J7l ~rry Christmas and a very .2-lappy !.New ]ear
The World of
THE CO MPLETE EMBROIDER Y CENTRE EXHIBITIONS January 7th- February 1st WORK BY THE NEW EMBROIDERY GROUP. A superb select ion from this Nationally renowned organisation. February 4th - March 1st ARTIFACTS AND EMBROIDERIES FROM AFGHANISTAN. An origi nal and personal col lection compiled by Nawal Gebreel. EXCLUSIVE! May 7th - June 28th THE ANCHOR EUROPEAN AWARD FOR MODERN EMBROIDERY -1996. Voirrey Embroidery is again the exclusive venue in the U.K. for the top exhibits from this prestigious bi-annual European competition . To find us, leave M53 at Junction 4 and take A5137 (Heswaii) .The Centre is open weekdays, 10-5 (8pm on the first Thursday of the month) and Sunday 1 to 5pm
The Voirrey Embroidery Centre Brimstage Hall, Wirral L63 SJA Tel: 0151-342 3514 Fax: 0151 -342 5161
PHONE/FAX 01268 271244
THE ULTIMATE TEXTILE BONDING POWDER FOR EMBROIDERY TAPESTRY KNITTING PATCHWORK QUILTING CROSS· STITCH AND MANY OTHER CRAFTS Secure small pieces of fabric before you machine or hand embro id er. You don't need a sheer fabric on the top of yo ur th e work and you can machine or hand embroider with ease wi thout getting glue on yo ur needle. Dries instantly and doesn't alter the feel of the fabric . lt doesn't absorb into the fabric and will not stain or discolour. Supermend can be used for many crafts and is ideal for attaching one piece of fabric to another, ie stabili sing patchwork quilting or applique before you sew. Use to seal down loose thread s in silk or wool. Ideal for cut and sew. Use to seal frayed edges on fabric such as tapestries and cross-stitch . Can also be used to bond fabric to paper, card.board or light wood and even paper to ca rd board so it's ideal for framing. As used by professionals and tutors in colleges , schools for textiles , institutes and for City and Guilds worldwide. FUL~Y WASHABLE , comes with a full set of ins tructions. Fully guaranteed. BSI and CE approved . Non toxic.
TRY IT FOR YOURSELVES. Make cheques or postal orders payable to Supermend Lld
£5.99 for 50gms inc . P&P and full instructions f:7 .99 for 80gms inc . P&P and full instructions
Cover: Pattern in Red by Gertrude Hickson See page 12
Embroiderers' Guild
Membership of the Guild, an educational charity, is open to all interested in the craft of embroidery. In addition there are over 160 Branches in the United Kingdom which arran ge their own programmes and subscripti on rates.
Life Membership £420.00 Life Membership over 60 £2 15.00 Full Membership £26.50 Full Membership over 60£17.50 Students of 15- 25 £10.00 Overseas £ 16.50 Overseas membership for The World of Embroidery subscribers £14.50 Young Texti le Group (under 18)
Individual Member £3.00 Adu lt Member over 18 £6.00
Subscriptions are due on 1st September; half-year on 1st March. For further detai ls, pl ease write with an s.s .a.e . to:
The Embroiderers' Guild Apartment 4 1 H ampton Court Palace East Molesey Surrey KT8 9AU
The World of Embroidery, incorporating the Embroidery magazine.
All edito rial contents © The Embroiderers' Guild 1997
Primed by KSC Primers Ltd, H igh Brooms, Tunbridge \'Veils, Kent
AH rights reserved. No parr of this publ ica ti on may be reproduced, stored in a retri eval system, or tra nsm iu ed in any other form or by any means, electron ic, mechanicaJ , photo-copyi ng, recording or ot herwise, wi thout prior permission of the Embroiderers' Guil d.