‘when they left’ Following the fall of Granada and the brutal persecution by the Inquisition of conversos (converts to Christianity) suspected of practising the Jewish faith, the Catholic monarchs Fernando and Isabel issued a Charter of Expulsion. In this Charter, all Jews refusing to convert to Christianity were ordered to leave the country. Between 100,000 and 150,000 Jews went into exile in 1492. The epigraph is from a poem by Avraham Ibn Ezra (c.1093–c.1167) translated by Peter Cole in his book The Dream of the Poem. ‘baptism of Muslim women’ after the recapture of Granada by the Catholic monarchs Fernando and Isabel, tolerance and freedom of worship was promised in the Capitulations of Granada. However this was followed by mass forced baptisms of Muslims and the burning of thousands of Arabic books in Granada. ‘moriscos’ the moriscos were the Muslims and their descendants who were forced to convert to Christianity following the fall of Granada in 1492. In 1609, an edict issued by King Felipe ordered the expulsion of all moriscos from Spain.