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page 146
Air The words in italics are etymological roots or sources for the following connected words: air, breath, animal, deer, dear, spirit, wind, wander, herd, beast, wolf. Midnight, Beltane, Soyland Moor The sea-starved sea: this is a reference to a line from the poem ‘A Crazed Girl’ by W.B. Yeats. The actual line is: But sang, ‘O sea-starved, hungry sea.’ Pause Selah: The actual meaning of the word selah is not quite clear but it occurs in the Psalms and probably comes from the Hebrew. It is thought to indicate a musical direction for a pause, or a break in the singing, which is how it is used here, but has various other interesting interpretations. 144
page 147
nowledgements Thanks are due to to the editors of the The Compass Magazine, The Fortnightly Review, The North, PN Review, Pennine Platform, Shearsman Magazine, the anthology This Place I Know (Handstand Press, 2018). Thanks too to the following blogs, John Foggin’s The Great Fogginzo’s Cobweb, and Kim Moore: Poetry. Many thanks and acknowledgements to the Wordsworth Trust, and to the Hawthornden Retreat. They both provided opportunities for exceptional residencies for which I feel most grateful. There is a community of outstanding local and Northern poets who together make a fabric that is holding and supportive. Sometimes this manifests through discussion and comradeship, sometimes through providing each other with direct responses to each others’ work, and often by individuals generously making wonderful poetry events happen so we can all participate. I cannot name them all, but amongst the people who make things happen are Stephanie Bowgett, Sarah Corbett, Anthony Costello, Julia Deakin, John Duffy, Steve Ely, John Foggin, Bob Horne, Ian Humphries, Sarah Hymas, Nigel King, Kim Moore, Peter Riley, Peter Spafford. Warmest thanks also to all the members of the Albert Poets, Poety Club, Puzzle Poets, Writing Group, Elmet Trust and The Bookcase. I am grateful to Jenni Molloy for the inspiration of her music and creativity, and to Sheila Tilmouth for the inspiration of her visual art. Heartfelt thanks also to Tim Moss, Anne Landsman, Helen Tookey, Rob Hale, Albert Potrony, and 145


Thanks are due to to the editors of the The Compass Magazine, The Fortnightly Review, The North, PN Review, Pennine Platform, Shearsman Magazine, the anthology This Place I Know (Handstand Press, 2018). Thanks too to the following blogs, John Foggin’s The Great Fogginzo’s Cobweb, and Kim Moore: Poetry. Many thanks and acknowledgements to the Wordsworth Trust, and to the Hawthornden Retreat. They both provided opportunities for exceptional residencies for which I feel most grateful. There is a community of outstanding local and Northern poets who together make a fabric that is holding and supportive. Sometimes this manifests through discussion and comradeship, sometimes through providing each other with direct responses to each others’ work, and often by individuals generously making wonderful poetry events happen so we can all participate. I cannot name them all, but amongst the people who make things happen are Stephanie Bowgett, Sarah Corbett, Anthony Costello, Julia Deakin, John Duffy, Steve Ely, John Foggin, Bob Horne, Ian Humphries, Sarah Hymas, Nigel King, Kim Moore, Peter Riley, Peter Spafford. Warmest thanks also to all the members of the Albert Poets, Poety Club, Puzzle Poets, Writing Group, Elmet Trust and The Bookcase. I am grateful to Jenni Molloy for the inspiration of her music and creativity, and to Sheila Tilmouth for the inspiration of her visual art. Heartfelt thanks also to Tim Moss, Anne Landsman, Helen Tookey, Rob Hale, Albert Potrony, and


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