE CURE Sophie Yeo reviews The Natural Health Service: What the Great Outdoors Can Do for Your Mind by Isabel Hardman and Losing Eden: Why Our Minds Need the Wild by Lucy Jones 66 SHOP 68 LETTERS 70 MEMBERS 71 ADVERTISEMENTS 24 Magazine Editorial Marianne Brown Helen Banks Rachel Marsh Emily Martin Emma Randall Julia Willan The Ecologist Brendan Montague Marianne Brooker The Resurgence Trust Editor Emeritus Satish Kumar PA to Satish Kumar Elaine Green Trust Manager Angie Burke Finance Manager Mark Gough Resurgence Centre Events Manager Amy Lythgoe-Jones Fundraising Manager Sharon Garfinkel +44 (0)7435 781842 Outreach Officer Georgie Gilmore Membership & Classified Advertising Jeanette Gill Mandy Kessell +44 (0)1208 841824 Office Assistant Jenny Routley +44 (0)1237 441293 Advertising Sales Dan Raymond-Barker +44 (0)7776 361671 Resurgence & Ecologist is published by The Resurgence Trust, a registered educational charity (no. 1120414) Registered office: The Resurgence Centre, Fore Street, Hartland, Bideford, Devon EX39 6AB, UK +44 (0)1237 441293 Issue 321 Resurgence & Ecologist 3



OF THE EARTH Satish Kumar asks what lessons we can learn 44 GROW YOUR OWN REMEDIES Anne Stobart shares tips on planting health-boosting herbs 46 AN INVITATION INTO

HEARTBREAK Embrace anxiety to connect with the world, writes Steffi Bednarek 48 A BLOSSOMING INDUSTRY Flower grower Jen Stuart-Smith explains why she stopped digging


50 CULTURE SHIFT The art world must adapt quickly to survive these times, argues Heather Ackroyd 54 HOME IS WHERE THE ART IS PL Henderson speaks to sculptor

Walter Bailey

60 VOICE OF A GENERATION Anna Turns reviews Our House is on

Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis by Malena and Beata Ernman, Svante and Greta Thunberg 61 ALL IS ONE Russell Warfield reviews The Self

Delusion: The Surprising Science of How We Are Connected and Why That Matters by Tom Oliver 62 BIRD’S EYE VIEW Jackie Morris reviews The Birds They

Sang: Birds and People in Life and Art by Stanisław Łubieński 63 MAGIC MUSHROOMS Nat Dyer reviews Entangled Life: How

Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures by Merlin Sheldrake 64 A QUEST FOR DARKNESS Kate Blincoe reviews Under the Stars: A

Journey into Light by Matt Gaw 65 THE SPIRIT OF THE LAND Stephen Moss reviews Wanderland: A

Search for Magic in the Landscape by Jini Reddy


58 NATURE CURE Sophie Yeo reviews The Natural Health

Service: What the Great Outdoors Can Do for Your Mind by Isabel Hardman and Losing Eden: Why Our Minds Need the Wild by Lucy Jones






Magazine Editorial Marianne Brown Helen Banks Rachel Marsh Emily Martin Emma Randall Julia Willan The Ecologist Brendan Montague Marianne Brooker The Resurgence Trust Editor Emeritus Satish Kumar PA to Satish Kumar Elaine Green Trust Manager Angie Burke Finance Manager Mark Gough Resurgence Centre Events Manager Amy Lythgoe-Jones Fundraising Manager Sharon Garfinkel +44 (0)7435 781842 Outreach Officer Georgie Gilmore

Membership & Classified Advertising Jeanette Gill Mandy Kessell +44 (0)1208 841824 Office Assistant Jenny Routley +44 (0)1237 441293 Advertising Sales Dan Raymond-Barker +44 (0)7776 361671

Resurgence & Ecologist is published by The Resurgence Trust, a registered educational charity (no. 1120414) Registered office: The Resurgence Centre, Fore Street, Hartland, Bideford, Devon EX39 6AB, UK +44 (0)1237 441293

Issue 321

Resurgence & Ecologist


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