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CONTENTS Small is beautiful Issue 327 July/August 2021 Cover image: Slime mould (Lamproderma scintillans) sporangia growing on a rotting oak leaf © Andy Sands / 1 WELCOME FRONTLINE 4 NEWS ECOLOGIST 10 AGRICULTURE AT A CROSSROADS Renuka Odedra reports on India’s mass farmer protests 14 ROOTS AND FRUITS Vandana K meets an all-women producers’ collective in the Himalayas 16 THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP Conservation science and traditional knowledge are helping save Australia’s wildlife, reports Kieran Lynn 20 “THINGS CAN HEAL” Laura Alcock-Ferguson visits the home of the Survivor Tree in Scotland 22 PANDEMIC ON A PLATE The UN Food Systems Summit is a chance for change, writes Philip Lymbery KEYNOTES 24 A TIME OF DERANGEMENT In this time of toxic normality, we need soulful connection with the world, argues Steffi Bednarek UNDERCURRENTS: SCHUMACHER LEGACY 28 SCHOOL FOR LIFE Satish Kumar introduces our themed section 30 REIMAGINING LEARNING Times of crisis often lead to creativity, writes Alan Boldon 34 ECONOMY, ECOLOGY AND EQUITY Ann Pettifor recalls the roots of the Green New Deal WISDOM & WELLBEING 36 THE OVERVIEW EFFECT Frank White tells Nat Dyer about the spiritual impact of seeing the Earth from space 38 MOON HARVEST A group of experts are calling for lunar legal protection 40 BEYOND ORGANIC Biodynamic farming is taking root in Moldova, reports Coreen Grant 44 THE BEES’ TREES Dave Goulson shares some tips for attracting pollinators 46 AN ENCHANTED PLACE Jonathan Stedall explores the wisdom of Winnie-the- Pooh 48 SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY In the face of climate breakdown, we need both, writes Satish Kumar 2 Resurgence & Ecologist July/August 2021


Small is beautiful Issue 327 July/August 2021

Cover image: Slime mould (Lamproderma scintillans) sporangia growing on a rotting oak leaf

© Andy Sands /





10 AGRICULTURE AT A CROSSROADS Renuka Odedra reports on India’s mass farmer protests 14 ROOTS AND FRUITS Vandana K meets an all-women producers’ collective in the Himalayas 16 THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP Conservation science and traditional knowledge are helping save Australia’s wildlife, reports Kieran Lynn 20 “THINGS CAN HEAL” Laura Alcock-Ferguson visits the home of the Survivor

Tree in Scotland 22 PANDEMIC ON A PLATE The UN Food Systems Summit is a chance for change,

writes Philip Lymbery


24 A TIME OF DERANGEMENT In this time of toxic normality, we need soulful connection with the world, argues Steffi Bednarek


28 SCHOOL FOR LIFE Satish Kumar introduces our themed section 30 REIMAGINING LEARNING Times of crisis often lead to creativity, writes Alan Boldon 34 ECONOMY, ECOLOGY AND EQUITY

Ann Pettifor recalls the roots of the Green New Deal



Frank White tells Nat Dyer about the spiritual impact of seeing the Earth from space 38 MOON HARVEST

A group of experts are calling for lunar legal protection 40 BEYOND ORGANIC Biodynamic farming is taking root in Moldova, reports

Coreen Grant 44 THE BEES’ TREES Dave Goulson shares some tips for attracting pollinators 46 AN ENCHANTED PLACE Jonathan Stedall explores the wisdom of Winnie-the-

Pooh 48 SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY In the face of climate breakdown, we need both, writes

Satish Kumar

2 Resurgence & Ecologist

July/August 2021

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