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1. Inner visions: contemporary art and domestic space 11 2. The atrocity exhibition 20 3. The refugee aesthetic 27 4. The art of taking hostages 36 5. Film of folly 45 6. Art & Language 54 7. Implicated in history 67 8. Marc Atkins: fleeing the light 74 9. True longitude: Atkins’s Interstices 78 10. Cul-de-sac cinema 81 11. Stephen Chambers: spinning the compass 84 12. An island romance: The Court of Redonda 91 13. Jake and Dinos Chapman: the surplus value of Hell 99 14. Lessness 107 15. The inscapes of Tony Cragg 113 16. Feeling for tremors: the drawings of John Gibbons 121 17. Like a hinge 123 18. Maintaining transmission 128 19. Antony Gormley: body count 133 20. Visible entropy 143 21. Damien Hirst: butterfly affect 152 22. Ilya and Emilia Kabakov: agents and patients 162 23. Frostworks 170 24. The flight of the artist: wings of desire 183 25. Angelology: holding patterns 192 26. Anselm Kiefer: waterworld 200 27. Inside the white crypt 207 28. Albert Oehlen: storm damage 217

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