48. Let me do that
50. Yesterday we filled
51. I can’t compete with the rock-god superhero
51. Oh go ahead with giving head to the godhead
52. Still here, Catullus? Why put off the lethal dose?
56. Oh you’ll love this
58 . Glue. Bit. Oh Caelius –
60. You got your manners from scavenging mountain lions? 52 63 . Attis Superhighway vector Otis otorhinolaryngeal 53 68 . Floorwork You write to me tearful castaway gasping 57 68(b). Eight transitions Muses, unpeg my tongue 58 70. She says she wouldn’t marry 62 72. When I saw everything through gauze 63 73. They won’t break your fall but they smash up everything else 64 75. This is what we’ve come to, Clodia 65 76. Intra-Venus What does being honest feel like? 66 77. Well, Captain Scarlet 67 79. Brother/switch 68 81. Couldn’t you find a decent rigger, Juventius 69 82. Look at me, Quintius 70 83. Clodia lingers over all my faults 71 84 . Haspirations, says ’Arry 72 85. Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris? 73 86. And that’s supposed to be beautiful – 74 87. No woman can attest that she 75 91. No, Gellius. 76 92. Clodia slanders me on oath 77 93. Trinidadian Creole by Jason Anthony Henry Caesar yuh see me 78 93 . And your mother I can’t be arsed to please you, Caesar 78 96. If the silent coffin space 79 99. I couldn’t stop myself 80 100. Verona’s hottest boys 81