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British Journal of
Healthcare Assistants
For HCAs and assistant practitioners
Bladder cancer Series 5, Chronic wounds, Part 3d. Best practice statement, Holistic assessment of venous leg ulceration. Section 4: compression Rare health conditions 24: severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), papilloedema, spondylothoracic dysostosis (STD)
PROFESSIONAL Scottish Healthcare Support Workers Survey Royal College of Nursing Congress 2019 Patient safety is a persistent problem Education requirements for nursing associates
British Journal of
Healthcare Assistants
For HCAs and assistant practitioners
Liver cancer Alzheimer’s disease: diagnosis, treatment and management Best practice statement on holistic management of venous leg ulceration. Section 5: holistic management Rare health conditions 25: Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Kearns-Sayre syndrome, De Clérambault’s syndrome
PROFESSIONAL Mentioning the unmentionable: a stoma care nurse’s journey to discussing sexuality comfortably with ostomates Support staff: an overview of organ donation
Editorial: A rose by any other name Apprentice nursing associates at LNWUH Caring alone: the young carers who struggle to get support Last page. The Singing Hospital: a world first Dementia: prevalence and pathophysiology
Editorial: The gift of life Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s day for support staff NHS drive for diversity in key roles Last page. Mental health issues if you’re gay, lesbian or bisexual Support staff and thyroid disorders
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