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page 142
’ s C h u r c h s w a l d O140 S t ere rasm G ear lier, ing , ing ild s, the ne w-cut laths. eth som the wal ls, stor age of pr ayer, but also patience like the first act of bu br anc h-beam ilings and p – , auroc h-cow ilder into by bu bef ores in L ayers. Pr iors and , crow laited p an str ata of hum wattle, ivy-sap if ting sh sweat and . D ung scr aped and in stuff ed . Curr aghs of mud le. Fur. S tr aw ish e bur n . Th ish er. L ater the my stics a fin to , far m , smoothed , slate-scr aped scr aped ad , stoc k-stealer, nom . S hepherd and along in ing S helter f or al l. Pebb sorrel-sweet, stuff ed r ubb of ordure and , ’s tempor ar y is a by re. Functional, it has the herder it of gather ing tenders of beasts. Pasture, the hab and faith ith w beasts and inter ing lace. Burgeoned p is c hurc h the hear t of th though ide as a house f or w a good f ter thought – itecture, w arc h val le y, lake. A
page 143
anent. ains per m rem les and by a saint, it cr umb , consecr ated S unday istor ians and , ing if t, far away low itations of h ed , sh iny by f eet, thud ent, under ser vices, tours, m sh flagstone walked on ilt-up to, bu ilt-on bu under the sacr am And c hurc h-goers, under eac h . ld f o ercian le, a M the r ushes of the stal ls, aub . D is c heek h on al-heat, the wal ls of a stab in eared idden ir t sm there half-h e has d . H in im . And ’s th pelt-press, stink-fleece, an in is br inging agine. S he . Im , th on an a m ing and c lose-up l way s go A an a wom tops les and an l as trees, m . Awake. r ists, the so the w s, hands to palm ents, stained , peacefu . Exhausted our e yes. Amused ild lds a c h s, she ho opens its e yes. S tares into ar m ild their gar m has spattered her brown e c h . Th of their f eet. In sleep an wom and 141

’ s C h u r c h s w a l d

O140 S t ere rasm


ear lier,



ing ild s, the ne w-cut laths.

eth som the wal ls, stor age of pr ayer, but also patience like the first act of bu br anc h-beam ilings and p

, auroc h-cow ilder into by bu bef ores in

L ayers. Pr iors and

, crow laited p an str ata of hum wattle, ivy-sap if ting sh sweat and

. D ung scr aped and in stuff ed

. Curr aghs of mud le. Fur. S tr aw ish e bur n

. Th ish er. L ater the my stics a fin to

, far m

, smoothed

, slate-scr aped scr aped ad

, stoc k-stealer, nom

. S hepherd and along in ing

S helter f or al l. Pebb sorrel-sweet, stuff ed r ubb of ordure and


’s tempor ar y is a by re. Functional, it has the herder it of gather ing tenders of beasts. Pasture,

the hab and faith ith w beasts and inter ing lace. Burgeoned p is c hurc h the hear t of th though ide as a house f or w a good f ter thought –

itecture, w arc h val le y, lake. A

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