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Issue • th quarter Contents ACTIONS & EVENTS FORUM 4 From the editor 5 NewsNewprotest, New College 8 Obituaries 10 MediawatchPhilosophyandphilosophers in the mass media 12 ThreadsWorking-class heroes 14 Feature: Fighting closure Nina Power examines the strategies 17 Word of Mouse Waging cyberwar 61 An open future Alfred Mele on chance and choice 66 The problem of lucky guesses Duncan Pritchard has a solution 72 Luck and happiness John Sellars takes the stoics’ tough line 77 Luck of the draw Nafsika Athanassoulis on morality and jammed guns 82 You don’t believe in luck Darren Domsky explains why 87 Suffering misfortune Alexander Brown on social justice THOUGHTS 19 The Interview Kit Fine’s cure for vagueness 28 Sci-PhiNicerobots finish first 31 TPM Essay Raymond Tallis on the brain 43 Illness or moral failing? Rachel Cooper on disorders 48 Letter from … Joe Friggieri in Malta 52 Pyke’s portraits Cynthia Freeland considers the faces of philosophers THE LOWDOWN 93 Pop culture Is Superman un-American? 97 Snapshot: Thomas Reid James A Harris perceives things tpm 4TH QUARTER 2011
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REVIEW 100 New books, etc Selves, poems, votes, beers and a film 114 Author Q & A Carolyn Korsmeyer on disgusting art 116 Imagine that Balloon world 119 Review of reviews What the critics said about Dworkin and Ramachandran LAST WORD 120 My philosophy Jesse Norman on big ideas in politics 127 The Skeptic When science is messy The Philosophers’ Magazine, Saddler Street, Durham, DH NP, UK Tel: Fax: Editor James Garvey Editor-in-chief Julian Baggini Reviews editor Jean Kazez Obituaries Adam Ferner Editorial Advisory Board Miranda Fricker, Simon Glendinning, Daniel D Hutto, Susan James, David Papineau, Nina Power, Anthony Price, Jonathan Rée, Richard Schoch, Barry C Smith, Jonathan Wolff Illustrations/Graphics Felix Bennett, Adam Ferner, Gareth Southwell Contributors Michael Antony, Nafsika Athanassoulis, Ophelia Benson, Alexander Brown, Rachel Cooper, Darren Domsky, Luciano Floridi, Cynthia Freeland, Joe Friggieri, Wendy M Grossman, Steven Hales, James A Harris, Alan Haworth, Robert J Howell, Mathew Iredale, Rodger Jackson, Troy Jollimore, Jane Clare Jones, Amy Kind, John Koethe, Carolyn Korsmeyer, Alfred Mele, James O’Connor, Duncan Pritchard, Nina Power, George Rowe, John Sellars, Raymond Tallis, Andrew Terjesen Contributors' Notes Contact the editor to submit proposals. Please do not send unsolicited manuscripts. UK distribution Central Books, 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020 8985 4854 North America distribution Source Interlink, 27500 Riverview Center Blvd., Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 Tel: (239) 949-4450 Printed by MPG Books Group Subscriptions UK: +44 (0) 1442 820580 North America: 1 800 444 2419 See page 11 for full details © 2011 Acumen Publishing Ltd and contributors ISSN 1354-814X All views expressed in TPM represent those of the authors of each article and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publisher. Cover Original artwork by Felix Bennett 4TH QUARTER 2011 tpm 4TH QUARTER 2011 tpm

Issue • th quarter




4 From the editor 5 NewsNewprotest, New College

8 Obituaries 10 MediawatchPhilosophyandphilosophers in the mass media

12 ThreadsWorking-class heroes

14 Feature: Fighting closure Nina Power examines the strategies

17 Word of Mouse Waging cyberwar

61 An open future Alfred Mele on chance and choice

66 The problem of lucky guesses Duncan Pritchard has a solution

72 Luck and happiness John Sellars takes the stoics’ tough line

77 Luck of the draw Nafsika Athanassoulis on morality and jammed guns

82 You don’t believe in luck Darren Domsky explains why

87 Suffering misfortune Alexander Brown on social justice


19 The Interview Kit Fine’s cure for vagueness

28 Sci-PhiNicerobots finish first

31 TPM Essay Raymond Tallis on the brain

43 Illness or moral failing? Rachel Cooper on disorders

48 Letter from … Joe Friggieri in Malta

52 Pyke’s portraits Cynthia Freeland considers the faces of philosophers


93 Pop culture Is Superman un-American?

97 Snapshot: Thomas Reid James A Harris perceives things tpm 4TH QUARTER 2011

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